
Usually, the rising sun wakes me, I was hoping that I could sleep far past it's first call as I spent little time sleeping last night. As I drifted peacefully through a dreamless sleep that came with exhaustion, I was forcefully pulled from my blissful realm by an outside force.

I awoke groggily and disoriented, I looked around trying to find my bearings, light poured into my room through a small window. "Ah, it's just dawn, I'll answer your call in a moment. Let me have a few more moments rest." I say lucidly at the sunlight streaming through the window.

I try shutting my eyes again, willing my mind to retrace its steps to the realm of sleep I was torn from. Something pulled me from my rest again.....small pokes on my cheek. My eyes open, the fog of sleep lessened somewhat, and I focus on a figure that sat on my chest.

"Good morning Sir Christian, the sun has risen and dawn is here, do you not usually rise with the sun? In any case, it's time for you to start your day."

I groan slightly while taking my cover and putting it over my head, Aliece jumps from my chest to avoid being trapped by the cover. "I had hoped that I would be able to sleep in today, your highness," I say pointedly. "Since you forced me to play until near daybreak, just because faeries don't need sleep, doesn't mean that I don't."

She says with her arms crossed pouting. "I cannot help that it is boring without you Sir Christian, anyway, I forbid you from using such formalities. Please refer to me as Aliece when we are in each other's presence."

My mood brightens slightly, I remove the blanket and admire Aliece's pouting expression, she's just so darn cute when she pouts like that. I sigh, moving to get out of bed while saying.

"As you wish your hi..... Aliece." I catch myself. "I only ask that you would let me sleep in next time you force me to perform an all-night concert."

She nods reluctantly. "My, this sleep is so troublesome, why is it that you humans haven't created one of those...Nǻlဧӭus [Spells] for it." She says in fae, not knowing the equivalent word for English.

I look at her confused. "What do you mean, Faeries are one of the few species that are able to absorb mana particles, that's the reason they don't need food, water, or sleep and why they have much longer lifespans than most other species. Is it that you didn't know how your race was able to do that?"

She looks at me with an even more confused expression, then asks. "I'm sorry these, how you say....Mana Perticlez, they're a foreign concept to me, what are they?"

My inner teacher awakens at her question and I became thrilled at the chance to explain some of the knowledge I have, "I don't have Common Knowledge Lv.5 for nothing." I think proudly to myself."

"There are two types of mana that can be generated, mana from creatures, and mana from objects. Mana from creatures is the energy that is created by their bodies, this is usually done by converting food into energy and that energy into mana. Mana particles are created naturally by the world, it's actually quite a debated subject, we still don't really know for certain where mana particles come from, but the most widely accepted belief is that plants create them."

She nods with understanding, this makes me very happy for some reason. She asks. "But what does this have to do with faeries?"

I think for a second, trying to find a way to explain it in a way that she can understand. An idea comes to mind, I connect to my mana and say illuminate all [Holy Light] then a ball of luminous white light appears floating above my hand. As it fades I connect to my mana and do the same thing, but mentally casting the spell instead, there was no change.

"Usually if I cast that spell with an incantation the light would be brighter, but you seem to be absorbing a large number of mana particles, so many in fact, that incantations have no effect on spell performance." She worryingly looks at me fearing she's done something wrong, I quell her fears by saying.

"Don't worry its something that you can't control. You'll always absorb mana particles no matter where you are. You're extremely powerful not because you are a queen, but because queen faeries are able to absorb a larger amount of mana than regular faeries. Do you feel like you have less energy inside my room than you do in the forest?"

She looks at me then realizes that she did, meaning my theory was right. I look at her and say. "You probably subconsciously feel like going back to the forest, right?" She nods solemnly like a child caught with their hand in a cookie jar.

My smile broadened greatly, that's probably enough evidence to prove the Mana Vegetation Theory. Who knows maybe I'll become a great mage like Sir Magnus was after I get out of the war. I quickly brush away those arrogant thoughts.

Aliece crosses her arms in defiance and says. "Enough of this, I am thankful for your enlightenment, but these theoretical discussions are beginning to bore me. Come let us explore the town, I haven't seen a human settlement in quite some time."

My heart breaks and I instantly feel the sting of rejection, I was about to explain to her what the Mana Vegetation Theory was and how it was probably the reason that faeries resided in the woods. She flies out the window while I'm thinking, I hastily put on clothes so I can pursue her.

We spent most the day exploring the village, the villagers were somewhat surprised to see a faerie, but they held no prejudice for her. The children were especially fascinated with Aliece, the sight was heartwarming to witness. I smiled as the children ran recklessly to catch Aliece as she floated aimlessly just out of their reach. It's probably a good thing that the children didn't know that she was a queen, otherwise, I doubt they would have released her.

By this time the sun had set and the village was alight with lanterns and people, Aliece and I were walking back from my room, my mandola in tow, planning to head back to the forest for a few songs before I went to sleep. As we made our way, tavern goers at the villages open-air bar spot my mandola and try to coax us over with promises of food and drink. I look over to Aliece for permission, she nods excitedly, ecstatic at the opportunity of a new experience. I shrug and sigh helplessly, we find a prepared seat in the yard next to the open-air bar and I begin to play a lively tune, fit for drinking and dancing.

As I play I begin my shift to the realm that lies between time and music, a wonderful place that is filled with flowing words and vanishing seconds. By the time I finish one of the countless songs I've played, I look up to see what seems to be the entire village looking at me and waiting in anticipation for my next melody. I gladly fulfill their unstated request by starting another lively tune, but before I lost myself in that in-between realm I look over at Aliece and notice her staring at the dancing villagers with a longing expression.

I understand instantly, I rack my brain trying to find a solution. I think of an idea so farfetched, it might actually work. I cast a spell that I just thought of, naming it [Sound Echo]. I play my mandola for a couple of verses of the song and allow my spell to take effect. My mandola is an instrument that uses vibrating strings to create sound, so if I use magic that copies the vibrations and repeats them, then I'm able to do this.

I set my mandola down, Aliece looks to me momentarily confused as the music continues to play without me. I put my finger to my lip with a smile and wink. I stand with one hand behind my back with my other extended as I bow my head.

"May I have this dance your Highness, Aliece?" I ask with as much etiquette as a squire can muster.

Her smile blooms and her downtrodden expression is soon forgotten, she composes herself and accepts with courtesy befitting of a queen.

"Sir Christian I gladly accept this dance."

She took my finger and led me to the middle of the floor, a few noticed us, many of which were now extremely confused to as where the music was coming from. Others shrugged indifferently, content with having music at all.

Aliece led me along to the beat of my disembodied mandola, she smiled all the while, truly enjoying herself. We danced, albeit to the same song continuously, for a long time enjoying it all the same. As we danced lights began to flicker around us, I looked around in awe. I glanced at Aliece to see if she was the cause, she only put a finger up to her smiling lips and winked.

We along with the entire village danced into the night, although thankfully not as deep into the night as I had previously.