
The few days I had to myself passed in what seemed like seconds within Aliece's company. We spent hours conversing, about any topic that came to our mind. The first topic that came naturally was our life's stories, I explained to her how I was abandoned by my parents then taken into the care of The Paladin Order. I told her everything about me, how Sir Richard kindly took me in and trained me, how hard I've worked since before I could remember, and my dreams of becoming a Paladin Knight.

When I asked about her life, she told me about how she lived peacefully on this continent until the first Demon Crusade. I was extremely surprised when I learned that she was that old, although I was extremely curious, I knew to refrain from asking her age.

I first asked her about her accounts of the crusade, she explained everything in great detail, It was like finding a hidden treasure trove of knowledge. She told me her first-hand experiences of battles that I had only read about in history books.

Then she told me about how she entered the war in the first place, apparently, she had become indebted to a human knight after he saved her from being killed by a demon.

She would become his companion and accompany him through countless battles. She wasn't as powerful as she is today, but I imagine she was still a force to be reckoned with.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to save the human knight when he was ambushed by a group of demons.

She killed all of them, but only after the human knight was fatally injured. Fueled by rage and the desire to avenge her fallen companion, she would use all of her mana to destroy an encroaching demon legion. After using that much power, she collapsed on the outskirts of the forest near where the village would be built.

A few other faeries would find her and nurse her back to health, after recovering she found that she had obtained a circlet of light, the mark of a faerie queen. She would then become the ruler of all the faeries that are in the vicinity. When I asked her why she didn't ever visit the village before I met her, she only said. "It was too painful, seeing a human would just remind me of his death."

Concerned I asked her why she showed herself to me, she replied. "You reminded me a lot of him, enthusiastic about the oddest things, a great sense of justice, a good heart, he could even sing. I would force him to sing to me for hours, his voice was like that of an angel. I guess I've always had a soft spot for music." She adds while smiling at me.

She wouldn't speak anymore of the subject, instead, she made me show her of everything she had missed over the decades. She especially liked cookies, apparently, faeries can eat, it just doesn't do anything or give them any energy.

I soon came to understand that she really likes sweet stuff and bunnies, the latter became apparent after we encountered one on our way to the forest for my nightly mandola performance. After spotting the poor creature she flew towards it at full speed giving a shriek of delight, she grappled with it sticking her face in its downy fur then stroked it continuously, she wouldn't let go of the poor thing until I pried her off of it. She can act so childlike sometimes, but that's a part of what makes her so gosh darn cute.

The fifth day of my vacation was interrupted by none other than Sir Richard, who wasted no time fulfilling his promise of "Making up for the lost time." I had just finished my two miles when Sir Richard returned from his visit to the capital. Shortly after we started, as always, with weapons training.

I hold my wooden broadsword in front of me, then strike vertically. Sir Richard side steps and easily deflects my attack with his wooden shortsword. I recover, then swing horizontally trying to cut his side. He steps into me catching me momentarily off guard then uses the pommel of his sword to strike my face.

I stumble back and fight back my building rage as Sir Richard's previous advice rings in my ear. "A man that attacks blinded by his rage is already dead." I put up my guard as Sir Richard and I circle each other for several seconds trying to bait the other into an attack.

Sir Richard steps forward swinging his sword horizontally, I put my sword to my left side to deflect it. He then switches to a downward strike as soon as he sees that I've set up to guard, I expected this, as his strike comes down I step into him dropping my sword.

I grab his wrist as his blow fell, I sweep his feet out from under him while holding his wrist. As he falls, his grip on the sword lessens. I force it from his hands disarming him while he fell. As he moves to get up I put the sword to his throat, I give him a defiant grin and say. "Call it old man."

Before I can react Sir Richard does the same thing to me, he sweeps my feet from under me and wrestles the sword from my hand as I fall. I'm dazed for a second, when I look up I see that the positions have been reversed. "There, called." He spats in defiance.

I can't help but smile as he helps me up. "Come on Sir Richard, you know I had you!"

He returns the smile in earnest. "I'll let you have that one, what's the score? 762-1?"

"Hey, that's still one for me old man, it seems like your starting to get rusty." I say grinning

"What did you say you half-hearted excuse for a squire!" He exclaimed with mock fury.

He grabs me in a headlock and ruffled my hair relentlessly. "I give, I give, you win."

I hear childlike laughter behind us, Sir Richard and I both turn to find the source. It's obviously Aliece, I'm not surprised in the slightest she secretly came to watch us practice. Sir Richard picks up the dropped wooden sword and got into a defensive position. Before he can say or do anything, I get between the two with my arms spread wide to keep him from getting past.

"Before he does something dumb, would you like to introduce yourself Aliece?"

She smiles innocently and flies over to Sir Richard. "Hello, I am Aliece, Queen of the Faeries. I am Christian's." She looks mischievously at me then finishes. "Well let's just say he's pledged himself to me."

Sir Richard's jaw dropped, he looked over at me with surprise painted clearly on his face. Before I can rectify the situation he grabs me by the neck putting in a headlock and spoke with a muffled, but not at all quiet tone.

"I know we were talking about girls and all earlier, but I was expecting you to go talk to one of the village girls." He glances over to Aliece quickly before saying. "I'm not one to discriminate, but don't you think you're a little too....."big" for her?" I become extremely flustered and try quickly to set him straight, but Aliece who was floating above us while we spoke interjects.

"On the contrary, oh you should have seen how he wooed me, he sang such a wondrous song of natures queen and heavenly gates. His voice alone was able to melt my heart, oh but how he played. It's like his fingers were strumming the very strings of my heart."

Sir Richard looked at me with tears welling in his eyes. "You.....You played her... our could you?!" He declared on the verge of tears.

I tried desperately to defend myself. " she.....I was there.....but I didn't... and she." I stammered

Aliece continued. "You see after he seduced me with his music he told me his desire while gazing directly into my eyes. He took my first right then and there, in the middle of all the other faeries, the scoundrel."

Sir Richard looks at me in complete disbelief. "And you call me a shameless bastard."

"IT WAS A KISS." I was finally able to say. "She kissed me on my cheek, that was all, nothing else."

I give Aliece the death stare as I elaborate. "Apparently she stalked me ever since I started playing in the woods. I played that song oblivious to her presence, when she finally made herself known to me she offered me anything I wanted in return for the song I played. So instead of doing something, you would have done."

I stared Sir Richard down, he suddenly found a tree to be especially interesting. "I simply stated that I wanted to continue playing for her, at this, she kissed my cheek and asked for my friendship and I pledged my allegiance to her, as a comrade."

I pushed further. "Although for all my toils the only thing she's done is keep me from sleeping and create great misunderstandings," I say obviously annoyed.

She couldn't help herself. "Oh, yes Christian, I have definitely kept you up for countless hours, haven't I?"

I quickly say. "Stop that Aliece, I beg of you." I look to Sir Richard "You know I'm more virtuous than that, don't you Sir Richard?" I ask him with pleading eyes.

At this, he cracks a smile, then he cannot contain his laughter. As he bellows his laughter, Aliece joins him, and I stand there utterly defeated.

"I like this girl Christian, she has a wondrous sense of humor. I give you my blessing." He says with little tact.

He walks over to Aliece and says. "I am Paladin Knight, Sir Richard and I am very pleased to meet your acquaintance." He looks over at me with a humored glint in his eye.

"Christian is my squire, so I must know your intentions. Please forgive my asking."

She chuckles lightly, then said. "Of course it was all merely a jest, It is so fun to see little Christian all riled up, don't you agree?"

He chuckled knowingly. "Yes, he is quite enjoyable to antagonize, I must agree."

Aliece goes on with her intentions. "As you can see he and I aren't exactly compatible, are we? No, although I value him very deeply despite the little time we've spent together, I know that he and I aren't meant to be. You can feel these things after meeting someone and I knew that even if I was "big" enough for him, I would not be the one for him. That being said, he is quite the catch isn't he?"

Sir Richard answers with pride. "Yes, yes, quite a catch indeed, he gets that from me you know."

I can do nothing but gape as they talk shamelessly about me in my own presence. Although I'm overjoyed they are getting along, I fear what might happen if I leave them in each other's company unattended.

Before I can oppose them further, Sir Richard turns to me and says. "I see you value our ballad less than I had assumed." Referring to the song that I sang for Aliece. "I guess I'll just have you beat some "cherished" memories into you."

He looks to Aliece before starting. "Would you like to watch as I beat him senseless, your highness?"

Aliece nodded enthusiastically. "That would be quite enjoyable, Sir Richard. Try not to damage his hands, I still need them to be able to play his mandola for tonight." As Sir Richard encroaches sword in tow, I pray for deliverance. Knowing only god will be able to save me at this moment.