
My final night together with Sir Richard and Aliece will be a memory that I shall always look fondly on. We danced and sang until past midnight, we all wished for more, but I still had to leave tomorrow before daybreak to the supply post. When I awoke I looked at my room for a final time cherishing all the little moments that I have spent in it. The times Sir Richard would read to me as a child, when Aliece would always wake me up with the dawn, and every time I would play my mandola until Sir Richard would have to come to tell me to stop because I was being too loud.

These small memories ran through my mind as I started to look at my room for the final time. As I gaze upon the near barren room, something spread across my desk catches my attention. On it, there is a set of armor, clothes, and a note, which read.

"I couldn't give you your armor at the party last night, and you were too tired to try it on once we got done. By the time you read this, it will be morning, put your equipment on then meet us outside." -Sir Richard.

I set the note down smiling, then start putting all the armor and clothing so I'll be able to meet Sir Richard quickly. The clothes include black tight-fitting pants and a black long-sleeved shirt, they seem to be modular made to be used with the armor. I put on the clothes, the shirt and pants fit tightly to my body, but not tight enough to where they're uncomfortable. I did a couple of test squats and jumps and they seemed to be made out of a flexible material that allowed for a broad range of motion even though it's a decently thick material.

I started putting on the armor, It was in sections making It lighter and easier to take off. At first, I didn't really know how to attach it, but then I noticed that there were rings sewn into the clothing itself. Before I equip the armor I notice that there is a difference in thickness in some places on the clothing. I touch the material, it feels like there's chainmail between the thick layers of cloth. "Amazing." I think.

Usually, you wouldn't have any protection anywhere there isn't light armor, but this armor is able to remain light and provide protection by having chainmail where the armor isn't. I attach the light armor sections to my chest, legs, thighs, shoulder, back, and forearms.

The plating for the forearms is slightly thicker than the rest of the set, making a rectangular like shape for each bracer that isn't bigger than my forearm. I imagine this is to be able to use them in a way that is similar to a buckler, making them able to deflect strikes.

I pick up a belt and put it on along with the bags that attach to the belt, as well as my scabbard. I slide Sir Richards.....I mean my sword into its scabbard, then I place my dagger into a fixed position on my belt in the back.

I look for my helmet, but there seems not to be one with the set. Slightly confused I

pat my back and found a hood. It's apart of the shirt, I guess I didn't notice it when I put the shirt on. Pulling the hood up I find that It has a lot of cloth padding as well as some chainmail for protection. The set seems to be thick enough for a winter environment and breathable for warmer environments, the chainmail seems to allow for the hood to be used as a helmet, although it doesn't have as much protection.

I look at a cloak, the final article of clothing, and put it on. It's quite thick but breathable, with pockets sewn on the inside for weapons or equipment. I look around my desk to see if there is anything I've missed, I find a rucksack leaning on the floor near the wall. I open it to find provisions for the trip, extra black shirts, and pants with a sewing kit and equipment for maintaining my weapons and armor.

"This set must have costed a fortune." I think as I grab my mandola and the rucksack, the only possessions that I'll own going forward.

I walk outside looking for Sir Richard, I find him down the road next to a cart with a man wearing a straw hat. When I get close enough Sir Richard says.

"Looks like the armor I got for you fits, that's good because I wouldn't have gotten you anymore if it didn't." I smile at his usual humor.

"It's definitely a good thing, I wouldn't want to die with my pants riding my crack. I want to die while I'm comfortable."

Sir Richard chuckles at the dark humor. "Although I'm glad you'll be able to die in comfort, try not to do the dying while you're out there."

As I get close to Sir Richard a pair of tiny arms wrap around my neck from behind and I hear Aliece's voice say.

"Please be safe Christain, I'll know if you're hurt, but I'll be worried sick If you are."

She stops hugging my neck and flew in front of me.

"Please promise you'll be safe." She asks rich with emotion.

"I promise," I swear.

She moves forward and kisses my lips, her lips are so tender and small, almost completely enveloped by my own. I burst with color as she finishes.

Her smile deepens with the color of my face, I can't help but smile back cheeks aflame.

"Now that you've told your lover goodbye's hurry up and get in the cart so you can make it before dusk." He says with false impatience.

Before I get on the cart he wraps me in a bear hug and says.

"I know no one on that battlefield can take you on, but please be careful. Don't take follow your commander's orders blindly, you have more intelligence than all of them put together and don't trust anyone....."

He seems to want to say more but doesn't. I open my mouth to ask him what it was, but he pats me on the back and shoves me towards the cart.

As the cart takes me away I wave goodbye to the only true friends I've ever had. The only father I've ever had, the only family. I wave to them as they yell their goodbyes and well wishes, I don't bother stopping the tears that roll down my cheek, I burn their smiling faces into my mind as we grow further apart promising to never die, for their sake.

A few hours into the trip the farmer looks to me and says.

"I see you're caring a mandola, I assume you're able to play it?" He asks casually

"Sure, I can play," I respond

He looks to me slightly lifting his eyebrow. "How about you play something to pass the time, it's going to be a long and boring trip otherwise."

I nod, then tune my mandola until I'm satisfied. I think of a song to play, then settle on an Order song that a knight made during the First Demon Crusade.

I play the first few chords, then allow my voice to be carried by the wind across the passing wheatfields.

They took all our land

They took my leg and hand

Yet today we still do fight

Holding on with all our might

god have you forsaken us?

When in you lies all our trust

This seed we do sow

Is for our child to know

It is for them we fight

So tonight give your lives

The farmer gives a solemn nod.

"Tis a good song, one that reminds me of the land I farm and the privilege it is, thank you for that. You've got a good voice there, how about something more upbeat?"

I just smile and start playing, the time drifts away with the notes I play and we soon arrive at the supply post. It's a small structure with walls in all four directions and four towers on each corner and a large building in the middle with warehouses lining the wall. "As soon as I get inside I'll take a bath, then when I wake up I'll go and meet the squad I am to command," I think.