
A long journey and a good bath makes for a night of easy sleep. My time spent in that blissful realm was short but treasured. The sun crested the horizon, marking the start of my day.

I quickly equipped myself and went to talk to the headmaster of the supply post, I wanted to get a little information about my squad before I meet them. I doubt they're up at this hour anyway. Once at the door of his office, I gave a few short taps, an agitated voice from the other side responds "Doors open, come in."

I enter the stuffy small office filled with large amounts of files and paper. The headmaster is hunched over his desk diligently sifting through the tide of paper that has accumulated in stacks on his desk. He looks up at me for an instant and gives a strained smile.

"I apologize for the clutter Sir Knight, but as you can see I'm quite busy filing the new shipments of supplies that have recently arrived. What can I help you with." He says respectfully, but with a hurried tone.

I size him up, he's a middle-aged man that has started balding. He doesn't seem to be out of shape but definitely seems more accustomed to a quill rather than a sword. I stand straighter and put my hands behind my back before saying.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you while you're busy, but I just wanted some information on the squad I've been assigned."

Behind his glasses, his eyes spark with curiosity. "Yes, yes." He mumbles while rummaging through a box with files neatly organized within.

"Yes, the 362nd squad, or the "Wisp" squad of the 57th company under the 12th battalion. The squad consists of 6 members including yourself there is Rachel Shepard, Mathew and Joseph Brawn, Jake Parsons, and Dontae Dusk." He sets the parchment down and continues his work.

I stare at him for a few moments in awkward silence before I say. "I was actually hoping for a bit more information about them, specifically what they're like."

He releases a perturbed sigh, the continues. "I can only tell you where they came from, Rachel came from a decently well-known squad but was demoted due to a scandal with the squad commander. Mathew and Joseph both displayed incredible strength during battle, cutting a swath through the enemy's line, but they're too were too rambunctious due to their constant sibling rivalry." He looks a the parchment with distain.

"Jake Parsons is a felon that has opted for military service to reduce his sentence, he's one I would watch out for. Finally, Dontae Dusk was enrolled in the capital's magical institution, after graduation he was assigned to the 151st mage battalion, but was demoted for the reckless discharging of a fireball."

He sighs louder than he did before. "Does that answer your question, Sir Knight? May I please return to my work?" He says irritably.

Knowing I've worn out my welcome I thank the Headmaster for his kindness and head to the training yard to wait for my squad.

I waited for several minutes for them to show, eventually, I started to do some training exercises to pass the time. After two hours of training, they finally showed. I should have been upset with their procrastination, but it gave me just enough time to finish my warm-up.

It took ten minutes for all five of them to straggle into the training yard, none of their expressions showed the desire to be here. I gathered all of them into a group and introduced myself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Christian, I will be your squad commander from now on. I hope we can all get stronger together." I say with enthusiasm despite their expressions sucking it all from the atmosphere.

I look to the girl since she seemed to be replying first. She stared me down with a calculated gaze before asking.

"How old are you anyway kid? Why are they trying to have some twerp tell me what to do? I knew I should have sucked up more to the regional commander." She says while shaking her head in disgust.

A shady looking kid around my age looks directly into my eyes and said. "Let me get this through to you before you try to think that you're hot stuff for being knighted. You're just a brat that's had everything given to him, there's no way we're going to follow the orders of some kid that just stepped out of his town for the first time, get used to it."

I honestly thought something like this would happen, so I prepared a plan beforehand. I cross my arms defiantly and boldly said.

"I'll accept that, I won't tell you guys what to do and I'll even let you do whatever you want, but you have to test me first. Pick something that you're well versed in, then if I lose to any of you then I'll relinquish my command." I grin at their doubtful faces. The shady kid steps up first.

"Sure, I'll make this quick. I can't stand that self-absorbed attitude you've got, so let me humble you a bit." He pointed at the archery range.

"You know how to use one of those." I nodded, being well trained in the art of archery. "Well just know you're nowhere as good as I am, so don't cry when I beat you." I smile inwardly at his ignorance.

He goes first, standing at the 50m mark he hit one in the center and the other two were just outside the inner circle. He looks at me with a triumphant grin, I nod, "he's not bad" I think.

I step up to the 50m and shoot intentionally at one of the outer rings. The kid lets out a howling laugh.

"Hahaha, I think you might be able to hit the wall with that aim." I look at him and ask.

"Do you mind if I step back?" He looks at me questionably but allows it.

I step back to the 75m mark and shoot, my arrow hits dead in the middle. His jaw drops.

"You just got lucky with that one, any way you still have to hit a bullseye to win, there's no way you're going to do that again."

I look at him with a serious expression and step back to the 100m mark, I switch to my left hand and shoot, hitting dead center again. The kid looks at me with awe and fear.

"You.....you.. just shot with your right-hand right? That means your right-handed, how....how did you just shoot with your left hand?" He asks with a quivering voice.

I simply say. "My master made me learn to fight with both hands, not favoring either."

Before he can raise any more claims I look around to the two hulking brothers and say.

"You two look like your pretty strong, pick something that will suit your strength."

They look at each other eager to take on a challenge of strength. Before they answer I say.

"Actually how about you both come at me bare-handed, that should be fair, right?"

They nod enthusiastically, seeming to have not had a fistfight in a while. I take off all my armor and clothes apart from my pants and boots. The two wrap their knuckles in cloth wraps and when they're done I'm staring down two 6.6ft 250lb guys ready to bash my head in, "Easy." I think.

The smaller of the brothers, Joseph, makes the first move. He steps forward and throws a right hook aimed for my jaw, I quickly step back, allowing the punch to pass harmlessly in front of me.

I don't have much time until Mathew tried to join the fight, I could handle both of them easily, but I want to end this fight quickly. So I dash forward using all the force from my legs and plow my fist into Joseph's abdomen, making him drop to his knees in pain.

Mathew quickly advances and throws a succession of quick jabs aimed at my face, I dodge each one, then throw a harsh right hook. He's stunned for a moment but smiles with a bruising cheek and continues, he goes for a gut punch, I jump to the side to avoid it. He doesn't give me any room to breathe, throwing punches left and right, but before he can recover from a jab he put too much force into, I get under him, pushing up with both my legs and ram my fist forcefully into jaw from under him knocking him out.

I walk away from the two felled goliaths rubbing my knuckles and ask Dontae.

"So what do you what to try?" I say while grinning wickedly.

He pales from fear and swallows, then says with the little bravado he can summon. "You're nothing more than a bruiser, I've studied at the capitals magic academy. I'll beat you in a magic duel before you can even cast anything." But the glint in my eye makes him doubt his own words.

"Sure, rules are the first one to be knocked on the ground loses. Fair? I'll even let you cast the first spell." He nods with satisfaction, he thinks that he'll be able to take me out with one spell.

After a lengthy incantation Dontae casts [Tidal Flame ], which summons a wave of flames that try to completely engulf me. I whistle as it rushes forward, It has pretty good destructive power and would be pretty good against a swarm of enemies, but not me.

Just before the wave of flames reach me I mentally cast [Tempest Guard] which splits the flames with a gale of wind and causes them to bypass me entirely. Before the flame disappears I cast [Erase Presence], [Light Refraction], [Soft Step], spells that I'm used to casting.

As the smoke dissipates and I'm nowhere to be seen Dontae can only assume that the flame turned my body to ash and he won. He doesn't seem that remorseful after he's just "killed" someone. He turns to Rachel and says.

"You see that Rachel, yep that twerp had nothing on me. So how about we go get something at the post's tavern, you know you want to treat me to something after such a magnificent display. I'm basically the best mage here, you're really lucky you know there's probably tons of girls that would swoon over a mage as great as myself. So how about we...."

I can't stand any more of his egotism, so it might be time to burst his little bubble. Undetectable, I walk up to Dontae and put my arm around his shoulder while dispelling all my spells and say to Rachel.

"You know if you don't want to go with him, I'm always free," I say while giving Dontae an otherworldly grin.

He stares at me like he's seen a ghost, well actually I guess he thinks he has. He jumps back landing on his butt putting up his hands to protect his face, he says frantically.

"Please I'm sorry for killing you, I know you're a vengeful spirit, but please spare my life. I'll do anything you say, just don't kill me please!" He says pitifully begging for his life. "I can have a little fun with this." I think.

I roll my eyes into the back of my head then cast [Voice Modulation] which deepens my voice by modifying the vibrations of my voice, then also cast [Voice Distortion] and [Voice Contortion]. All spells that basically modified my voice to sound like a demon, "this is going to be fun," I think.

I look at him with only the white of my eyes showing and my voice distorted and deepened while simultaneously speaking from every direction and say.

"You have killed an innocent man," I say in an imposing demonic voice. "The price of this shall not be your life." Dontae sighs a sigh of relief, then I continue. "But your soul."

He cries out in complete and total fear and I relish in the look of absolute hopeless terror in his eyes, probably not a good thing, but he deserves this.

I summon my wisp right outside of Dontae's chest and make it come towards my hand with a thought. Once his "Soul" was in my hand, I cast [Pillar of Flame] to either side of me and say.

"Enjoy you're last few moments alive Dontae, I'll see you in Hell." I relinquish the spells and simultaneously cast [Pillar of Flame] on myself and cast [Tempest Guard] to protect myself from the flames. As soon as I dropped the flame spell I cast [Erase Presence] and [Light Refraction] to vanish.

Dontae pisses himself and faints falling in his own puddle after a demonic "Christian" claims his soul and vanishes back to hell in a pillar of flames. I relinquish all my spells and I'm left there laughing hysterically.

I say while wiping a tear from laughter. "I didn't think he'd soil himself, I guess I went too far."

I look around to the others and ask. "So did I win?"

The Brawn brothers, Rachel, and Jake are dumbstruck and can only manage a nod.

I grin at Rachel and ask. "So what did you want to try?"

She just shakes her head and says. "I'm good, let's say you win. I don't think anyone doubts you anymore after that performance."

I smile and nod. "Good, good, I hope everyone comes to terms with me being the commander." I give the collective group a deadly stare. "If not then you can deal with me directly."

They all recoil at the perceived threat, I continue taking it as a good sign.

"All of you get some rest because we'll be training hard tomorrow, and the rest of the three weeks we're here waiting."

They all groan, except for Dontae who is still unconscious in a puddle of his own piss.