
Another night came and went and the prospect of bettering myself woke me with the rising sun. I finish my morning routine of running and drills before anyone starts to arrive at the training yard. Although the members of my squad aren't very eager just yet, they do seem to accept me as their captain. Which is a good start, we can work on the rest later.

I lean on a fence post after finishing some demanding technique drills and take a moment to observe the bustling workers as they haul supplies from one warehouse to another. "Three weeks of training until we're shipped off, I hope that's long enough to prepare them." I think.

The supply post we're stationed at is scheduled for a shipment of supplies in three weeks when all the shipments of supplies arrive and they're ready to travel. This is great news for me, from what I witnessed yesterday we're going to need as much time as we can get.

As I think about being shipped to war my mind wanders to the history of the conflict itself, the lessons with Sir Richard replaying in my mind.

The First Kingdom was established in 500 BC (Before Crusade), then 500 years later the First Demon Crusade started. The year 2 AC the demons were pushed back off their continent and a period of peace lasted for 8 years until they launched another advance our continent. This conflict lasted for 90 years and ended in a stalemate, but the demons were forced to retreat again so it was counted as a victory. The time after 100 AC is considered to be the most distorted period of history thus far.

After 100 AC there were conflicts on and off for hundreds of years, the battles are rarely reviewed because of their frequency. However, in the year 342 AC the four countries, under the banner of the Paladin Order, launched an offensive on the demon continent bringing the fight to their land. The demons were completely caught off guard and the and they were able to obtain a foothold on the Demon continent after the initial conflict because of the surprise invasion.

The conflict lasted until 386 AC when we were completely pushed back by an overwhelming number of forces that had accumulated over the years for a retaliation. The Order was forced off the demon continent and had to focus on defending the shores as they had previously. After this, the second period of minor conflicts would ensue.

These series of conflicts would continue until 490 AC, where the demon army would launch another massive invasion. After, they would occupy most of the Lord's Union territory and some of the Dragarian Republic's territory. It would take the Order 10 years to break the demon's grip and take most of our territory from them. That brings us to the present day, the year is 500 AC and the Order will soon launch another offensive to drive the demons off the continent, which my squad and I will be apart of.

It seems like this conflict will never end and all these battles will be for nothing. So many people have died, I could join them, my squad could. I shake my head willfully to rid myself of those cynical thoughts. I hear a voice from behind me call.

"Commander quit daydreaming and come on, you said we were training today, right? Everyone's here."

I turn to the voice and see that Jake has gathered everyone, including Dontae who's seemed to have recovered from his ordeal. Although he can't seem to meet my eyes. I approach the group and garner their attention.

"Today's just for working with your individual skills and laying out what we're going to be doing every day for the next week. Today's training is an individual skill session, but tomorrow will be general conditioning that everyone will do together. Got that, ok I'll give you all something to work on."

I addressed Joseph and Mathew first. "When I was fighting you two I noticed that you both have little control of your power. Joseph, I defeated you because you overextended yourself and you separated yourself from Mathew because you were too excited for the fight."

I looked at Joseph next. "You had pretty exceptional strikes, but they had too much power behind them. You weren't able to control yourself and I was able to get beneath your guard. "

I pointed at an open space in the yard and said. "I want both of you to stand in that spot over there."

They obliged and stood in the spot directed to them. I made them separate a little more so my plan could be effective.

I summoned some floating orbs around both of them with [Target Summon] and stated. "These are projections are made with light magic, they'll float around both of you multiplying until you strike them with the correct amount of force I've set. If you strike them with too little or too much force then they'll multiply immediately. The goal is to eliminate all the light, but if you fail to eliminate them before they multiply too much, then they'll shock you. After that, you have to start over again."

They started their exercise, quickly multiplying orbs, using way more force than they need too. "It might take some time for them to get the hang of it." I guess.

I move to Jake next. "Your accuracy was decent, but your precision was not where it needed to be. I also want to make your drawing faster too." I say evenly. I point to a different section of the yard and have him pick his bow up.

He starts to grab his arrows, but I stop him, saying. "There's no need for arrows, I already cast a spell on your bow that summons arrows of light. The light isn't condensed much, so you don't have to worry about it damaging anything."

I cast a second [Tarrget Summon] around Jake and say. "The rules are the same for you, but yours can be close and farther away, so account for that. Remember, work on your speed and accuracy."

Jake nods in respect, or fear I can't tell which, and starts his session.

Dontae's next, I walk up to him saying. "Your magic output is good enough, but your control is terrible. So this will hopefully help train it."

I take a ring that I got from the quartermaster this morning and walk over to the fence surrounding the yard, I place the ring towards Dontae on the fence post. I walk back to him and elaborate.

"I want you to scale a fireball large enough to go through that ring, don't worry about knocking it off, I enhanced it with [Fortiy Emplacement] so it won't be going anywhere." When I finish he looks at me with an irritated expression and said.

"Why do I even have to do this, you didn't even beat me with real magic. I already know how to do all this stuff anyway, I graduated 5th of my class at the magic academy in the capital."

I glare at him with serious eyes casting [Voice Modulation] in the demonic voice I say. "What? Do you want to ruin another pair of pants? I'll be happy to help if that's the case."

He jumps backward and immediately starts casting trying to appease his evil overlord, I call after him. "Also you're only allowed to use instant casting, you'll need to learn it quickly," I say in a demonic voice forgetting to dispel it, but he seemed to be more motivated by it.

I walk up to Rachel and say, "I didn't really get to gage you yesterday, but I looked at your stats and you need some work on your Armed Combat. So I'll give you some drills to practice with."

She replies. "Sounds great to me commander, if you think it'll help." I give her a reassuring smile to reinforce it. After I show her a couple of drills she starts swinging eagerly.

I stand back and watch all the practice taking place over the training yard, they all practice earnestly, trying to get better in whatever aspect I directed. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all I think."