
After putting everyone through their paces they were all understandably worn out. I plan for training to get progressively harder every other day, but I want to make sure that I don't push them too hard at first. It was dusk by the time that everyone was done with their exercises, so I just excused everyone for the night.

"Good job today everyone, you all exceeded my expectations. Just know it's going to get harder from this point forward so don't give up, trust in me and I'll make you the best squad in the 12th battalion." I raised my fist with the declaration, they all followed suit giving cries of affirmation.

I waited for them to quiet themselves before I continued.

"Since all of you worked so hard, I'll allow all of you off early." They all cheered louder pleased with their reward. I smiled with gratification, It seems like there's no question about my leadership anymore.

Everyone funneled out of the training yard, all going their respected directions. I personally went straight for the bath. After a relaxing soak in the communal bath, I went back to my room to sleep. I laid down and coxed my mind to find that beaten path I look for every night, but tonight I couldn't seem to find it.

I tossed and turned, but found no rest. I couldn't stop thinking about my squadmates, about what they thought of me, if I was starting everything how I should be, and so on. There was no chance of going to sleep while my mind was this busy, so I got up and decided that I would pick up my mandola and play it outside, a practice that's helped me countless nights before.

I left my room, mandola in tow, casting [Soft Step] to be sure that I didn't wake anyone. I walk through the main building that housed most of the people and walked until I met the guardsman stationed at the front gate. When I got within speaking distance the guards finally seemed to notice me, their sleepy expressions suddenly changed to alert caution.

I walk forward with my hands slightly raised showing I had no ill intentions, their nerves were eased, but they still displayed their caution. A guardsman with better-conditioned mail and arms spoke first.

"Identify yourself and state your intentions." He said with some authority.

I gave them a friendly expression trying to show them I have no intention of being hostile.

"My name is Christian, I am the commander of the Wisp squad of the 12th battalion. I couldn't sleep so I wanted to play my mandola away from the post so I could avoid waking anyone."

The watchman's guard was lifted giving me a reassuring grin.

"You could always play for my men and I, it's pretty boring at the moment and I'm sure a quiet tune would help lift our eyes." He said hopefully.

I have to turn down his offer, "I'm sorry, I was just wanting to play in solitude so I could get my mind off some things. How about this, If you remind me, I'll play for you and your men at a later date."

He was content with the promise. "That would be a welcome change, Sir Christian, please be careful while you're on the outside. Be sure to watch out for beasts or monsters still prowling about."

I nod at his consideration as I walk through the giant gate leading outside. "I will be, thank you."

I walk on the dusty path leading from the supply post under the light of the moon, I take a moment to look up and appreciate the sprawling canvas of painted lights spread broad on the heavens. The night's sky was alight with a palette of different lights and colors that created a harmonious dance between the depths of space and the millions of shimmering stars converging into a picture without a frame.

I stand in astonishment, no matter how many times I see the night sky, I can never quite get over how beautiful it looks. I look around and find a suitable place to sit, I find a rock in a cleared meadow.

I summon my wisp for a little more light to play under, then lean against the rock with my mandola and play something soothing to ease my mind. My wisp flies around me excitedly, apparently it shares Aliece's love for my music.

I tune my mandola and play a string of chords in no particular order, just finding something that sounds nice. I play something that comes to mind and let my voice float off to the sky, letting my words dance with stars.

Second, maybe minutes go by in an instant, time seems to always slip away when I lose myself in my music. I continue to strum my mandola, but ask the figure who's been watching me for several minutes. "So are you going to come out, or am I going to have to get up?"

The figure behind me jumps up suddenly, surprised I knew of their presence. Of course, time slips away while I play, but I'm always careful not to let my guard down. I hear a pair of footsteps come closer behind me, saying.

"I didn't know you knew I was there, I didn't mean to spy on you commander, but I was curious when I saw you leave the supply post so I followed you." Its Rachel, she must have followed me after I left the main building.

She came and laid next to me gazing up at the night sky. "Commander.." I stopped her. "Christian is fine, that seems a little too formal away from the squad."

She smiled and said. "Christian, I didn't know you played the mandola. I didn't see you as the sort who would."

I give her a faked expression of pain. "Yeah, I should only know how to swing a sword right? I bet you didn't know that I spoke 7 languages fluently either, did you?"

She looks at me wide-eyed in surprise. "You're lying." I shake my head. "Really?" She asks not completely believing me. "Then prove it, say something in Elven." I go along with it.

"Helvë aľun dutrᴎ (Your hair is nice)." She looked at me in complete awe. "What did you say?" She asks excitedly.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I say teasing her. "Come on, please tell me. If you don't then how do I know that you're not just speaking gibberish."

I smile playfully, "All I said was that I liked your hair, that's all." She looked down at her red curly locks and smiled. Then replied. "Thank you very much. I like your voice, it's very soothing."

I smile bashfully at her comment, I can't handle compliments from cute girls well.

I ask. "So what were you doing following me anyway? It's not like you were just waiting outside my room, right?"

She laughs and gazes into the night's sky again. "No, I wasn't stalking you if that's what you were wondering. I just wasn't able to go to sleep and when I went to get something to drink I saw you leave your room, so I followed you in curiosity."

Before I forgot, I ask something I want to know ever since I talked with the headmaster.

"Rachel, how did you get demoted to this squad? If you don't mind my asking."

She sits up and stares seriously into the treeline. "It's a long story, but I want to tell you before someone else does."

I sit up holding my mandola and look at Rachel as she starts to tell me her story.