
With a somber tone, Rachel starts.

"I'm the daughter of a lesser noble under one of the lords in the Lord's Union. The Lords Union is ruled by a single king that governs the other lords. The houses of these lords own segments of the territory in the country. My father served the "Red Wolf" house, which the second most powerful house, just under the king's house.

The Red Wolf house is well known for its strength and power, thus all nobles under its banner are required to send at least one member from their household to fight in their company. This is the only way to keep your position under their house. My father only had two children, myself, and my younger brother. He loved my younger brother and I, with all his faults, he was a good father. He tried his best to give us a good life.

So when the call for soldiers was made, my father was presented with a choice. Send his only son and heir of our house to war, or send his only daughter. He chose me, knowing it was the only option he had. If my brother would have died at war, then he would be left with no heir, and once he died our house would be no more.

I was sent the 30th company of the 6th battalion, the Red Wolf company. For years I was discriminated against, many soldiers thought women had no place in the army. It wasn't as though I chose it, but I was there all the same. The discrimination wasn't what bothered me, it was the way the brutes of the Red Wolf company leered at me, catcalling me. I learned to never go anywhere alone and I spent years in fear of every shadow.

Eventually, I caught the eye of Wilson Red Wolf, the heir of the Red Wolf house. After I was cornered by two miscreants he came and heroically saved me from them. He would then stand up for me whenever someone tried doing something inappropriate, showing me unparalleled devotion and care. I fell in love with him because of that.

He was the first person to not say anything about me being a woman, he didn't care, or so I thought. I gave him everything, I loved him so much that I didn't hold anything back from him. I thought that he and I were going to get married after our service.

That was until I saw him go into the village one day when we were supposed to be on guard. I followed ready to reprimand him, I never expected what happened next. I followed him into a tavern, where he was meeting another girl. I was so furious that I confronted him right there and started a big controversy in the tavern.

They called the village guard to separate us, but I fought all of them off. I was going to kill him, I was going to end his life right there. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, I felt so betrayed, I wanted to end his life so badly, but I couldn't bring my self to do it.

I was eventually brought before a court and tried. He bought off all the jury and witnesses, he brought false evidence and claims against me that I couldn't even refute. He turned me into the monster, claiming I blackmailed him, abused him, and many other things that I had never done, but could not say otherwise.

He ruined my reputation, my father's reputation, and the reputation of our house. The only way that we could atone was by sending me to a squad destined to die on the field. I couldn't do anything, he ruined my entire life in a single day and I was powerless to stop him.

But what haunts me is when we finished the trial I saw his face, and he was grinning. It became clear to me then, he didn't care that he ruined my life, he never truly cared about me as he displayed, I was just a toy to him that he grew tired of. He was my everything, and he never actually even cared......" She couldn't continue, her eyes were glistening with tears that she was forcing back.

I set down my mandola and looked her in her teary eyes, then embraced her, holding her head to my chest saying.

"I'm sorry that you had to endure that. But it's over, I promise that it will never happen again, I'll protect you I swear. You don't have to fear anymore."

She was surprised, not at the embrace, but at my words. "Someone cares," she thought, it was the first time that someone has cared and not cast her aside.

She couldn't stop her tears, her arms wrapped arms around me digging her nails into my flesh. All her emotions that she pushed deep inside came gushing out, flowing with the tears from her eyes. She sat there crying and screaming into my chest, unable to stop herself, not wanting to either.

She sobbed uncontrollably, her body shaking with each sob, she couldn't stop the flood of tears from the pain of all she's suffered through, all she's endured. I didn't try to stop them, I only rubbed her back soothingly as she cried into my chest.

I couldn't offer her anything to take away the pain, I couldn't get rid of the memories, all I could offer her was a moment of solace, a moment to be vulnerable and not be taken advantage of. She clutched my back refusing to let go, as though I would be ripped away from her at any moment. I just rubbed her back murmuring soothing nothings to her letting her ride out the tide of emotions that overwhelmed her.

Her sobbing would dribble to hiccups, as she clung to me, refusing to let go. So I sat there holding her until her stuffy eyes became heavy. She fell asleep holding me and smiling, the first genuine smile I've seen her have.

When she was sound asleep I picked her up in my arms and took her back to her room. I made sure to cast [Soft Step], [Erase Presence], and [Light Refraction], making sure no one saw me carrying an unconscious girl. That would probably get me discharged in itself.

After laying her in her bed, I went to my room and laid down. Finding that beaten path to that blissful realm instantly. It was the best sleep I've had in a while.