
…Before entering, another car abruptly appears right in front of the other.

In slow motion, the door levitates up high for the coolest looking young man imaginable to get out!

Levon seizes him with half an eye, then proceeds to get inside. But the guy catches up to him quickly!


You still mad about it?"

Levon carelessly replies.

"I wasn't mad to begin with."

He smirks. "Yeah right, you never greet anyone anyhow.

Beside that an injury like that is nothing for the likes of us."

Levon still keeping the same emotionless expression, this time he looks at this man.

"I told you not to categorize me like that again, Zephyr."

So his name is just as cool as he looks.

"Eeeeh come on, why not?"

Levon doesn't respond and keeps on walking.

Zephyr. "Well anyways…"

As they were walking quickly inside this marvelous skyscraper, a female scientist called out one of them.

"Mr. Zephyr!"

The latter stops and looks towards her coming on his way.

"The data our department worked on is finally done."

Zephyr takes what she handed to him, a very small white device, similar to an USB but not quite, at the same time he was making sure to graze her hand with his.

"Thank you Lily!

Your effort is greatly appreciated."

Lily shows no appreciation for those words and returns back from where she came.

Zephyr looking kind of confused says. "…I don't know what to do with her."

He looks to the other side where Levon was standing, but doesn't seem to be surprised that the latter wasn't there anymore. As if he was aware of it.

"...Always uncatchable, aren't you?"

Graham was already changing his clothes and wearing his long scrub, this early in the morning only the elite members of the institution are present. Which is ironic since it's usually the opposite.

*Someone opens the door*

Levon thought it's Zephyr, so he didn't care to turn and see.

About 30seconds of silence passed.

Levon isn't the type to waste mental energy on anxiety or curiosity. But it didn't escape his mind that Zephyr's silence for a long period such as 30seconds isn't the norm. yet, he's relieved somehow, so why complain?


"It's been quite some time since you've been in the house, your mother said she wanted to see you!". A deep and harsh voice cracked his ears.

Levon turns immediately, to find out that it's the man in charge!

He had to construct his thoughts and answer back. "…Father Robert!"

Levon stretches his hand to shake who he calls father. "I didn't think you'll be back this early."

Robert shakes Levon's hand, but does not reply…

The latter understands that he can't avoid answering the initial point.

"…I had some things to do. I'll come soon."

Robert, despite his relatively old age looks in fine health. His sharp features and perfect posture give him a very intimidating aura. No wonder it got Levon acting differently with only few of his words.

Only now, that Zephyr enters the room. Seeing both standing in front of each other. His easy-going face stiffened up a bit.

"Good morning! Head chief Mr. Robert!

We're glad to have you back safe."

Robert greets Zephyr back and heads out.

2Minutes later, they're all gathered in a closed white room around a round table. For a lab, it lacks any form of technology…Or so it seems!

Robert. "In my recent field study, as an attempt to analyze the atmospheric structure of the doom world. I've come to a new realization."

As Robert eloquently explains, images and data started appearing on thin air complimenting his words!

Levon and Zephyr weren't the only two present, 2 other women and one man were there,all looked quite young actually.

Robert continues. "We previously thought that the semi complete destruction of the Ozone resulted in a weak resistence from the stratosphere against UV rays. The evidence for that were clear after examining the hundred thousands of death cases. However, this is wrong for the most part!"

Everybody in the room looked shocked after hearing so!!

"…The Ozone was not destroyed! In fact it is now in a better state than it was 30 to 40 years ago.

What we thought was the Ozone, was something the ancient science was mistaken for a 6th layer of earth's Atmosphere. This layer itself was composed by Two major molecules.

Back at the time, it was only thought to be one, the Ozone gas! Of course, named after what's thought to be the Ozone. However, this gas could not exist solely and form a solid barrier alone. Another molecule was the reason for that. And only after years of examination and analysis of the doom world, that I've found out it's none other than what we call today.

"The Hybrid Gene".

All of this is extremely new and dangerous information, that can change the course of the whole world drastically! These shocked faces can tell It all.

Zephyr was the first to lay down his impression.

"…I can hardly grasp this, these data show small differences between the two molecules, which is understandable given the changes happening after the Nature revolution. Beside that just today, my research about the living creature we found near the shores of Ithaka has been completed. Take a look!

This is the second time that we counter an animal of the doom world, but the first time we capture it alive. Just like we were hoping.

This "Felidae genus panthera", successfully merged with the "Hybrid gene"."

Miss Isla enters the chat.

"Amazing! This gives us the opportunity to experiment on it much better than we did to humans who have the Hybrid gene. A higher possibility of finding a way to turn the negative into positive."

Robert however, doesn't seem to be excited about the news.

"I still think we should experiment on humans themselves, animal experimenting isn't accurate and may not be compatible. Due to their hybrid genes the damage inflected is not threatening. As two of them are in fine health here with us."

For a brief second, eyes were focused on Zephyr and Levon!

Mr. Brogdon. "I agree, but we'll get what's valuable for us in both situations."

Robert. "Getting back to our original point, do you have an idea on what this new discovery indicates?"

Levon finally breaks his silence. "It is a first step towards Earth's redemption."

Robert. "Indeed, unlike what we previously thought…Constructing this 6th layer is now possible after realizing the truth behind it."

Miss Cathaline (31years old).

"If I understand correctly, if we were able to construct this 6th layer once again, the UV rays will be stopped from entering our aerial field and the effects of the doom world will disappear?"

Robert. "For now, this is what it's looking like…However drawing conclusions is still early…"

By the time others were discussing…Levon's mind strayed away from the current subject.

Rather, it focused on one little word that Mr. Robert uttered in his course.


'…What is truth?

Isn't what they thought long time ago to be the Ozone, was truth for them?

This word is rarely ever said by anyone, except by people like Father…and Mr. Howard!

Why can they utter it so freely like that? While I could never….'

As Levon deeply indulged in his own dilemma, Zephyr awakes him of it.

"…Levon! Mr. Robert is talking to you!"

Levon returns back from his daydreaming.

"Ah sorry…I was thinking about the amplifications of this discovery."

Robert. "…I want each one of you to write all possibilities and future experiments surrounding this discovery, all data is already sent to your personal devices.

Any questions?"

"No sir!" Was the response of everybody.

And so, everyone heads out to his own place to work on it.

On their way out, Zephyr approaches Levon once again. "Damn man! Can you imagine what we just found out about?"

Levon. "…Yeah, I was shocked too."

Zephyr. "Now I got to re-model all of what we previously did. Shit!

Say Levon, you're still coming for tonight's concert, right?".

Levon. "I did not forget about it, I'll do my best to come."

Zephyr's eyes got a bit brighter, literally! As the two split ways towards their own sections, Zephyr says. "…Then, see you there!"