Concerto N°1

Levon goes to his department, where he has his own team working under his commands! For a 25year old it is an incredible feat, working in the highest of institutions as one of its pillars.

The section is super vast, again the white color seems to be dominating everywhere, Scientists are in constant movement and discussion. And electronic transparent screens are not filling the walls only but the void as well!

Levon enters his own room calmly, as the chief of his section he's made to work isolated, the glass which his room is made of, does not let sound enter but lets it out.

"Good morning." He lets everyone present to know he's here.

"I want a detailed report concerning this file in your screens to be done within the next 5hours, as you're working on it, you'll adapt all of our previous researches and conclusions.

This is the outcome of Mr. Robert last field trip."

Without any words said, everyone drops what they were working on previously and applied Levon's order.

Everybody was so concentrated in their jobs, that they didn't feel time passing.

It is already 5 pm. Levon's work ends at this hour.

He makes his last touches and heads out.

Unlike the way he came in, he prefers returning back on his feet with his usual black hoodie and music on.

Subconsciously, the song that started playing was titled: "Zephyr-Social Death"

Levo's busy day made his mind put the concert aside, but It still was there nonetheless! This device is made to play music that responds and resonates with your inner thoughts, emotions and desires.

This indicates that, he wants to go badly!

'…It's decided then, I'll be going to his concert.'

He takes a turn to the right; his direction now is "Olympia".

On his way, Levon lifts his eyes in a rare occasion to reflect on how the world became.

'…26years since Nature's revolution. According to all data I've encountered, it was impossible at the time to think that humans would survive and even succeed their ancestors in this short period of time. Luckily we've been able to protect some of the technologies that allowed us built on it after.

Could it be that the incident was a good thing for humanity?


I can't say.

For some reason, beside the extremely rare books and saved data left from that period, tales of old that I would occasionally listen Mama Malika tell the kids…

Nothing is really known about how humans lived back then! Which is pretty weird in itself…It's like we lost all our ties with humans of past. Mr Howard mentioned sometimes something called "Culture". I never could understand what he means by it…'

Levon looks around him.

'…Suicide rates has gone up by 40% just from last year, but wherever I look, I see smiles and laughs. And I'm the only one not doing so.

Isn't that what happiness is about?

Or maybe, it's just guys like me that kill themselves anyway, I never pay much attention to those around anyways…'

As levon was contemplating the existence of his species, he feels someone tapping his shoulder!

He turns to see, and it was a complete shock!

"Levon Graham, right?". A pretty young female asked.


'What in doom's world…

Is this, Jasmine...Akami!!??

How did she recognize me?!

Stupid question! I am the only one wearing this type of clothes nowadays.

But…She changed completely!!'

He notices the clothes she's wearing. Or rather the places where she's actually wearing something.

'…Is this a new fashion style nowadays?

It's completely erotic.

This smell also, it's so strong…. Like gravity!'

An image of the past flashed in his mind from 12years ago. Back when they used to sit next to each other because they were seen as the most unapproachable people in class.

'I thought that…You were like me back then. Whatever…'

Levon felt a sudden lament and could not reply

Until she asked again.

"…I know, it's been a long time and you might not recognize me.

I'm Jasmine Akami, we studied in the same class long ago."

Levon was still undecisive.

'What do I have to say now…

No! Why am I even overthinking this?

The past… means nothing under the light of the present.'

"…I know, how you've been?". Levon firmly replied as if nothing was going on in his mind

Jasmine smiled.

"I'm fine, just enjoying life!

What about you?"

This time, it's her who did a little bit of outlook analysis.

"…Even after being the successor hero, not much has changed in you it seems."

Her face was all smiles as she said that, but…Upon these words, Levon had lost all desire to speak.

He looked at her straight in the eyes, and turned his back, to walk away…

Jasmine tried to call him again, from her facial expressions she seemed oblivious to why he'd walk away without replying.

Suddenly, a tall and strong bold guy appeared from behind and put his arm around her shoulder, then let his hand hang down to grab her boob with a strong grip!

"Who's that?". He asked

As she looked at him with a tempting smile, she answered

"That's Levon Graham, the adopted son of Robert Graham. Didn't I tell you he used to study with me in the same class?"

"You kidding?

I don't believe you…There is no way he's out with an appearance like that."

Jasmine looked at Levon as he walked away, hands in his pocket, shoulders up and face down.

"…Well whatever, let's teleport to the concert before it gets crowded."











Is what she said right now…Truth?'

Levon, in a trial to busy himself from thinking of what Jasmine just told him, thought deeply about all those topics. Within his brain, it's sufficient for the theme word to pop up and he would revise every single information he gathered about that topic from the day he was 2 years old!!

And even then, he ended up in point (0;0)

Right now, looking down was not meant to avoid the outside world. Right under his feet, is his reflection.

With a big question drawn all over it


Abruptly, the reflections started shattering…



Levon looks ahead, to the vast crowd and the huge stage, the bright colored lights and the huge screens all over the sky.

And there he appears!

Cooler than ever, with his extremely long silky-smooth brown hair tucked behind his head, with some hair strands falling down on his face and shoulders. His long black big boots enabling him to stand above the ground!! His bright black leather jacket decorated with sharp eagle feathers. His black glasses and his rad looking electric guitar.

The screens displayed his glorious name.



"BABEL ARE YOU READYYYYYY!!!!??????" . Zephyr makes his presence even more felt!


"This song is called…"

*I AM YOU!!!!!*

Levon looked, extremely haunted for the first time… His pupils widened and shined as if they were tiger's eyes in darkness, and he let his hands breath outside of his pocket.

A sudden burst of what is called dopamine circled all over his brain.

Just like a child, he sang the lyrics along with Zephyr.

"…I am that

Who was never born!!

Pierced through the chest with a horn

I see you laughing like you're alive

I know exactly…

You're in a descendant dive!

You are nothing, and to nothing you'll return

Find me there within the blurr

Only then I'll tell you where to…


Right after that terrifying crushing roar, that is hard to believe it came out of Zephyr's throat as his voice is actually very smooth.

The best part had yet to come, it is not his singing that makes Zephyr such an icon. But rather his electric guitar playing skills.

…As soon as it started, Levon lost most of the control over his body!

He does not play it, nor he ever tried! Even if Zephyr suggested teaching him many times, he refused. But as if he's holding one himself, his hands and fingers moved according to each note played as if he masters it.

Although, what was truly astonishing, was that Levon's stone cold face that shows nothing behind, is now expressing emotions he himself does not know what they're called. In fact, no one in the crowd does, they're all screaming, jumping and cheering, while he's far at the back where no one cares to see, acting so freely!

The solo ended, and the lyrics returned. A tear made its way through his cheek down to his chin.