Collision of Times 1

Two days later…

Levon finishes his daily work and checks out, he's out a bit earlier than usual. Zephyr notices that, although the two haven't said a word to each other since the incident in the backstage!

But the latter is indifferent to it now, or atleast he's trying to be.

In reality, Levon had a destination in mind other than his house.

'…I've exhausted all my energy and came up with little to nothing, I don't like asking for help but if I had to ask anyone…Mr Howard would be the person!'

Levon furthers himself from the institution then calls his "transporter", who manifests himself almost instantly.

"Towards the lone mansion!". Levon says as he quickly takes a seat inside.

Levon could not go there walking because just as he alluded, it's situated quite far away…The city is already a huge one, of around 780km²!! And Howard's mansion isn't even within. It's 2km outisde of its borders. But the invention of teleportation rendered distances trivial.

And there they arrived, didn't take much than his normal trip to his work does. Levon get out and takes a sight at the mansion. Then a deep breath, while closing his eyes for a second.

'…Fresh air!

I wonder why I never thought about living far away from the dirt and noise.'

Suddenly, Levon hears someone yelling from inside the house, only someone like him can has such acute hearing ability.


Get down quickly…"

The door opened, manually!! And a young fine man comes out.

Levon recognizes him instantly.


…His muscle mass increased by 7% from last time I saw him, he cut his hair shorter by 2.5cms, and…oddly enough, he's 2cm taller than before.'

Levon automatically analyses the visual data like a robot, as always.

Elijiah gets closer, with a bright smile on his face…and shakes the hand of a rare guest.

Levon. "How are you Elijiah? It's been a while…"

Elijiah. "Never felt better, I hope you're doing good as well…How is Mr. Robert?"

Levon. "As always. I guess you've got the news about his latest discovery."

Elijiah. "Yeah, Dad told me…"

"Hohohoohohohooh…My second son is here!".

Levon shifts his gaze, but his pupils widened immediately this time, as if he was…shocked!!

"His whole body performance…20years older from last time!!".

Levon shows signs of worrying on his face and hurries up towards…

"Dr. Howard!!". He gets his shoulder under the old man's to give him a lift.

"…How come you're in this state??

What kind of crazy experiment you've done on yourself?"

"Hhehehheheh…". Laughs the Old geezer, like he knew his time is soon to come.

"…Yeah well, *coughs* I guess I've brought it up to my..*coughs*.."

He starts coughing badly, then droll starts spilling out of his mouth…This scenery really made Levon feel uneasy and disturbed!

'His gaze is fading!! He was always in fine shape despite his age, I'm not used to seeing this at all…What can I do?! I don't have data about such symptoms!!'

Howard struggling to continue. "I came up with this…Chemical potion that triggers cells to…*Breathes heavily*…To….

And out of nowhere, Howard lets out a straight left hook right towards Levon's chin that put him on the ground!!


Howard magically straightens his back, pushes his chest onwards and flexes his fine muscles as if he was Mister Olympia from back in the day!!

Elijiah could not help himself but laugh so hard.

"You always fall for it don't you…". He says.

Levon, despite his unreal intelligence needed a second to realize, this was an act!

"Ugh..You damn old hag! Ha…hahaha!". He himself couldn't help but laugh a little!

"Now let me be the one to help you, son!" Howard gives him a hand and gets him up on his feet.

"I hope I didn't punch you that hard. Although you, the last men! Are basically unharmful so maybe I should've punched you harder…"

Levon. "Not you too…

Anyways, can we have a moment inside."

Howard. "Hmmm…Alright sure! It's been about a year since your last visit…You haven't changed much, beside the look on your eyes got even darker."

As they're walking, the chat continues.

"…What do you mean again with these words, how long should I say that your language is far beyond me." Levon quietly, but repulsively replies.

Howard. "Eh…I hope you'll get it someday.

So, what is that you've come here for? It must be something really important that you'd visit this old man for."

Levon stops, and takes a moment to look around at the walls and the weird objects Howard has inside.

Then suddenly asks."…Is this how houses of old looked like?"

"Hmm!!" Howard was fairly surprised, and so was Elijiah!

Howard. "…Well! You can say so…Houses of old differentiated from one another, depending on the style they were built upon."

"It's called Architecture!". Added Elijiah.

"…It's a dead art now, because it was deemed unimportant, that's why all buildings in the city of Babel are the same inside and out."

Levon looks towards Howard's son, with incomprehensible eyes! As if he wasn't waiting for him to know about that.

Howard. "Well…The main reason was that, after what occurred in earth back then, we needed to build buildings that provide the best protection against natural disasters. We didn't have time nor the ability to keep it the way it once was…

I had thought about it at the time, I figured when the situation improves architecture would make its way back again, but I was wrong. People were no more interested in that field."

"I see…". Levon gets closer to the walls and starts sensing them, then without looking away he continues.

"It seems you know quite some things about those times, Elijiah…

I would like to know what it all makes you feel…You've always been different from those of our age, and even from me…"

Elijiah was at first surprised! Levon, the extremely quiet uninterested man is coming ahead with his thoughts!? Still, he wore his nice smile and replied.

"…Well, It makes me wish I lived back then. I think that's the world I belonged to…"

Levon takes his time to think thoroughly about that answer, then shifts his gaze towards Howard.

"Mr. Salvatore! Would you take a look at this.". Levon throws him a little white device.

The latter catches and clicks on it right away, which makes a digital screen pop up in front of them!

Levon continues. "I've been searching lately, and this came my way…The fact that I didn't understand this made me for once interested, Father doesn't have time to discuss these things with me, King Axel hasn't appeared for quite a while and I don't feel like bothering him with it either, you're the only one I can ask to help me understand."

Mr Howard no longer had his resting face, his eyebrows tightened, his eagle eyes could see right through steel.

Both the father and son, start reading…

It was the same file from 2 nights ago!