Valvesteen's World

A minute of complete silence…

No one's moving, and Levon is just staring at them emotionlessly, but inside… the increased heartbeat and the speed blood flowed in his veins told another story.

Finally, Howard and Elijiah take their eyes off the text, and the screen disappears.

Levon cannot wait to hear what's coming next, his heartbeat is getting even quicker and his breath became slightly heard…Like a dog left in the desert, he was thirsty.

Thirsty for Truth!

Howard adjusts his glasses. "…Levon, I am sorry to say that I do not understand this myself."

A stunned expression was slowly getting drawn on Levon's face…Almost taking a blue turn without him noticing.

"Wh..What do you mean? You've lived during those times…

How can you be on the same page as me?!"

Howard smiles and looks at the ground.

"Yes I did, but you should know that the world I lived in back then and the one existing now, aren't much different Levon.

However, I'll explain some individual terms.

They like to call us the 7heroes, right? Heroes are those who do marvelous things not for the sake of themselves, but for others. They don't need to have a personal motive in order to do so…A hero can only gain that title through the recognition of others.

Although, I am by no means a Hero…

Which brings me to another word, hope…I don't know whether I can explain it well but, it's something humans couldn't live without.

It is knowing that what may come next, is better than what we have.

That what we want, even if seemingly impossible…Will come in hand someway somehow.

That's all I can give you, young man."

Howard throws the device back at Levon, who catches it without taking his eyes away from him. Then it finally kicked in…

He looks sideways through the mirror…to a large area of conifers trees surrounding the house. "I see…

I guess the past is left behind for a reason then, no need for me to worry myself about it. I guess I just overestimated the whole subject…

I'll have to go then, sorry for the wasted time."

Elijiah. "No Levon! What you said is…"

Before he could complete, Howard cuts him off with a more assertive voice.

"You're right. Just focus on yourself and what you need to do moving forwards."

Levon does notice what occurred, but chose not to read into it, he'll just be faced with a dilemma that will exhaust him again.

The dilemma of uncertainty!

So he ended up saying his goodbyes. "Take care, both of you."

He opens the door, but at the last second …


Back then…They called what you're feeling now as, disappointment!"

Levon turns and looks right into the doctor's eyes, very intensely!! But had no moe words left. He decided to leave it for good.

"…Why?". Elijiah asked his father.

"No matter how I'll explain it, in order to understand he has to go on his own journey. You understood because you're my son, It was a process throughout many years, you've been raised to understand." Said Howard, as he observed Levon moving away towards the car.

"…It pains me that I've not being able to affect the next generations the way I thought I should, I didn't think it would turn out to be that way…

I ended up just an asset for that man's plan."

After a deep sigh, Howard adds one last sentence, that only he can hear.

'I really hope your plan will succeed, professor!'

"…I guess you're right, but it seems that he's not going to pursue that road. Being the person that he is, he barely has interest in anything." Commented Elijiah.

Howard. "That's what he lets you see, behind closed doors and flesh, who knows who the real Levon Graham may be!

I have little hope, considering he has yet to return the books I've given him for all those years…"



It sure feels gross, I don't ever want to feel it again…

These psychological feelings, are they all like this? Gloomy and heavy…

Then I'm better off without them, when I didn't know what it's like to feel.. I could easily ignore everything that gets in my way. Even the terms he explained to me, made absolutely no sense…

If ever I lived the day we create a time machine, which isn't going to be any soon, I'll consider investing myself in all of this. But for now, it's all useless and meaningless!'

Levon's final decision, was set.

From that day on, he didn't open the files again, he didn't open the books his mom gave him. He did not open the whole subject in his mind!

He filled his time with work even more, investigating about the true nature of the Ozon and even how to create it. This is the future of humanity, and future has always been more important for a scientist than the past.

But, a little detail caught the slightest amount of our main character's interest whenever he walked back from work lately.

'…This publicity has been going on for about a week now, wherever I go it's aired. Even on Tv. And the guy on it…

He is…'

Levon, is now standing in front of a huge skyscraper that has this publicity airing the whole day and night on all of it's digital surface.

'it's nothing like other glamorous pumping publicities, and it conveys very little information. As if it's purpose is to make people guess what is it about.

…I'd like to meet him again, but I'm not going in.'

"What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Levon Graham is standing in front of my building!". A familiar voice makes Levon aware of his external existence. He turns around, and what a coincidence this is!

The scanning begins.

'As always, his style is different than everyone…the variety of colors on his clothes and the aesthetics created by his hand attracts the eye almost automatically, his ability to create beauty is unmatched…

His "Chemise" with its open chest gives an edge to his look, and the fur all over it as the wind blows…His right hand always in his slim large white pants. His golden silk hair…with the curls on its ends slowly taking it up to the sky.

Unlike me, the combination of his eye colors are blue and red! The only one with those colors... his whole face looks like it could be one of his own paintings.

But what always made me feel weird, is his delicate ability to express oneself. He has that same tongue of those 3…

He's just like that other one, someone I can't be like…'

The other one?!

"Valvesteen Grey!". Says Levon. As this man in his late mid 20s got closer.

He does not shake hands, he bowed his head! Which Graham replies to by the same gesture, though he does not understand it, but from back in the day he learnt that this is how Valvesteen greets people.

"Let's go inside, shall we?". Valvesteen gives his invitations, that the latter could not oppose.

As they walked in the large and beautiful halls of his building, Valvesteen purposefully avoided taking the elevator so he could show Levon around. The latter was secretly amazed at what he's witnessing.

'It's been a very long time since I've been here, since our fathers both made us meet for the first time. And a lot has changed since then…

Everything is painted, everything is colored, everything seems to be alive!! Unlike In the city, it does not feel heavy being here!'

After a little tour, the two got together in the elevator, with one click it took them right towards the 417th floor in a blink of an eye. It's also teleportation-based!

"This is where I reside most of my time, I get inspired when I'm alone, so it's forbidden for anyone to come in without my permission.

But a guest like you is more than welcome. My father had expressed his liking to you on some occasions, and I share the same thing."

The elevator door opened, and Valvesteen said. "Treat yourself Mr Levon!

You're one of the very few to see my world."