Metamorphosis 1

…The first word to dscribe what Levon is seeing was: "AMAZING"!

"I call it "Utopia". It's an ancient word that means the perfect world." Explains Grey.

Levon takes slow steps forward as he's thoroughly observing.

'…They don't just feel alive, they're actually alive!! It's moving…Like it's conveying an information to the beholder!!'

What Levon is experiencing now, is a 4-dimensional form of Art!! An art that is indeed alive.

Valvsteen created a world of his own, creatures Levon never seen before, be it plants or animals and even insects, even the wind blows and sways the leaves with it. This floor is huge, but ofcourse it isn't big enough to draw things in their real measures, so this work is just a micro-version.

Valvsteen enjoys the look on levon's face and tells him. "They're not aware of your existence, go on and discover it."

The latter starts analyzing every detail his eyes can catch, until his eyes stumbled upon a small city in the center of this splendid piece, hidden by all the trees and leaves!

It's drawn on an even smaller scale than the rest, so he had to lean down in order to analyze exactly what it is.

'…I can see many humans walking and interacting with each other, they're all wearing the same clothes as Valvesteen…even their faces are similar! They're just versions of himself.

But these buildings are weirdly shaped, and relatively small.

…I see no signs of technology anywhere…'

Suddenly! A group of animals enter the city…And all the Valvesteens gather in front!

Levon's interest picks up. 'Something is going to happen!

Each of these animals are from different species…I can only identify two or three of them.

That one is a panthera…the other is a Cercopithecoidea…and that over there is probably a Canidae Canis Lupis!

Some of them…No, all of them are…beautiful!

One of the humans is walking towards the animals…This one looks exactly like Valvesteen. He looks happy…'

The humans slowly move their bodies in sync! Forming a big circle. The animals enter inside and they themselves start moving their bodies in sync with the humans.

Like a spectacle, the animals and humans, each danced with one another in complete harmony!

Levon could only look without even having words to describe the scene.

"Hahahahah…My favorite and proudest work of all! Are you enjoying it Mr. Levon?". Valvesteen commented from behind.

Levon quickly turns his head towards him, he right away noticed the confused and fearful look in Graham's eyes. It made him grin!

"Don't take your eyes away, it's not done yet."

It is Act N°2.

The animals got in one line, and one after the other, started giving the humans a part of their own body! On the other hand, humans payed their respects by kneeling down to each animal.

When it was all finished, the animals returned to their habitats as humans waved at them goodbyes.

And just like that, the act performs itself from the beginning.

"I always keep adding to it when I find a worthy idea…as you can see my art lacks an important dimension to it, which is sound. I haven't figured out yet how to create that." Valvesteen explains.

Levon gets up, the words he will now speak are a once in a lifetime occurrence.

"I…have never experienced such thing in my whole life."

Valvesteen smiles widely, then laughs, then smiles again! then he laughs even some more.

But in a sudden moment, he wiped it off and replaced It by a complete menacing stare. And said.

"Isn't It a shame, how the world is today?"

This sudden question felt like the strongest wind blew on the face of Levon, and he was not prepared to stand in front of it.

He's forced again to think about what he decided to leave behind that day.

Valvesteen continues. "Wouldn't it be great, if we were given the chance to start all over again?"

Another wind like question. Even stronger than the first.

"Answer me Levon Graham!". Valvesteen's sound gets even more assertive!

"You're someone who should have the answer to that!"

At this moment, Levon no longer resisted the wind…he let go of his hands and opened his eyes. Everything was dark, he couldn't see a thing.

'…It has always been like this, I could never answer the questions I needed to answer most.

It's not that I didn't have an answer…It's that I couldn't reach out to it, and then pull it out. I would work 24hours and not get tired as much as if I try doing that.

But this has brought nothing to me but regret.


At least I'm able to understand what that feeling from the book truly meant…'

Suddenly, shades of light appeared in the distant end. A light at the end of the tunnel!

There stood Valvesteen! As bright as the ancient sun.

'It's now or never…I cannot let myself be outshined!

You'll be the one I use to have those answers, Valvesteen! That's how much I'm impressed by you.'

The wind stopped blowing on Levon's face! Then he said.

"Yes, I want to restart everything again if I could."

His words had no hesitation, no edginess, no fear, no resistance, they were the cleanest words he ever spoke to date. And he felt it, but he still cannot grasp the full meaning of this moment, nor know the word that defines it.

Valvesteen smiled once again. "You haven't disappointed, Mr Graham.

You've seen the commercial, right?"

'…He probably knows it's why I've stopped at his building. So be it! If he's willing to tell me what it is about.'. Levon thought to himself.

Valvesteen continues. "What If I told you, that we can indeed start from the beginning.

Would you believe me?"

Levon. "I wouldn't, the only possible way is to get back in time, and even with the things we're able to create now, time is one thing science stood powerless against."

Valvesteen. "That is true, but if you just played with words a little bit, you could make it a reality. I know a scientist like you does not have the time for literary courses. Not that anyone cares about that nowadays, so I'll explain it to you in terms you understand best.

How do you think I created this "Utopia" art piece?"

Right away, Levon connects the dots and understands where this is going...

Valvesteen. "Bingo! If I was able to create such thing, that moves and ages and thinks, there sure must be a way to do it on a much larger scale."

Levon. "But that is almost impossible, creating a whole new world like that will need an unbelievable amount of data, and resources that we don't have."

"It isn't me who will create it…Nor anyone, because it's already there!". Valvesteen drops the bomb on Levon.

"…Are you saying that the commercial is to promote such thing?

Are you telling me that such thing was being created without the knowledge of me and father?! The head of the scientific institution himself!


Valvesteen. "That is because…It was created even before you were born. I have only been in the know recently, as King Axel personally contacted me to make this commercial."

Levon is shocked. "King Axel!? He's the one that created it?"

Valvesteen. "Levon! Have you ever heard about the myth of Doctor X?"

"Doctor X…."

Levon reaches back in his memory, to recall something from the long gone past, something his Mother Malika told them about during a rare starry night.

A tale of old times, of a soothsayer that predicted the end of the world and put humans on notice, leaving them a treasure that is said to rescue the one who finds it.

But at last, the humans were deceived, and the world ended.

'I remember it well, because that was the only story I focused when listening to!

The name of that man was…

"Doctor X"!!'.

"Yes, I've heard it…". He replies!

Valvesteen. "At the end of the tale, it says that the world ended and that the treasure he left wasn't real.

Well, it's not a myth!"

Suddenly!! An eagle scream echoed in the whole floor. A voice never heard by the ears of Levon, totally took away his attention.

Levon looks towards the source of the voice. A digital calendar on the roof!

*YEAR: 2093


*DAY: 28

*HOUR: 18



Valvesteen crosses his fingers then says. "Mr. Levon! Pay attention to what you're going to witness.

Today, is the true birth of a new world!".