Metamorphosis 2

Levon gets disturbed.

"Wh…What's that sound?!"

Valvesteen points his finger in front and says. "The real commercial will be airing in 3…2….1!"

A digital screen pops up in front of the two, Levon's senses reached the 100% efficiency mark! His eyes started to slightly light up, something completely unnatural for a normal human being!!

Valvesteen on the other hand, wasn't pointing his eyes at the screen, he's the one doing it anyway! He's focusing solely on Levon's minor reactions to each detail.

Suddenly, the king himself gets introduced in the commercial! And it's him who explains the very important details of this announcement.

"Dear humans!

You are probably wondering why I haven't made any public appearances in a quite a long time. It was not a personal decision, but an obligation!

I have been working on the biggest project of the New World era! Something never seen before.


The visuals started showing locations and places strange to the human eye, which looked so real but also unreal at the same time!

"...These places that you see, are part of a world not like ours, not even like the one humans had before. It is a world called "THE ERAQUEST"!!

In its basics, you can call it a game. But it is far more than just that, it's a surreal experience that grants us humans the possibility of creating our own new world and leave the one we have here behind. With the rise of population and the loss of inhabited land due to the spread of the hybrid viruses. The continuation of humankind is still in danger no matter what we do.

So I, your king and beloved hero! Axel Dreitch! Was finally able to invent a world that we can inhabit for all eternity with no risks of perishing!!

However, as creating something like that would only be possible by modeling it as a virtual game. It has playmodes and objectives to accomplish.

These information will be on full display very soon, for now I announce that "The Eraquest" is free and accessible for all people within the age range of 17 to 29, no matter the gender or the region!

I am looking forward to your co-operation my people!

Let us move forwards, to a new world!".

With a very nice happy face, the king ends his revelatory speech.

But the commercial continued showing Vavlesteen painting an incredibly beautiful crane, flying high and bending through the sky shaping colorfully the word:


"…I know, not the same story I just told you right?". Valvesteen breaks the silence.

"Only the elite should know the real story Mr. Levon. The important thing in the commercial is that it proves to you that such invention is a reality, that a new world is possible for all of us.

This game is the start of something beyond what we know!

I personally invite you to participate, alongside me!"

Levon shakes his head uncontrollably.

"Wait...Wait a moment!

This makes little to no sense at all!

How is something like a game is going to create a new world for us? No matter how it is created, how can it sustain itself for an eternity as King Axel is suggesting?

And why is he telling a different story about its origins? Why did he claim it to himself instead of telling the real story that you claim he told you directly?!

How can all people of our age participate in it?

What is going to happen to the this world if everyone did?"

Valvesteen. "Hahahahaha…The very same questions I myself asked!

Well, to your first question I am not a great scientist, you'll be better off asking King Axel directly. But I've seen it with my own eyes, my senses do not deceive me, ever!

For your second question, the reason why he did not tell the real story is the same reason why it is not told since the natural revolution occurred.

You must understand Mr. Graham, that the impact of those incidents was far greater than just greatly reducing our living area or killing 83% of the human species. those who continued living were made to carry a burden that is unsupportable.

The burden of the dead!".

Levon looks confused by this point. But the artist continues explaining.

"Doctor. X was supposed to be the first and only hero, but originally finding out that his claim was a lie, the world was given a false sense of hope that crushed the human spirit!

That unknown person, with all of what he said and accomplished, was left to die in the past as a form of punishment, and the generations to come had no idea who he is.

That tale you know about, is truly the only thing left from him in the minds of very few people.

It is just a tale, nothing more…Nothing less."

Levon was struggling to keep up, so he cuts him off right there. "…I do not understand many words you're using, but I can clearly see that you are interested in the ancient world.

That is their language and line of reasoning!"

"Oh! Indeed I am Mr.Levon!". Valvesteen seems impressed that Levon detected that!

"So you do have somewhat of an idea as well… Good! I'll explain it to you in simpler words so you can understand clearly.

Humans decided to move on from everything related to their past once they experienced the terror of nature! The world that you know today is a world stripped of its history because of that.

Doctor.X was never talked about because he was considered a traitor to the human race, and only the 7heroes were celebrated because of how they saved humans from certain death!"

Valvesteen starts walking with his hands crossed behind his back and continues explaining.

"However, Doctor X did not lie in any word he said!

He predicted the world's end, and he was right before anyone knew it.

He said that humans will survive! And one way or another, they did.

He said he left them something…And he did!

This something is "THE ERAQUEST"! Now the relation between what he left and the natural revolution is certainly vague and incomprehensible.

But I believe, just like what humans of back then believed. That it is a mean of salvation, that through this "Game", we humans will be able to restore the world we once lost.

No! We'll make an even better one.


Levon's brain is about to leak oil from its excessive use. But he's starting to come up with something…It does make a little bit of sense to him!!

"So... King Axel chose not to tell the real story because it's unnecessary, as long as we accomplish the task using what Dr. X left for us!?"

Valvesteen. "To some degree, yes! To not re-live those memories that humans buried back then, and to not raise many questions that will only sway us humans from our main goal. But it is necessary for the likes of us to know! King Axel knows that the Hybrid+ will be the reason we unfold this mystery.

Himself being one!

He's relying on our ability, that is why I am certainly entering that world. Even if I have big dreams to accomplish right here and now.

The project that you witnessed moments ago, is called "Mummifyal", my sole objective is to solidify Art as one perfect form that cannot be topped, but I'd like to accomplish this in a better world even more!".

Levon is a bit amazed by Valvesteen! He never knew he had this goal, and the look on his eyes and the way he speaks, truly imposes the listener to listen well. But he did not make these inner feelings appear on the surface. He replies calmly like a true scientist would.

"I see…But we know nothing yet about this world, I have to study it before I make any decision like that."

Valvesteen smiles. "For sure! In fact, you can visit King Axel personally, he's currently residing In the Twin Temple, you're no stranger to him after all.."

Levon. "That was my next move, but I have one more question before I leave.

Why do you think Dr.X did what he did in that manner? Giving humans uncertain…"

Levon tries to find the right word for what he's trying to convey, and it took him a second.

'I know it…That word Mr. Howard explained to me recently…Yeah!


"…Uncertain hope."

Valvesteen takes his time to think.

"Hmm…Good use of words Mr.Levon! I myself did not think of why…

But maybe it was the only way to do it, just like I got even someone like you interested with that commercial…He was able to have the attention and the interest of the whole world by giving little detail."

Levon. "But In his case, it was a matter of saving the whole earth, using such tactics in a crucial time, can only be a foolish gesture."

*Sigh*… I certainly agree with you on this one.

He's truly an intriguing person, operating differently than everyone else. I would love to know more about him…

Even this game itself, who would've thought at such time the invention he's talking about is a game…But that is what makes me think it's certainly more than just that." Replies Grey as he looked sideways to the horizon from the building's transparent glass.

After a very calm couple of seconds, it was time for departure!

"Mr Valvesteen…"

The latter looks back at Levon, to find him bowing with his head down to express his respect and gratitude! Two things he isn't consciously aware of yet.

Valvesteen smiles happily and replies by the same gesture.

Levon gets down the building quickly, intending not to waste a single second before he is standing in front of the King! His drive to know about this surpasses that of anything else before!

But the moment he stepped foot outside...

He was shocked to see the amount of people gathering in front of the building!! As well as all the large long streets nearby!

'Ah! The commercial…' He immediately concludes the reason

They were so loud, cheering and chanting and jumping, they all seemed so happy and excited about the announcement.

A celebration! The King is truly loved by his people.

Levon recalls something Valvesteen said moments ago. * The elite. *

'…You're probably right. Though I never cared to classify people as such.

Or maybe…I did.

It seems I can hardly navigate in such crowded streets, calling the car is impossible in such conditions.

Meeting King Axel will have to wait for tomorrow then…'

Levon puts on his hood and his earphones, then slithers between the oblivious people of Babel...