Crossing The Bridge of Time

Inside the Scientific research department in the center of Babel.

Another meeting Is being held, to discuss the progress made in the last period concerning creating a new protective sphere.

Dr. Graham leads the conference. "I'd like to hear about what were you able to accomplish in the last two weeks!

We'll start first by you Doctor Brogdon."

"Yes sir, I have taken the responsibility of experimenting on the Felidae Genus Panthera that you've broughtfrom the doom world. The results were fascinating.

By analyzing and examining the nature of this animal's blood and skin cells, I have decoded the composure that made his body accept the hybrid gene.

As you can see in the screen, this animal's brain activity and capability has been upgraded to a high level, which explains his intelligence and ability to understand signals… But this little area right here, at the very end of his brain shows more activity compared to the others!.

This part is responsible for restoring memories and releasing certain chemicals that control the inner state of a being! To make sure that this isn't a particular case of this animal, I injected a very small portion of the hybrid gene+, it immediately reacted to it. The animal acted a bit differently since that moment, his aggressiveness lowered and the signals he made registered on the low level.

It is very early to assume, but I'd like to think that this may lead us to why the hybrid gene was accepted."

The other scientists took a second to think deeply, Miss Isla had the first interjection.

"Very interesting, we were not able to come up with this information by examining on humans! But if this part was responsible somehow for the successful combination of the hybrid gene and the body, why is it that only 0.01% of humans affected by it had a successfully mergence?

Our initial thought of the cause makes a better explanation, which is that only those with the "Survival" gene can be hybrid+. That is why the percentages are rising!"

Brogdon. "…Indeed, but we only assumed that the survival gene preceded that of the hybrid gene, we have never thought that it is the latter who created the first!

It is impossible, even on an evolutionary scale, that humans could develop a gene like that within a very thin time frame in order to adapt.

I can be wrong of course, but I ll continue studying this case based on the point I have made today, certainly if The great minister saw it's best to do so."

Robert answers immediately. "I do! I approve of your conclusion, we were not able to get any valuable information on the survival gene since we discovered it, and hearing your thesis leads me now to think that we cannot understand something without knowing it's origin. Maybe this part of the brain is that origin.

Now, moving to others!"

Zephyr gets on stage, a different kind of stage.

"Yes sir, my team started a mass production of all what's necessary to create the "Sissosphere"!

However, we're still working on forming a first model , due to not knowing the right chemical formula to combine the hybrid molecule with the ozone. Through my observation I suggested that we use a third component that will link the two together, making it even stronger than it once was!

Information from my colleagues' research are necessary to use in our department. In the meantime, we're doing our best to understand the structure and behavior of this molecule."

Robert. "Good! I am certain that creating a whole sphere around the globe will cost tremendous resources, I will allow you to co-operate with the nuclear development department."

Only when Zephyr told his part, that Levon realized he has not come up with anything significant when it comes to his scientific research.

When asked by Robert, his reply was…

"I am currently working on understanding how the natural revolution caused the hybrid gene to appear."

This answer had few odd faces reacting to it.

'Hmm! Why would he search about that…' Brogdon curiously asked in his mind.

Zephyr raised an eyebrow unconsciously. 'What?

What is he talking about…?

Such a futile subject to search in, we have all these recent discoveries and he's going way far back! For what?'

Robert did not show a reaction. But his eyes were pointed directly his disciple for a moment, which nonetheless indicates his surprise as well!

"…And how far did you get into that?" He asked.

Levon. "Not enough to be talked about in our meeting."

This was another shock, Levon not contributing anything!! It left a weird taste in everyone's mouth.

With that, Robert ends the meeting.

Zephyr felt an urge to talk with Levon, but his mind reminded him about why they stopped talking since that day. He wouldn't let himself ever be that interested, at least not publicly.

As the top scientists started getting out of the room, Robert calls on Levon and orders him to stay!

Zephyr looks back for once, wondering what their discussion would be about. But ended up leaving as well

Levon avoids direct eye conttact, only waiting for what Robert will say. He already knows what it was going to be about, either his under-performance or his absence from the household.

But Robert surprises him!

"Something has changed in you!

Have you found something you're interested in?" Asks the father.

"No!". Levon quickly shuts off the doors that may lead to opening up.

Robert. "…What are you now, Levon?

25years of age…"

'…Why is he bringing that up all of a sudden?' Levon has no idea about the direction Robert is taking with his words.

He continues. "You said you're working on how the natural revolution caused the hybrid gene to appear! Isn't that obvious?

The whole sphere was destroyed due to many natural and human factors. The sphere was, not the molecules themselves!

There is nothing new that you can come up with searching about that."

Levon feels that he's being challenged! By the man who assisted him into being the genius that he is today. His scientific pride pushed him to reply this time.

"…That is only the why but not the how! In order to understand the structure of the sphere we're aiming to create, knowing how It was destroyed is also important! The elements that caused that will give us a clear idea on how to re-construct it once again, to make it even more sustainable."

Robert. "Good argumentation, but do you really think it is possible to do that? We've lost 98% of data about the ancient world after the disaster. Unfortunately, the 2 men that had most of it stored in their brain, died right after being infected by the hybrid gene itself.

Let's be honest, Levon Graham!

Your very true interest, is to know about the buried past we've left behind!"

"Wh..What do you mean?!". Levon hesitantly, but repulsively asks back!

Robert keeps his serious sharp look. "I know you enough, you would never choose such direction to your research unless you had another motive. I had some of your team members come to me, complaining about this sudden shift. There is not even enough data to support your research. As we all saw, you haven't contributed anything to the conference for the first time, ever!

I do not condemn you for that, just be clear moving forwards.

You're my successor, you have the responsibility of carrying a field that can save the entire humanity."

Levon feels a great weight being put once again on his shoulders, he always hated to hear that…

"You're my successor". Especially this sentence. Suddenly, he grins! Then looks straight at Robert's eyes!!

"Did you ever ask me, if I wanted to be your successor?". He shrugs his shoulders, and with the same creepy smile he continues.

"I don't! I really don't want to be your successor.

I never had interest in all of what I learnt from you, I only excelled in it because that's what I was being put into. By you! I was only your prisoner; you took me away from a place I did not want to leave. You have taught me nothing but what went along with your benefit, I am just an asset and you know that very well.

It is too late for you to teach me about being clear or being honest, I don't even know what such thing exactly means…".

While Levon was carelessly and weirdly expressing himself, almost like he was having a schizophrenic episode. Robert was dumbfounded! The look on his face clearly showed that.

And this time, it's him who does not find words quickly to answer…Anger found its way faster.

"SILENCE!!!!!" He yells!

"What are you babbling about all of a sudden??!

Now you consider me an enemy as well?! The man who took care of you when no one else would, you would have been left for the dead if not for me!!! You never wondered why you were the only one that survived from that orphanage?!"

"DON'T YOU DARE BRING THEM UP AGAIN!!!". For the first time ever, Levon shows anger in both his face and tone!! His bi-colored eyes lit up once again, like they did before with Valvesteen!

Robert notices that, realizing that he lost control for a moment, he turns his back quickly and gets a hold of himself.

"…You truly grew up, but it is a question of where it was for the better or for worst."

Levon, did not hear what his old man said…He was still in shock of his own reaction, that was 100% authentic. He is amazed that he expressed such thing the way he did, and in some way…It is a good shock for him!

But it wasn't for too long til he snapped away from this amazement…Realizing that it's ROBERT GRAHAM here that he is talking with, one of the 7 heroes and the president of the scientific research institution. Considered as the 2nd in command after the King himself!!

He found it within himself, to express his regret using a calm voice.

"…I didn't mean what I said.

I'll make sure to perform on a higher rate. My apologies!" Then quickly heads towards the door.

"Levon!!". Robert calls him one last time!

"…If you're truly interested about what happened back then, come to the house tonight."

2 seconds later, Robert was left standing alone in this white empty room.

He takes out a thin cigarette from his pocket, that lit itself up automatically the moment he put it between his lips!

A big sigh followed, letting the poisonous smoke come out of his lungs.

Then he says to himself. "…At the end of the day, I'll be the one to give his apologies.

But until then, I hope you'll understand...when you get to that place."