Revelation 3: Final Wars

"…When he did, Mahdi explained our proposal to the Patriarch. Then…". Robert stops talking for a moment! From his expression, it seems like Robert's temper suddenly changed.

Through his weird abilities, Levon can sense and even hear inner changes going on in someone's body, if the latter is close enough. Doing that, he understood that Robert got mad!

"…Long story short, the patriarch refused the plan!

Not only that, he thanked us for giving him all the valuable information, and even the way to protect his nation. He offered one more thing, for the 7 of us to join him and work under his command!

Then, he stood up and ended the meeting right there and then.

We brought defeat back on our shoulders, our biggest fear was made a reality.

The whole world decided, that it is time to conquer the west!

Some of us tried to convince them otherwise, but we were surprised to see Mahdi himself, leading the voices for a world war. I wouldn't blame him to this day.

Our plan now, was to convey in the most appropriate way possible to the people about the situation they're in. But no way would've been good enough. Chaos and fear ruled over the majority, governments could not control the people anymore. We had to interfere, as an organization that was always trusted by the common man. Mahdi again took responsibility, with one speech of his delicate tongue, the situation took a sudden turn.

Under those circumstances, the survival instinct that each human possessed was the only uniting factor. Mahdi made a smart use of that in his speech.

"To survive, is to conquer the west!". That was his line.

The civil wars ended once everybody realized that, governments finally had the opportunity to regroup themselves and prepare for a war. By now, we were only one year away from Doctor X's prediction.

John, and the nation of the west sold a different story to its people, he tricked his people to believe that the world is plotting to take over their home and made up another reason for that. He made sure to ban every outside source of news. The population there did not know what was exactly going down. But the elite did!

John decided to strike back before we do. A smart move I shall say, we did see it coming but didn't have enough time to anticipate it as we were still regrouping.

The landscape of this world war was the same land that was continuously being damaged by the natural disasters, it was an unbelievable scene…As if nature itself was fighting against both sides, not caring which was wrong and which was right.

However, we had little to lose and they had more to lose…

But through unknown powers, the army's enemy had lost most of the battles due to those disasters! So maybe, nature did know who was on the wrong…

With each loss, the rest of the world's army advanced, until we were right there at the shores of the west. They still defended themselves rigorously, one advantage they still had was that we could not afford to land any hit on the nation itself. Or we would risk having nowhere to hide from God's wrath.

The war on the shores kept going on for 3 continuous months, even if we were watching it from afar, we had to still fight against nature itself… The air almost became poisonous and the lands turned unfertile! Everyone not completely healthy or secured, had an ugly death.

Suddenly, we've received a message in our headquarters. We were all extremely tired, depressed and sleep deprived. My first thought was that it's another signal to send help from the fighters on the frontline.

I looked with half an eye, in no time my body stood straight and my two eyes got wide open.

"JOHN CLAUDIUS ON THE SCREEN!!". I shouted to notify my colleagues.

"Indeed! It has been a long time, I had wished you were by this side of heaven but you chose otherwise." He ironically stated.

His tone, rubbed us all the wrong way. No protocol had to be respected now, He is humanity's biggest enemy!

Mahdi quickly got in front to talk. "The fuck you want, wicked monster!?"

Which made John laugh at his language. "Hhahahaha! That wasn't the way I knew you to be, it is not a way to talk to someone who still has your fate in his hand.


His facial expression changed, and his real serious face appeared.

"I have a deal to make! You see, my people are starting to doubt my legitimacy and I can't afford that. I'll mercifully let the world enter my nation…

But there will be one condition to that!"

The condition was, that he'd remain the patriarch after the whole thing ends. Only the difference then was, he'll be the emperor of the whole world.

All of us knew, that we can't trust this man…But this deal was impossible to refuse.

It took us 3 dark days to think about it, at last…The world bowed down to his desire!

Although, it was fascinating to see…How those who fought for all that time refused the deal, they offered their lives in return of a well-earned victory. They no longer cared for the end of the world as much as they did for winning against the man who caused them losing their loved ones and everything they knew and cared for!

But many others still had things to protect…

Nothing else could be done, we weren't going to win that war even If it lasted another couple of years.

This moral loss destroyed everyone's spirit. Entering the west did not feel any better, heads were down and only trucks, cars and planes were heard.

We had to pick ourselves up, we only had 6months left before the promised day.

The process of building "Saviolum" started quickly, we had already reserved the necessary equipment for that. Although we lost many of the working hand, the people of the west were helpful too, they wanted to survive the most so that wasn't much of a surprise.

Part of the deal, was also forcing us to never speak the true story. To them, Claudius was the first hero to save the whole world.

We constructed as many facilities and camps we could to contain the huge number of humans that kept coming in from all over the world. Still, it wasn't nearly enough. Homeless in one land, and homeless in another, only that one land used to be home…

The situation was significantly better In terms of natural conditions. It became worse on other levels. Supplying people with enough food and drink became very challenging. And of course, the discrimination between the original owners of the land and the refugees was blatantly apparent. In any time, another war could've started again …But we did our best to calm the people and fight for their rights. By sacrificing our future chances of freedom from the chains intentionally laid by John Marx.

He made a deal out of everything we needed.

2 Months left, we've run out of resources to supply the rescue teams. And we still had hundreds of millions stuck in different regions around the world!

John this time refused to give help or even make a deal out of it, hiding behind the fact that his country's capacity has been superseded already. The ex-leaders and their people already gave up. Some died just from exhaustion and stress, some others committed suicide. Everyday, thousands of deaths…

We had one last trick under our sleeves!