Revelation 2: The Wicked Witch of The West

"…I opened it myself.

The screen got divided into multiple sections, each showed different calculations.

About a minute later, the 7 of us knew exactly the horror awaiting humanity. We were stunned, words wouldn't come out until we were grabbed by the neck.

As Geology was his profession, Howard was the one who had the better idea of what was going to happen… Through some geological maps, he figured out some unusual occurrences in Earth's core and its layers. A sudden rise of volcanic activities, and the seven large plates' movements also abruptly picking up.

As frighten as he was, Howard explained what he was looking at to the world's leaders. Abruptly, he stopped… To ask himself, how come such activities weren't registered before on our computers? And secondly, what could possibly be a solution to this?!

It wasn't only a matter of geological changes. The air, water, substances and even predictions of meteorites trajectories. All which surpassed human knowledge at the time. Has been put suddenly in front of our faces!

The file also predicted a date of when these circumstances will hit their peak. Exactly 3years later, which is 12th November 2063.

The conversation that followed, wasn't even one that should've been. The world leaders were questioning the legitimacy of these information. Especially with the fact that the big part of the file was only concerning a game!! Chatter got so loud and out of control.

But I remember turning my face briefly to look at Axel…He was paying no attention to their talk! He seemed so fascinated about it than worried about what could happen!

Nothing was agreed on that day, in fact it got even worse between some nations. The way of handling this differed from one another.

Both sides took it seriously. However, one side believed that they should first deal with facing these upcoming dangers, and directing all resources for that matter.

The other side, fixed their intention on finding this man first. It is him who has these future technologies never seen and it will be him who has the solution.

And it just happened, that the two biggest and most powerful nations at the time, were on a different side!

As for our company, we sided with the first side! Even though our curiosity to know this mysterious man was immense, especially Axel and Morris… who sometimes would leave their research and try to find any trace that may lead to him. But the calculations and predictions all seemed to be exact and logical, and before it gets worse, we had to be prepared!

One year passed, people no longer were in fear of what happened that day. The nations did not declare the information we got yet. It was deemed to be the most secret and protected data until date. But Doctor X became a part of everyone's lives already, mentioning him in all platforms and topics, he became a universal figure pretty fast.

We were tracking all the changes occurring in that time frame, our technologies finally caught up a year later! We tried reducing the speed in which the plates were moving, and banning all non-bio-products, things of that nature… It first had a slight positive effect on the natural state! But on the other hand, it caused a massive drop down in the economy of the whole world. Until one of the two dominant nations decided to not co-operate with us anymore, disregarding all strategies and decisions made!

It was a strictly economical move, to gain the lead over the world, and this time unbothered by their rivals who were very keen in protecting the world and sacrificing what it had for that cause!

A decision had to be taken, the little improvement we made has gone to waste rather quickly. We couldn't take a public decision against them because it was still not a public case anyways. Eitherways, it was only a matter of time before the masses would figure it out themselves and connect the dots. Earthquakes, Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions rates doubled!

The people started questioning and suspecting, that this may truly be the end of the world.

"We have done more harm than accepted". News started spreading this line, and what we feared came to existence. Chaos quickly took over, it was also the worst economical year ever known to mankind. Except for the leading nation of the world! For them, it could not get any better now, they took complete advantage!

We had to come up with a new plan, and so we did. Analyzing the data once again, we were finally able to pinpoint the locations which the overall damage in will be minimal! Although no damage at all was going to be minimal, our idea was to use these locations to withstand the outcome of these disasters.

Ironically enough, we came to the conclusion that the same nation refusing to cooperate with us, and even worsening our situation, is where most of the "safe zones" are located!

This was a huge upsetting turn for all other nations, who all had hatred and resentment towards it, feelings I am not sure you'll understand now…

Our final plan was constituted of 4 steps.

First, we had to let the world face what it's facing! Hiding the truth was only going to make it harder at this point, many countries were already in civil wars and riots against their governments, due to the sudden and incomprehensible economic and even natural changes.

By doing so, we were going to have everyone participate in our survival. Which was step number 2

Each country made sure to villainize the leading nation and explain the truth as it is to their people. This way we were going to push it to subdue and cooperate once again!

When that finally happens, Step number 3! Shipping every human being far west, where the safe locations exist.

And the last step, building what we called at the time "The Savoranium Wall" around the whole nation, as a means of protection against the upcoming natural disasters.

All nations agreed that this was the best and ONLY solution.

All nations except once again, the leading nation! You're probably asking, how come that? Right?"

"Yes…I have no explanation to such thing!" Levon curiously replies.

Robert. "That is because, you only think using your brain Levon, everything has to be logical and perfect for you, everything should match your precise mathematical calculations.

But the world, and humans especially…were beyond that."

Levon was struck by these words even more so than the fascinating history he didn't know about.

'Something…beyond logic and precise calculations?!'

Robert continues the story where he left it off.

"…I remember, that the ruler of the east nation, which was the direct rival and equal of that in the west, has had enough! He decided that if they didn't want to help through reason and words, we'll have to force our way there!

It was a very ironic case of reverse invasion. Where the weak wants to take over the strong. But the weak, accompanied by many other weaklings can become strong! At least in spirit… It didn't take that much convincing for all other nations to agree on that, this mind you, was before spreading the word, that the world may soon end!

But a war against them may lead to destroying the same safe locations our hopes are on! The 7 of us asked them to be patient for a one last time!

It was our biggest mission since forming "The Free Elite", to avoid a final world war and to convince the west nation of our plan.

All 7 of us, took flight to the west.

To meet their lone monarch, the patriarch "John Marx Claudius"!!

On our way to his castle, we quickly noticed how much better the circumstances were in his country. By now It looks like a utopia compared to the rest of the world.

If you didn't know what a utopia means, it's…" Before Robert could complete his sentence, Levon does it for him.

"A perfect world!"

This confirmed what Robert thought of before, this is surely not the first time Levon talks about history! However, he continued without asking or making the remark.

"Right. That's how it looked to us under those circumstances.

The meeting was arranged in complete privacy. We had to nominate one of us to take the leading parole in our name, and the one born with the smoothest tongue, the calmest and most appropriate mannered was "Mahdi Salem"! For some reason, he's the least celebrated of the 7 today… Probably for not having his statue in Babel.

Either ways, He had a way of convincing anyone he ever talked with, this was essential for the success of this mission.

Claudius welcomed us with open arms and smiles, as if the world had never been better!

He treated us to a great meal, though most of us had lost our appetite to eat long time ago, we had to respect the protocol, and delay the reason for our visit until he asks…