Revelation 1

"…I met her some years before the revolution. She was always calm and kind, even after losing all of her family, she remained the same." Robert starts telling the history!

He adds. "I never told someone, but she wasn't supposed to be the one I marry! It was her older sister… But She died from the hybrid virus back then."

Listening to Robert, Levon was fairly surprised to know those details…

'…For all those years I lived in between them and i didn't know!'. He wondered why it is only now that it's brought up to his knowledge.

Robert. "Interesting isn't it? To find the truth behind things…

Truth is the reality behind things, truth always come on top at some point, but only to those who seek it.

Remember that well!"

Levon could barely hide his confusion and surprise.

'…Why do I think that he is different from any other time he talked to me? He's giving me an advice! An advice instead of an order!!

What's the reason of this sudden change!?'.

Robert continues. "I had just graduated from a very known university back then. The first in my section. I was quickly demanded in many institutions and fields.

However, after being funded by some companies I've decided to open my own. Back then, we had many tools of communication, which makes it easier to find people who have the same Interest as you. Nowadays it's not the case, everyone likes the same things already.

I was able to know other scientists, who also chose to work individually. After meeting them several times, we came up with the idea of creating our own cooperation.

There were 7 of us!"

"…The 7 heroes!?" Levon quickly assumes.

"…That's what we came to be known as, only after the revolution.

Before that, our name was "The Free Elite". Replies Robert.

"…Each one of us, specialized in certain fields of study. I for example, majored in physics and mathematics. Howard Salvatore, majored In Geology and medicine, Axel Dreitch, majored in computer science and chemistry…

With the rest, there wasn't a major field that we didn't have the best in.

In a short span, we were able to gain a worldwide recognition. We were liked amongst the people for not being backed up by any hidden entity. Money was not our primary motive…

Contrary to what you may think, The world as a whole wasn't by any means great back then, wars for power and resources were a frequent thing, but almost miraculously, the world kept on moving regardless, humans not affected by those circumstances will move on with their lives carelessly.

It was only, when that day arrived. Friday the 12th of November 2060!

The sound of the heavy rain still echoes in my head when I think of it, it never rained as hard that day.

Our cooperation was busy working on providing help to a country that was dealing with a civil war. If you don't know what it means, it's when an internal conflict gets set up within a country. We were asked to create a new political system module for them. So they can get back functioning on a higher level in a shorter period.

Rain suddenly stopped, and seconds later on…There was one face that the whole humanity was looking at.

In fact, it wasn't even a face…It was too dark to see something beside a mouth barely moving, only after years that I've finally had the ability to reflect on his appearance. What he said, changed the whole world."

Levon, captivating every little and major information his old man is speaking, could not stop himself from commenting in this particular point of the story.

"…That man, was called Doctor X?"

Robert looked quite intrigued by this interjection, he did not think he would know…But quickly assumed, that this isn't the first person he talked to about this.

"…Did Howard tell you that?"

Levon. "No."

Robert thought to himself whether he should ask who it is, but deemed it unnecessary! As he is about to talk about the same subject himself.

"Yes, that's what everyone referred to him as…

He was given that nickname for the way he talked resembled that of a doctor, and the X for being unknown.

Not even with the whole world's highest technologies, that we could detect his identity. Neither the source of his message…As if he wasn't residing on earth.

The main point of his message, was that an incoming huge incident will present the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. He did not give any details, he only said that we have to look for something he left for us, something he left where man died!

It only lasted for about 20seconds. Rain resumed as if it had intentionally stopped to put everyone on notice, and highlight this moment even more.

Right away, I started looking up all information and reactions from the biggest governments of the time.

They all received a file, named "THE ERAQUEST". When tracking the source only an automatic computer was found in a rusty old room.

We asked for a copy! At first they didn't let us have it. Luckily for us, none was able to decode the file. As they realized It was something beyond their capabilities, Axel was their last resort."

Robert, in the midst of telling the story…grins like he just heard an unpleasant funny joke.

"…The world had to resume its daily routine even though the people were terrified, but they managed to calm down a bit, by thinking it's a hoax, and that it is only a terrorist attempt to frighten them.

It took a month for Axel to finally open the file! And the first sentence he said was.

"…It is only a game!"

I could not believe it, neither did all officials, presidents and men in charge, whom were residing in our building at the time.

But, the file was composed of two documents, one very small compared to the section that contained information about this game. I was the first to point it out, as the name picked my interest. It was named "Nature Revolution".

When he opened it… It was the beginning of the end!"