In The Presence of Royalty

For the city called "ISIN": People aged from 0 to 10: 23%

People aged from 10-20: 30%

People aged from 20-30: 29%

People aged from 30-40: 15%

People aged from 40-50: 2%

People aged from 50-beyond: 1%

Before checking on the other cities' statistics, he first analyzes these.

"Isin…about 500 kilometers away from Babel to the south.

From what I learned from father, I can explain why there's such disparity.

The revolution happened 30years ago, considering how many people died and got infected throughout the years…And since the older the deadlier, people older than 40 are a rarity.

It Is only that the Xoom Generation was born with an immune system able to deal with the diseases caused by the hybrid gene on a higher degree. I assume they'll live longer… Or I should say we.

But that isn't my interest right now, for me to know the specifics of what happened long ago, I'll have to find someone older than 40.

3% of Isin's population. That will be hard to do…Plus I didn't even think of how I'm going to approach someone about such thing. Valvesteen mentioned how people refused to talk about it, and that is why we have no clue about what happened today.

I don't quite understand that, but it is true. I was going to ask Father about it, but he didn't leave me the chance.

Plus, talking to someone you don't know is almost a crime I don't want anyone doing to me.

I'll check the other cities, the one with the higher percentage of older people will be the one I may go to.

-The city of "Larsa": People aged from 30 to 40: 12%

People aged from 40 to 50: 4%

People aged from 50 and beyond: 2%

-The City of "Nippur": 30 to 40: 17%

40 to 50: 1%

50 and beyond: 0%

-City "Akkad": 30 to 40: 16%

40 to 50: 3%

50 and beyond: 2%

Seeing the results, it is Akkad that has the higher percentage of old people compared to the other cities. Babel has in fact the lowest, with only 0.5% of people aged 40 and beyond!

But Levon, was still hesitant!

��…Do I really want to go? I know nothing about these places.

What if no one wanted to talk to me about it? That is assuming they know who I am…Of course they do, I am the adopted son of the head minister of all Kush…

This can result in many things, if I ever decided to go…I'll have to make it as secret as possible. I'll have to target a specific person; I know some people who can help in doing that…

But first, visiting King Axel is the priority.

He might have all the answers I need; from what I remember he is the talkative type. One of the reasons why I always avoided him…

But it isn't the time anymore, something keeps driving me to know more about this…More and more, i don't know what it is…I just know that I must keep on going this way.

It is settled!

Tomorrow, I'll go to the Twin temple."

With his colored firy eyes lighting up in the darkness, his will was clear and undeniable!


*The first of July, 3pm in the scientific research institution*

Levon has finished his job earlier than usual, to head out towards his destination…

"You're leaving early, what's the matter?". Catching him off guard, Robert calls him from behind!

Not only he's there, but Zephyr is also next to him!

"…I have things to do." Levon quickly replies.

For a brief tenth of a second, Levon looks at Zephyr! Resulting in a direct eye contact…Until both looked away at the same time.

Robert shifts his gaze towards Zephyr, then starts walking ahead.

"Your report had some very interesting details…I'd like to discuss them with you at the office."

"Yes sir!". Replies Zephyr as he followed the boss.

The fading sound of their shoes was the last thing Levon heard, as he went on his way outside the building.

'…Why is it that he has to see me today out of all days!? And, Interesting details…What could they be…

Whatever! I don't have time to think about this right now.'

He made sure to distance himself from the central building he's working in, and then called his personal teleporter. Called Bruce.

Levon. "To the Twin Temple."

Bruce. "Hm!"

Unlike any time before, he didn't do as said right away.

"To the Twin Temple.". Levon repeats.

Bruce. "…Yes sir."

As always, few seconds and they're already there. The door automatically lifts, but before Levon could get out Bruce could not contain his mouth.

"Dare I ask, you're meeting with the king?"

Levon. "…I hope you'll be professional enough not to tell Father Robert about it."

Bruce remains silent for a moment and then says. "I won't."

He is out of the picture.

Levon is now standing right in front of the glorious Twin Temple, the tallest and most special building in Babel. Though it looks similar to other buildings, the twin aspect gives it uniqueness.

'Now then… Here I am. I didn't take a rendezvous, I didn't want anyone else to know I'm coming.

Who thought what he once told me would be useful.

There is this secret passage that leads right towards his personal room. I wonder if it's still here...

Levon starts checking the side walls of the building with his hands…After about 10 seconds.

'There it is!".

With a bit of force, he pushes the wall with his left hand. An invisible brick appears! Suddenly, the brick transforms into a door! Levon quickly gets inside without leaving any trace.

The door led right towards an elevator, with no floor buttons to be pushed! Meaning that it only leads to one floor.

He continues his Tom Cruize impression and gets inside the elevator.

"OOOOHOOOO!! Look who's here!!"

A loud voice cracks the silence!! Levon almost jumps from his place, but still had the presence of mind this time to recognize the voice.


"Hahahahahaha I was just as surprised as you are now when I saw you."

'…My senses are detecting that the voice is coming from less than 2 meters ratio!! But I can't detect any vocal device in the elevator!!

How is he communicating it to me?'

Suddenly, Levon feels a hand tapping his shoulder. He turns around but sees nothing!

It gave him the creeps. Couple seconds later…

"…How did you find my new invention?". The King immerges from the nothingness.

'… All this time he was in fact inside the elevator!!??' Levon says in his mind. He's confused, ashamed and surprised all at once.

Axel, with a wide smile and open eyes says. "Invisibility is for sure a cool thing, but it's just a visual trick at the end of the day.

What is more important, is the wellbeing of my dear Nephew. How are you Levon?"