The Head Who Wears The Crown

Levon takes a hold of himself. "Eu..uh…I'm fine..King Axel…what about you?".

Axel. "Hahaha I'm fine I'm fine, isn't it obvious to you? "

Levon takes another look at him, the scanning starts again. 'Amazing!

He hasn't changed one bit, outside and inside!! Though he is the oldest of the three he still looks the youngest and healthiest!'

Axel has a pretty long black hair smoothly slicked to the back, with very few white strides here and there, like lightning in the night. His black eyes were round and quite big, a sharp nose and chin. No beard whatsoever.

One or two centimeters short than the 1,81m Levon, a bit slim as well. But His shoulders are wide and his chest bumped to the front.

It is quite unsure whether he has an intimidating look or the complete opposite.

Levon. "Yes, you haven't changed at all.."

Axel laughs briefly. "Hhhahahaah! All thanks to the ones in below.

Anyways, I'm surprised you still remember this secret passage….You got quite the memory! What brought you here after all these years?".

Levon catches a weird sentence right there.

'…to the ones in below? What is that…'

The elevator stops, and the door opens.

"Welcome to my small kingdom!". Axel says as he steps outside casually, throwing his upper suit on the table and taking a seat on his throne.

Levon is amazed, still standing just a feet out of the elevator.

'…What is this place? I never seen something like it before….And these paintings on the walls? They're kind of…scary but also beautiful!! And all these shiny…metals?

They're hypnotizing me!

The combination of the colors is very strong…Red, yellow, blue and black and white.

And what is this layer on top of the ground? It looks soft, but I can't recognize what it's made of…'

Levon didn't realize he's trapped in time, until Axel woke him up.

"This is called a carpet, take off your shoes and stand on top of it."

"What? Taking off my shoes…!". Levon reacts like he was never asked to do such thing!

Axel. "Just do as I say."

Levon, hesitantly does so…it is the first time he ever took off his shoes in a place other than his room. This is very weird for him, considering it's the King as well!

He finally does, then slowly advances towards the large hall room and takes his first step on top of the red royal carpet

A sensation never felt before, blocked his movement for a second! He steps with the other feet. Uncontrollably, his eyes closed!

Axel. "Feels good, doesn't it?

It's made of the finest fur and wool. A treasure from old times now that only I possess.

However, it was a very common house material back then.

So is everything else you see here, these shiny objects are called precious stones, the ones in yellow are called Gold! Once upon a time it was the most valuable thing in the whole world.

The grey ones are called silver, the white transparent one hanging from that chandelier is diamond. Yes, that object is called a chandelier, isn't it beautiful?

All these stones were tough to find even back then, which was thought to play a role in why they were so valuable. However, they've lost all value today. Even though they're rarer today!

Isn't that fascinating…Something so beautiful yet has no value!

What gives things their value, Levon?"

The young man's only answer is. "…Their utility."

Axel stays silent for a moment, and only then Levon notices how he's so comfortably sitting in this weird large majestic seat, decorated with these precious stones he just knew about!

Without realizing, he asks right away.

"...What is this thing ure sitting in?". Then he immediately regrets it! "Sorry…I didn't realize what I'm saying…"

Axel smiles, he rests the right side of his face on top of his two long fingers. Making him even more relaxed.

"It's called a…Throne. A King's seat!

Even before the revolution times, this form of tradition started dying out. Only kings and emperors were allowed to sit on the likes of these.

And this…". Axel reaches out to a crown hanging on the upper side of his throne. It looks heavy, with even more jewelry than the throne itself.

It had six pointed heads, each had a different colored stone in its middle, surrounded by a variety of others taking shape of a circle.

Axel puts it slowly on his head, then continues.

"This is a crown!".

His aura completely changed! He now looks dead serious at Levon.

The latter felt that he's standing next to a mountain, the moment he wore that thing called the crown!!

'Wh…What is this? Why can't I look at him directly with ease… and, why is he looking at me that way?!

It's like a…condensed gravitational field!! I feel….SO HEAVY!!!'

Levon takes another look at Axel and thinks to himself. '…For some reason, he seems so far away!!'

"There was another important ritual for those who stood in front of the crown." Axel breaks the silence again. With no smiles or jokes, he continues.

"..Everytime someone stood in front of the throne, he had to kneel on his knees in respect to The King!"

This shocks Levon to the core!

'Kneel?! What…Is he asking me right now…To do it?

And…WHAT IN DOOM'S WORLD IS RESPECT??!!'. It seems that Graham, is starting to get frustrated from how oblivious he is in front of those who claim to know the past!

'…Why am I evens sweating this much?? I can't even breath properly…'

"But ofcourse…I am not asking you to do that Hhahhaahahha. I don't know why a king would need that anyways.".Axel reverts back to his usual temper all of a sudden! Simultaneously with him taking the crown off from his head.

Only then, Levon felt light again!

Axel. "Take a seat levon, the floor is yours…You may one day sit on the same crown I am sitting on right now, wouldn't you like to?!"

Levon, finally recovering his breath and calm sits down shyly, he really needed to take a seat of how sweaty and tired he felt.


Axel. "Well then, how about we get to the core of the subject?"

Levon. "Yes… I have questions that I want to know their answers."

Axel. "Ooh! How fascinating. The smartest person in his generation needs me to answer his questions! I'm more than glad to do so."

Levon is surprised how easy that was. "Well… I want to know about the game you personally presented recently.

I want to know everything about it please."

The king rests his head again on his fingers, with a very cunning smile he says.

"I was waiting for your arrival, Mr. Levon!"