
"…What in the world…is this place!!?". Levons asks himself.

He finds himself surrounded by an even larger crowd than the one he was in moments ago! He looks up high towards the sky. "The sky's color is…Purple?! There is no sun in here… Actually, nothing else exists here!"

Barely able to look ahead, he gets on his toes to gain an additional 7cms. '…I can't see the end of it! As if it's an infinite place…Are we supposed to keep moving? Some of these people are doing that…"

While he's wondering, Axel appears again!! This time, much differently.

"Welcome, to The Eraquest!".

His voice was loud and clear to every single person!

"I sure look huge, don't I? Like a Titan…

This is just so all 39062500 of you can visibly see me at once. We're done with the old technology!"

Just like he's saying, Axel's size is rivalling skyscrapers! Everyone is so shocked they're all silent. Beside the size, it's his appearance as well that has changed drastically. The Royal Imperial prestige demanded complete silence and obedience!

But one other detail caught the attention of some, including the 3 Hybrid+ that we know of.

"…39062500 of us!!? Damn… that doesn't compare to any concert I've done before." Zephyr thought to himself.

Levon. '…that is about half of all the Xoom generation. I didn't expect that!'

And even Valvesteen was shocked by that number. '…Isn't that too unnecessary? It was his words that only the Hybrid+ will play a major role…'

"This place we are in right now, is called "The Duat"!" The King continues.

…As you probably can see, it is an infinite land where nothing exists except you and me. And I really mean nothing exists, including the very notion of time and space!!

This will grant us the opportunity, to explain every detail you need to know before boarding in your journey!".

Axel suddenly rises his hand and snaps his fingers.

Immediately, everybody had a watch installed in their wrists! A tiny odd-looking watch.

"..This watch you now have, will be your guide in this world. But let's leave that aside for a moment.

When u entered the Tower Gates, each of you was teleported to a certain floor.

This wasn't done by hazard!

From the collected personal data we have on each participant, mixed with the answers you gave to the questions in your subscribing process. We classified you according to 10modes of play!"

Levon recognizes what the king is explaining. "The 10modes of play…Yes, that was mentioned on the website. But none of the modes were revealed!".

Zephyr also realizes something. "…This means we're not the ones who get to choose the modes!? Shit! I wouldn't prefer that…".

King Axel. "What is necessary to know from the start is that, each mode has his own realm! And going from one realm to another is at first impossible for most of the modes. But these things you'll find explained in detail as you progress in the game, the watch will be a great help concerning that.

Now, let's introduce the 10modes and their representatives!

The first mode that I'll like to start with, will be represented by 5859780 players

The Knights!".

The king snaps his fingers as soon as he says so. This time the effect didn't include everybody! Levon quickly looks at himself, still the same! However, he sensed something happening right next to him! He looked sideways instantly.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT IS SO COOL!!" Says the guy excitingly, he looks so amazed at his new appearance.

Til this moment, an armor is something never seen by any of the people of the new world. Neither Levon, nor this guy knew what this weird metal heavy clothing is! Not only that, he had a bunch of arrows sticked to his back, a cross bow, and a long sword tucked into his belt.

'…The knights.' Levon couldn't process what his eyes are seeing.

"I can see many shocked faces, happy ones too. Hahahahah…" Axel gives his commentary.

"Dear Knights! Your realm will be called "EQUES".

A realm of great beauty and wonders, with the best atmosphere of all realms. I assure you an amazing experience."

'Eques… Best atmosphere of all realms! That made me want to be one of them for a moment… ' Says Levon as he's looking at this newly appointed knight with half an eye. '…But there are 9 other modes still, being the first to be introduced make me think that it won't be the best.'

"FOR THE NEXT MODE!" Axel attracts the attention once again.

"Represented by 3906520 players! The "Samurais"." Another finger snap, and another magical result!

It was someone next to Zephyr this time, a young woman that clearly looks Asian from her eyes and small face features, her hair was so long it reached her lower back!

'..What kind of appearance is this?!' He asks himself.

From black erotic clothes to a long black montsuki kimono reaching to her thighs, under it a grey hakama covering her entire low section. Even her boots were transformed into setta sandals! Two swords were tucked on her belt, one from each side! One made from wood and the other from metal.

She was greatly surprised and confused at the same time, she kept looking and checking on herself in disbelief.

Zephyr also had no words to describe that except. "…This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And to think there are still another 8 modes…

What will I be transformed into?"

Axels resumes. "Samurais! Your realm shall be The "Vagaland".

A realm like no other, consisting of two worlds at the same time… Discover them well!"

'Two worlds?! Interesting…' Says Valvesteen.

"Now then, the third mode. Represented by 781 034 players. Our beloved Valvesteen is one of them, and so is my daughter Hahahahah!

The Artists!"

Levon gets confused right away. "Valvesteen! Artist… How is it a mode of play? Isn't that what he already is?!"

The man himself was actualy surprised that such mode exists, but quickly realized that it is why they were all gathered in the same floor.

Axel snaps his fingers. All artists expected a change in their look, but…

"Hmm? Nothing changed. Why is that?. Asked one of them.

"…I have no idea, maybe because we are already artists?"

"This is confusing… maybe we should use our watch to know."

As everyone started asking and speculating, Valvesteen cuts them off! "No. Something actually changed."

They all look at him and ask. "What is it?!"

He started moving his hand on air, like an orchestrator… Which is how he draws using his special technique. But… Nothing actually manifest itself!!

Then, in a cold but lost look on his face, he says. "…I can no longer use my ability!"

"What!!? How come??" "Impossible!!"

"…Let me try using mine." Says the princess now!

It…It doesn't work either!!! What is the meaning of this…". Even her has no idea!

One by one, the artists realized that they have lost their powers, or rather all their talent!! Valvesteen gets his eyes up and looks at the king in all his glory. Like an ant looking at a God.

'…What does this mean Axel? Such thing I should've been told before!'

The king had a grin all along, as if he enjoyed the confusion he implemented on them.

"Your realm is called, "Arcadia". I have very high hopes for you especially.

You'll understand, once you'll be there."

The artists weren't just in great confusion, it was a state of despair! But Valvesteen decides to take the leadership role he is so accustomed to and says.

"Listen everyone, be patient until we get to that realm. Surely this is just part of the game.

Pass this word to everyone on the back. We'll figure it out together!"

Danielo was comforted by these words. "…You are right Sir Valvesteen, no need to panic! I will pass it on myself." He says.

"Pffft.. Pretentious as always. Why should they listen to you now that you no longer are the Valvesteen they know?. Arrogantly expressed Rosaleen, as she looked sideways with her arms crossed. But Grey ends up ignoring her anyways.

The King resumes his speech once again. "Next, represented by 7813040 players. The "Magicians"!.

This time the number of transformations was higher! More than one person next to either Levon or Zephyr are representing this mode.

What is more special now is there are two different transformations!!

Levon analyses. "…Two different appearances!?

The one on the right is wearing white and bright colors, though I have no idea what those items he has are, some weird shapes are drawn on the clothes as well… On the opposite, the other is wearing black and dark colors!

The shape of that weird looking thing on their heads is also different…

Magicians… What does that even mean?"

"Your realm is called "Scholomance", the most magical of all realms! You are truly lucky to being chosen as magicians.

Work hard for me please!" Says The king.

Both Valvesteen and Levon thought the same thing. 'Most..Magical? this word…I've read it before. If I remember correctly, It means something beyond the norm.

So is a magician…someone beyond the norm?'.

But Zephyr was concerned by another thing.'…it feels like danger, my senses are telling me to back off from where they are for some reason! Especially the one in black…'

"The Masterminds"! Represented by 2734564 players." The king abruptly announces the next mode.

Your realm is "Cerebrum", my personal favorite! Oh how I wish I was one of you…"

After another snap, those destined to be mastermind all got black classy suits and ties of the highest quality on them, even elegant glasses on! They looked as professional as it can get.

To everyone, this transformation rather looked lame and dull compared to the rest. But for very few it was even more interesting.

"Masterminds! This can mean many things…" Levon suddenly smiles! And says to himself. "…Just when I started liking to wear suits. They sure look good!".

Without noticing, there were more transformed people by now than others! The chatter got louder and louder between those who know each other from before, comparing their looks and whatever. But his voice would always shut them up the moment he speaks.

"Represented by 5078476 players, one of the supreme modes of play, with the highest ceiling and also the hardest.

The Cultivators!". The king casts the spell again.

This time, Levon feels something… and it wasn't coming from someone else! Simultaneously, Zephyr feels it.

"This is…My mode!!" Was exactly both of their words!!