
The two find themselves with a new look, not knowing how to express themselves in any words!

The first realization, is that it wasn't the same form for all of them! Each cultivator had a transformation of his own.

Zephyr now has a lean black metal armor covering his chest, shoulders, then his knees and legs. With the shoulders' armor sharply pointed at their ends. Under the armor he had a long coat like clothing hanging from his back until his feet. The rest of his body was covered by black leather pieces that served as joints to connect every part. His hands were also covered by grey gloves that he had never seen the likes of before.

'…Damn, this looks badass as hell I'm not even kidding!!' He had a wide smile while saying so, but he realizes something all of a sudden.

'..Wait, my back feels really heavy for some reason…' He reaches with his hands to check. '...Metal?!'. He keeps on touching until he reached the end of it and instinctively grabs it.

'…Agh, that's really heavy!!'. He uses both hands and much of his strength to finally being able to yield it in front of him.

"WOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!". Everyone who are looking at him said.

It was as thick of a sword as you can ever see, considerably long as well! The hilt was perfectly made to be yielded by two hands; each had its own position.

'…Even if it's heavy, the moment I held it in front of me…It felt very comfortable!

It's like my hands are stuck to it… Besides, it just looks…really fucking good?!' From his facial expressions, it's clear that he is loving every bit of it.

As for Levon, his armor has a different look than that of Zephyr. The color is white, and It's covering pretty much all of his vital body parts, even the neck. However, it wasn't made of metal!

'From touch, I can't really detect what is it made of… it's soft and flexible…changes shape depending on my movement! At the same time, I can't pierce through it with my finger.

And what are these gloves for? They're not like the ones we work with… The clothing on my body is very tight, but it feels smooth…' Unlike Zephyr, he didn't have a coat nor a cape.

As he's observing his new look, he notices something on the right side of his waist, he reaches to it and pulls it out. However, it wasn't a hilt or a sword!

"…A gun?!" Levon exclaims.

It's also unlike any regular gun! Wide and big, with three holes on its end but no trigger! Decorated by different decorations from all angles. An interesting mix of 3 colors, white, black and purple!

Levon looks at it thoroughly… "…A gun! Hardly like the one I saw back then…But I am sure it's a gun.

I know for a fact that this is a weapon, which means this is the weapon I'll be using in the game! I have no idea how to… But I don't have to worry about it now."

Levon puts his intimidating gun back in its place again.

To draw a final comparaison, Levon had the lean smooth look, while Zephyr got the extravagant badass one. And both found a liking to it!

So did all the cultivators. The differences in most cases weren't so disparate. Some had similar weapons and types of clothing, It was the design which was different.

The king calls time. "Now now! I'm sure you're all satisfied with your forms.

Cultivators, your realm will be called… "Aedificum" !

You will come to find that it's the realm of all possibilities, not to scare you…But your realm poses the most difficulty of all the realms! However, it has other advantages that you'll come to discover on your own."

This gets the players of this mode out of their comfort zone a bit!

'…Why would a realm be harder than the other, if we're all playing for the same objective?' Asks Levon.

The king continues. "It is equally more rewarding. You of all modes have the highest potential! My advice to you is, cultivate yourselves.

The next mode, is "Emperor"! Represented by 3906520 Emperors." This time Axel did no snapping, probably from being tired of doing it. But the players of this mode still transformed regardless.

Right behind Levon, there was a very tall muscular man standing. He was the only one near him that didn't transform yet, until now! Levon couldn't stop himself from taking a quick look.

'…That is…A crown on his head!!

Not quite like King Axel's..Not at all. But still, it resembles it, like a poorly made version. And what's with these green formal clothes… he looks even more intimdating on them!'.

The man was as stoic as it gets, he showed no reaction to his own transformation. However, he notices Levon and gives him a direct stare. This made the latter turn back in the speed of light.

'…Shit! That's like…the kind of reminds me of when Axel looked at me with his crown on.'

Levon uses his amazing photographic memory and recalls something.' "Emperor"….He said that word before, when he was talking about old times…

Emperors and kings! Does it mean that emperors are another kind of…Kings as well?'. He wonders.

"Your realm is called "EMPERIA". As you all clearly notice, your forms are quite different from others. So is everything about your mode of play and realm.

But before I let you discover it yourselves, I'd like to say one thing…".

Axel magically summons his crown in his hand! And slowly, puts it on head, this sucks the whole atmosphere from this infinite world. With a firm, cold chilling voice he says.

"…If I had participated as one of you, I will be the Emperor of all emperors"

Absolute silence took over the whole world, none could speak nor move, they just looked as if they were hypnotized!

Levon knew this was going to happen. '…it's the same damn thing again! That crown…that look… I think I understand now, what an emperor is.'

And like he commanded the silence, he broke it.

"The next mode is called "Martial Artist". Represented by 5859780 players!