
…Long time ago, the likes of you were very common in our world. People who used their bodies to create forms of art. An art of fighting! And today, this will be revived.

We have picked those of you who are able to fit in this mode based on collected data. As you see, there are multiple forms each one has received. A total of 7!

And so is your realm "Nyxia" is divided into 7 areas.

I will leave the rest for you to discover."

It was pretty interesting this opening that the King gave on this mode and realm, it got everyone thinking about it. But it got a certain mode to be even more surprised and shocked.

Their close cousins, The Artists!

"People…who used their bodies to create an art of fighting? I do not understand this…" Says Denielo.

"…And for us to share our name that we're so proud of, this quite gets me angry!" Says Amare frustratingly.

Nina, who got stuck into Valvesteen like glue since they reunited in the Duat had also some to say about it. "How can fighting be an art? It makes no sense… Isn't that right my master?!" She asks him. But Valvesteen stayed silent! He also had those questions and some more… But no answers whatsoever.

'…So even I, didn't know that much to begin with! This has exceeded every expectation I had. I am no more that sure of this being easy…'. This thought quite indicates something, for the artist who creates art from his imagination!

Levon was also fascinated by that, but unfortunately he couldn't see any transformation of this mode. Where he is currently standing, the people surrounding him were already from other modes.

Zephyr though, witnessed two forms. '…That one is quite similar to the samurai, except it has no weapon. But the other one…I can't help but find it funny!

Hahahahahah! What kind of transformation is that?

Good thing it wasn't me… Eitherways, this leaves two modes before we finally start. I feel like fire is burning inside me.

I want to get started really bad!!'

"Represented by only 390652 players! The "Assistants". Announces the King.

"This mode is quite a special one!" He continues. "As the number suggests, It has the fewest players!" The transformation starts occuring the same time he's explaining.

"Second, It is a mode that does not have its own realm!".

The newly transformed assistants barely had time to observe their forms after hearing so, and it was met by instant disappointment!


"…What do you mean we won't have our own realm?!".

"Come ooooon!! Why is that?!"

Hearing the complaints from all over the place, Levon tells himself. '…And this is what you call bad luck I guess.'

But a voice not far away from where he was, got caught clearly by his ears. "Maaaaan!!! Why do I have such a bad luck?! Even in a fucking game!!

These forms don't even look as good as the other modes!".

He detects the sound's source and again, was curious enough to look towards it. Even if it was unbelievably crowded, the heads and bodies of everyone aligned perfectly, leaving a small angle for him to see this person.

"Hmm.. She's tall!". She was sobbing and complaining on and on. As if no one was around her.

'Big body, small brain…' Was his automatic reflection upon that. But she made him put a sarcastic smile on his face!

Indeed, it looked rather generic and dull, a special outfit just to be recognized as such players of that mode. And It didn't differ from one to another except between males and females.

The king laughs at their reaction. "Hahahahahaha!! I see that some of you aren't pleased with what you got, but I haven't finished yet!

Assistants are the only players who can visit all other realms! Depending on each realm, you will have powers that coordinates with it!

I'll explain, if an assistant existed in Nyxia, they will have powers similar to those of the Martial artists!

Moreover, as the name suggests, an assistant's role in the game is to assist more so than playing solo. For this reason, you will have to form a team with one other player which you alone chooses or accepts. Much more details about this will be revealed to you through the device in your wrists.

Now I can see that you're not very upset anymore Hahahaha!!"

'Hmmm, now that he revealed this. It certainly is by no means an inferior mode.'. Levon concludes, He quickly looks back to see the reaction of that young woman. She didn't fail to surprise him again.

'…What is she doing? She's just as tall as me but Jumping and laughing like a child…

What a weird person! I never seen that face in Babel... Can't imagine what having an assistant like that must be like.' He Ironically states.

"And now for the last playmode, which will surely be a surprise to all of you.

The remaining 2734564 players will represent…