Something is Cooking

The two come down the stairs comfortably, Valvesteen asks them first. "You found them?'

"Yes we did." Replies Danielo.

Valvesteen. "Good, I think everybody received a stint location, right?"

Nina. "Yes."

"Me too." Adds Leyla, and the others' silence was a form of confirmation.

"Then everyone needs to go and check it, because so far these tools serve as nothing if we don't know how and for what to use them."

Elisabeth suddenly lets out a weird laugh and says. "Why am I the only one who showed what tools I got? No one's going to show his?"

Nobody answered, many faces started looking in all kind of different directions. Except Valvesteen. "…It isn't important to know, everyone works alone and has the right to hide his tools. Whether this was a game or not I don't see why it changes that." He replies!

Rosaleen keeps the ironic smile and says. "Eh whatever, I was just kidding. I'll go now, see you some other time…"

"…Well then, I'll be going too. Thank you, Mr. Valvesteen." Says Danielo as he bows down in respect to the headmaster.

"No don't go alone! We better stay as a group to figure out things quicker. We'll visit each location together." Affirms Valvesteen, then he adds as he looked at Rosaleen walking away. "…She is hard to deal with, that's why I let her go on her own."

Danielo remains silent, but his facial expression indicated the opposite of agreement this time. Until the older man took the parole.

"My apologies Mr. Grey! But didn't you contradict yourself from moments ago?"

Valvesteen gets quite shocked by such words. "Contradicted myself? What do you mean, Daman…"

"What I mean is, just as you stated, we only work alone… not only do we hide our tools for ourselves, but also our methods. Therefore, I must part ways with you on this next occasion." Replies Daman, firmly!

Valvesteen is left speechless, he realized he indeed contradicted himself.

"As he said, it works for all of us… but what we can do is report important information to each other once we come up with it. Right Headmaster?" Says Leyla.

After a brief silence, he finally speaks. "You're right. That would be the plan then. We'll act depending on how things lead us.

You have the right to leave."

And with that, Daman, Danielo, Leyla and Marco go on their separate ways. Valvesteen stood last watching each one of them leave, but one person did not!

"…Aren't you the same?" he asks her.

"I am, but I am no more myself when I'm around you. You're my inspiration, I'd rather stay by your side." Nina says while holding his hand tightly.

The latter puts it on her head and plays with her hair a bit. Which makes her smile and react like a little kitten "Alright then, let's go first towards your location."

The two start walking between the town's roads following the direction and the house's number, as they noticed that all along they were numerated.

"…they're just walking around randomly, not doing anything. Don't they eat or drink?" expresses Nina.

"…House N°56 you said?" he asks.

Nina. "Yes master."

Valvesteen. "Then it should be in this block, this is house N°50… the 6th house after must be it."

"Yes I think so… Speaking of food and drink, don't you feel hungry or thirsty?".

Valvesteen. "Hmmm, not really. I guess in this world those things do not occur."

Nina, looking a bit puzzled and confused. "Is that so? Then… "

Valvesteen. "…Then what?"

"…one of the tools I acquired were cooking tools! If what you said is true, then I don't see how it's useful!" she completes.

The two stop as they arrive to their destination. "…we'll have to find out then. Let us go inside."

The house looked rusty and dirty from outside, even spider's nets covered each corner.

"Ewwww what are these!! They're moving…" the scared Nina yells out.

Valvesteen holds her from her shoulders and tells her to calm down, then pushes the door with his boot and slowly enter. The place is really dim since the windows are all closed, though even if they weren't, it would still be a bit dark despite the lights coming from the streets.

As they got deeper, the lights inside the house suddenly lit up on their own!!

"Woaah! At least there are lights inside…it's not scary anymore!" says Nina.

Valvesteen. "Yeah, but what's this place? I never seen something like it before…"

In fact, it looked just like a classic town restaurant back in 18th century London. About 6 or 7 tables were placed on each side surrounded by large wood chairs, at the back was situated the simply designed reception. And some drawers were hanged on the walls near it.

The only beautiful part that caught their eyes for a moment was the big chandelier hanging from the middle of the roof, studded by some precious stones here and there. However, the dirt took away a lot of its beauty.

After having silently discovered the place a bit, Nina breaks the silence. "… so what now? Seems like there is nothing written anywhere…"

Valvesteen. "How about you ask the watch? It may give an answer…"

Nina. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot that you can do that… What should I ask exactly?"

Valvesteen. "Hmmm good question actually… I actually don't know!"

Nina was dumbfounded that Valvesteen would say such thing, but he quickly recovered from that mouth slip. "Ehem ehem! I mean ask about what this place could be for example."

"..Hhahaahahaha! yeah that was a dumb question I know." She laughs.

Meanwhile in his mind. "…Thankfully she thought she was the dumb one. I mean that's not wrong in a sense…

What am I even saying? Focus!!"

She looks at her watch then asks. And it successfully responds!

· Place: Anastaino Restaurant

· Objective: revival of the dead

· Mission N°1: Arrange and clean your restaurant

· Side note: In order to get data about any object, scan it using your watch.

Both read the data carefully…

"…Revival of the dead! What kind of a joke is that?" Says the clearly confused Nina.

Valvesteen. "… First, let's start wth the name!

Anastaino Restaurant! That first word seems like a name not a word. But what's clear is this is actually a restaurant!! It is absolutely nothing like the ones we have in Kush…

Maybethis is how they used to be long ago!"

Nina. "Woah... so people were eating in places like this!? Together in the same table!??

That makes no sense to me…"

Valvesteen. "I said maybe, and if it's true I wouldn't find it so unbelievable… the way we live today and how people lived long ago must be very different Nina!

Eitherways, I have no clue what the objective is referring to. How can you revive the dead? Is it possible in here?

And… who are the dead anyways?"

Nina quickly jumps out and says. "THE PEOPLE!! THEY ARE THE DEAD!!

I told you they looked like zombies…but I didn't think it would be literally zombies!!! ARE THEY GOING TO EAT US?!" She starts shouting frightenedly.

"No. They won't! Stop getting scared from every thought you have Nina." Valvesteen says calmly, he takes few steps and discovers the place more thoroughly while talking. "…If they were going to attempt so, they would have already! We were all walking defenselessly in front of them.

However, your comparison earlier may have been accurate in a sense, they may be dead in a way and you need to revive them somehow.

It may have a relation with this restaurant! Especially… Food!

It is food that may revive them!"

Nina's eyes were wide open as Valvesteen explained to her. "…Food!?

It makes sense to be honest, I mean food does keep one alive… but it still does not make sense to me why was I chosen for this? As an artist…What does food and cooking have to do with me?!"

Valvesteen. "I don't know Nina… I think that part is for you to figure out.

I tried to look for anything that resembles the cooking machine we have, this thing right here looks quite like it!"

He points towards an actual stove, thinking it is the same cooking machine that makes food out of small pills! It was situated in the backside of the reception area. Nina applies what the watch just told her and scanned it.

· Object: Stove

· Usage guideline:

· Open the stove and put the food inside, then close it

· Click on the red button and adjust it towards the suitable heat temperature.

· Wait for the exact time mentioned next to the temperature, then take the food out.

· Enjoy your meal!

"…What in doom's world is this? I don't understand. This isn't how cooking machine work!" She says.

Valvesteen. "…Then it simply means it isn't a cooking machine. But something quite similar… it doesn't make food, yet it helps making it at the same time."

Nina. "But where is the food to begin with?!"

Valvsteen. "I have n…" Suddenly, another message appears from her watch, answering her question!