The Apple Myth

· Open the door in the far-left corner

· Choose the food you want

That was what the message said.

The two immediately look towards a door somewhere beside the entry one, and they found it in the reception area. As they stood in front of it, they noticed a piece of paper hanged by a thread on it.

"…what's this? It's very dirty I can't touch it" Says Nina.

Valvesteen blows air from his mouth to clear the dust and rust as much as he could. When he did, some letters started to appear!

Nina. "Look! Something is written on it!! Keep blowing master!"

He blows harder the second time, but air could not clean it off. "We need something to use." He looks around and spots a little piece of clothing put on the reception table, near some weird looking glasses. He takes it and delicately starts wiping the sign.

"…Woah! It looks clean and new now.

Is this how they clean things in here? How did you find out quickly Master?" She asked excitingly.

Valvesteen. "…I actually don't know, it seemed like a logical and natural thing to do, so I did it! Anyways, this is surely the door we're told to open!"

*Food Supply* are the words written on the sign.

Valvesteen proceeds to open the door, using that piece of cloth to grab the dirty lockset.

Very carefully, with Nina behind him he pushes the door and they enter!

Again, the lights get turned on by themselves! When they saw what's inside, the two stood absolutely puzzled from the view...They had no words to describe It.

The room was quite large and surprisingly very organized. It looked like a stockroom of a food market, they wouldn't know because they had none in their time. Almost all food in the new world is just condensed protein and alimentary pills turned into some form to look like it's the real thing. It isn't, and it does not taste like it. Hence why Levon always realized the difference between what the machine produces and what his mom cooks!

On their right, every type of vegetable and fruit was put in a special box with its tag written in front of the box, from the beginning of the wall to its end, from the ground til the roof. And every box was filled to its maximum capacity.

On their left, it was something they're quite familiar with to some degree. Thought it looks different still, but they did recognize them for what they are, fridges!

About 3 large ones aligned next to each other, and again each one had a sign on it.

It took the two some time to wake up from their amazement, Nina speaks first while she looks closely to the vegetables.

"…They…They're really clean!!" That was her first remark. Indeed, everything in this room was clean as if it did not belong there!

Valvesteen, with a rare wide-open eyes and shocked face. "So, this is food… The real thing!!"

"The real thing? What do you mean!?" confusingly asks Nina.

Valvesteen starts walking as his eyes seized the different types of fresh and raw produce. Reading the signs, he suddenly stops in front of one! Then, slowly stretches his hand and grabs one.

He puts it near his face, as Nina stared at him incomprehensibly.

"…So, these are Apples!

Quite the color and touch they have…but its smell is its best component so far." H starts examining it from all its angles so close to his pupils. Like it's a subject of study!

"Hmmm…Is this really why we underwent everything?!

No… It must have been the taste." Valvesteen starts talking to himself as if no one's around!

Which weirded even Nina '…What is he talking about? Underwent everything?!'

Valvesteen suddenly, in a cinematic over dramatic fashion, takes a bite!! Slowly chewing and savoring the taste…his eyes opened to their fullest! Abruptly, he stops moving!!

Nina got even more scared. "Ma…Master! Are you okay??"

But the latter did not reply, nor even blink! She was forced to approach him closely and check, but the moment she was about to touch him, he reacted instantly and put his arm around her back and the apple in front of her lips!!

Her heart was about to stop, but quickly she felt like she's In heaven! Her satisfied lustful smile and the look on her eyes proved so. "…Oh Master! You scared me…You want me to taste it from your hand?

My pleasure then, don't blame me if taste them both!" She takes a bite, and the same thing happens to her! She froze and looked dumbfounded.

Valvesteen finally swallows his bite, the surprised look on his face faded away.

"…This is what I mean by the real thing." He tells her.

Nina. "I….. I… "

Tears suddenly start gushing out of her pretty brown eyes!

Valvesteen. "I know, You never felt something like it before… Neither did I!

Now, I'm sure that this place is from long time ago…before the natural revolution had ever occurred!

Can you imagine, they used to eat this whenever they felt like it?"

Nina. "Oh my… I can't believe it!! It��s just so good!

Are all of these the same?! I'm afraid I'll have them all for myself."

Valvesteen. "No, they're not the same. Their shape and names indicate otherwise… What we ate right now is called an Apple. I've read about it from certain documents I possessed that dates back to hundred years ago…"

Nina. "Really!! You're so cool Master Valvesteen! You always know so much more than we do! I don't know how you do it, but it's really….Hot!"

Valvesteen laughs briefly at that compliment, then says. "…Well then, we now know that this is food, and you will have to find a way to cook it.

I think I helped you enough, I must go see what's awaiting me in my mission too."

Nina immediately feels saddened after hearing so. "But… I still want us to stay together master!"

Valvesteen. "Don't worry, I'll come by regularly to check on how you're doing." He puts his hand on her head and pats her like a little pet. "Make sure to use the watch every time you want to know something.

I know you'll figure it out, you're my disciple after all. I hope you don't mind me taking more apples."

Nina. "You can have everything here, whenever you want."

Grey smiles at her for a final time then turns his back and goes out, his facial expression immediately changed from smiley to extremely serious.

'… Does that mean, God is true!!!!

I refuse to believe it… it must have been a myth. And I can see why..' He looks at the apple he's holding in his hand. '…It surely tastes incredible!

Now again, House N°1 it said…'