The King and the Lord

With slow but confident steps, his smirk is drawn upon his pretty face, yet his eyes show nothing but malice and mischief...

"Well well well, where have you been my friend...?" He stops at his tracks.

Axel faces him, completely disregarding the 5 others.

Lucifer. "You should've informed me of your arrival. At the very least, I could prepare a meal worthy of such guest myself, and then we could discuss our future plans on a much better mood.

Sorry you had to deal with my troublesome children, as you know; their mother did not do a good job raising them for me."

His voice is strangely soothing, it is calm, yet reaches as far as the end of the world, and as deep as one's own particles. So far, Lucifer has a humanoid appearance, unlike the others, one cannot notice any devilish features except that cunning smirk and malevolent long sharp eyes. Even his clothing is that of a rich man from the 2010s, an open classy black suit with a white shirt underneath showing his nicely built chest muscles.

He looks young, as young as the early 30s! His face is a prime example of symmetry, as if he modeled it to his own liking, and his silky smooth brown hair reaches down to the middle of his wide back.

Axel. "It's alright; they didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I thought it would be a good surprise to come by after a long time! Though, I had wished it wouldn't be over a disagreement."

Lucifer. "Disagreement you say!? Hmmm...

Before we get to that... Please allow me to shed some light!"

The devil decides to join the party with his real form, his ears started to extend beyond the limits of his hair, the white area around his pupils quickly shifted to pure red, and two extremely long and majestic dragon wings ripped through his clothes and touched the far end of each side of the walls!! However, his skin remained the same, only his hair floated in the air on its own.

Suddenly! Lucifer points with his finger towards the roof then says.


A Fire cannon sprinted from the tip of his long skinny finger right to the top, where a huge chandelier is hanging. The fire swallows it whole at first, but quickly stabilizes itself and settles on each of the hundred lamps it possesses!!

Right now, the entire castle is lighting.

"... This is what you meant by shedding some light?" Axel ironically remarks.

"Hahahahaha! Father is so cool and funny, isn't he?" says Lilith with her artificial lovely tone. "Hm!? Where did Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Leviathan disappear all of a sudden?"

"They hate light. How many times should you be reminded?" replies Astaroth.

"Say, Axel!

Do you remember how we greet each other?" Lucifer loudly asks.

His highness closes his eyes, as if he's having flashbacks. "Can't we skip that this time?"

Lucifer. "I sense that you have lost a lot of your desire for fun, see what being away from me can do to you?"

Axel opens his eyes, lets a long breath out. "Alright alright.


"Wait, don't tell m..." before she could complete her sentence, Lilith finds herself struggling to even open her mouth!!

Lucifer and Axel have already entered a deadly battle, a battle of sheer raw power, the two are not moving a single inch of their bodies, yet the pressure each one is inflicting upon the other now is enough to evaporate a whole mountain!!

The ground on which the two are standing is beginning to crack. Astaroth, who remains stoic despite what he's seeing, cannot but be amazed inside his mind.

'... This is incredible, I almost forgot when the last time Lucifer has ever exerted such demonic presence. I am barely standing my ground. Every atom in my body is urging me to kneel... But kneel to whom?

To think that Axel is able to keep a straight tough face when it's all directed at him, he has certainly mastered the balance... All of this greeting ritual is nothing but a facade that Lucifer is using to check whether there is a hole in Axel's soul. If he finds any, he'll exploit it to take control over him in no time.

But it seems that this is still not the day when that happens'

*Clap Clap Clap*

"Wonderful! You are in a great shape Axel, I wouldn't expect anything less of the son of my greatest enemy." Lucifer's smile and tone shows that he's delighted!

Axel. "Well, not like I have any choice.

Now can we please go past the theatrics and discuss what matters?"

Lucifer. "Yes, it is about time we do. Are you upset I hid something from you?"

Axel. "Upset is a strong word, let's call it.. angry."

"Oh Oh! Don't be, I only came up with the third utility after we parted ways last time, how do you expect me to tell you? It is your responsibility that you do not contact me." With a smartass manner replies the demon lord.

Axel. "You could've sent one of your Marids."

Lucifer. "Well that I didn't think of."

Axel. "So what does it do?"

Lucifer. "Do you want me to show you?"

Axel remains silent upon this proposition.

Lucifer. "...I'll consider it as a yes."

Out of nowhere, Lucifer summons another player next to him! This time, he neither yells nor moves. The player looks paralyzed and unconscious.

"Now this player was stupid enough to enter a duel right after he lost his first life. Damfool players usually lose and that's what happened in his case again, but right before losing his second life, my loyal servants froze his death process and brought him here." Lucifer explains, he continues. "He's basically as good as dead, but what if I did something like this..."

He grabs him from his head like he was a puppet, a magical black circle appears around his neck, carrying within it endless talismans and spells written in an unknown language.

And then, he recites. "O lost soul in the dark, return to that which led you astray."