Start of Changes

The three of them was still in the car and Jean Mary stared at the mansion for too long. The gate had been painted with white including the big mansion. The lawn had been trimmed too and the garden had been designed by a landscaper. She could not believe that the big mansion could transform in just a day. She didn't speak a word and she looked at Jan with eyes full of question but it was Mr. Smith who answered her.

"The young master told me to renovate the mansion so he could surprise you."

"You didn't have to, Jan. It was just my room that I needed to redecorate." Jean Mary said but Jan didn't answer.

For Jan, it was his first time to make an effort in making someone happy and he was not used to it.

Hearing no response from Jan, Jean went out from the car and turned to the other side and opened the door for him. "Come on Jan, let's go together to the mansion." So Jan and Jean headed to the mansion together.

Jean Mary stepped inside and looked around. Even the interior had been changed too. The house is now pink in color. It was cute. ^_^

"Did you like it?" Jan shyly asked.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I don't like it, I LOVE IT." (*_*) She exclaimed.

"Hmmm. Glad that you like it."

Jean faced Jan, "Jan, thank you so much for making such an effort. I know it might be hard for you to stray away from the things you were used to but still you did it. I am really grateful."

Being overwhelmed by Jean's word, Jan couldn't say anything. Jan took the opportunity to observe the house. Indeed, the house became an unfamiliar place for him. Since he was young, his father barely went home from work so he wasn't concerned on how the house would look like. Even if their maids would slack off, he wouldn't know. As a result of that, Jan became accustomed of a house full of cobwebs and dusts. He was just mainly concern about his room. No one could enter his room and he couldn't trust the maid to clean it for him. He cleans better than them. But now, seeing that a house that looks presentable is pleasant to the eyes and feels warm, he decided to make it a habit to always clean the house.

"You rest Jean Mary, we'll call you for dinner." He dismissed her.

Jean Mary nodded with a smile and hummed while going to her room. She was very very happy. She wouldn't anymore feel scared in the house because the "horror" vibe disappeared. But Jean Mary paused when she saw the "forbidden" door that was unchanged. Jean Mary again felt down. She realized that her emotions for the past weeks have been unstable. She would feel scared, happy, sad, and suspicious. Her roller coaster emotions was all due to one person and that is Jan Reynolds. She couldn't easily brush off her mind the suspicions she has for Jan but she couldn't ignore his efforts. So she decided to close her eyes from his negatives and made a bigger room in her heart for understanding his shortcomings.

Mr. Smith on the other hand was just observing the two. He is happy to see the positive changes thatJan Reynolds shown for the past week. "You have changed for the better young master. Your grandfather will be happy to hear this."

"I know he would be." Jan said.

"All of these changes were all because of Ms. Caster. She had a big impact to you."

"You are right Mr. Smith, ever since I saw Jean, she gave me the will to change and become a better person. I want to resolve my issues so I could become the right one for her." He truthfully said.

Mr. Smith nodded in delight.

Dinner had been served and the food on the table was both a mixed of vegetables and meat. Jan loved meat while Jean Mary loved vegetables. Seeing that Jan didn't eat vegetable, Jean Mary transferred sitting to his side and put a vegetable in his plate. "You try to eat this one. It is healthy. I know that you don't like to eat vegies but your body needs it." She explained.

"I don't eat vegetables." He refused.

"You just try it. It won't do you harm." Jean insisted so Jan had no choice but to eat. Upon eating, he thought that she was right. The taste wasn't as bad as he expected it to be. He ate more seeing that Jean was happy.

After the dinner, Jean Mary decided to do the dishes because she knew that Mr. Smith was tired for doing so much work for Jan. But Mr. Smith refused. "Ms. Caster, the young master will not allow."

"No Mr. Smith, I insist, I know you are tired for doing all the work in this house alone."

"Ms. Caster, I don't do all the work here. In fact, it is the young master who do the dishes every night." Mr. Smith informed her.

"He does?" She was really surprised.

"That's why he wouldn't allow you to do so. So please take a rest." Jean had no choice but to follow.

Jean Mary again was trapped in deep thoughts. She learned that there are so many things that she needs to know about Jan.

Meanwhile, Jan overheard Mr. Smith and Jean Mary.

"Mr. Smith, I want you to hire two additional maids. I don't want Jean to do the household chores in this house."

"Yes, young master. I will arrange it tomorrow morning." He obeyed.

The following morning, Jan took so long to prepare for school. It was the first time too for Jan, since, he is a punctual person, and he hates to be late like Jean. But Jean could only wait while thinking about what made Jan took so long. Then Jean heard Mr. Smith gasped. Curious she is, she lifted her head where Mr. Smith was staring and there, he saw Jan coming out from his room wearing bright colored clothes that she bought for him.

Jean Mary gasped too and dropped her jaw from astonishment. "Holy Molly". O_o The only thing Jean could voice out.