Jan felt awkward because Mr. Smith and Jean Mary kept staring at him with their eyes wide and open mouth due to shock.
"Do I look bad?" Jan asked.
"N... No... You are absolutely handsome." She didn't hide her admiration towards him.
"Thank you." Jan smiled.
Jan wore a tattered pants for men, his t-shirt was color red with tribal designs and his black hooded jacket was replaced with a sleeve less jacket without hood. It was an awesome attire for a 20-year-old guy paired with sneakers. Jan Reynolds is a tall guy. His body is not of a bodybuilder, but it was fine.
Jean Mary couldn't believe that Jan would be even more handsome when dressed up. He was an "oppa", a South Korean slang for pretty boys who attract many young girls.
"Let's go to school now or else we'll be late." Jean Mary said.
When they reached the school, unlike the previous days Jan who always go ahead to school without waiting for Jean Mary, actually waited for her.
"I don't want to enter the school alone." He said. Jean understood that he wants her to accompany him. So she did.
Jan and Jean Mary entered the school together. All the girls in school went crazy to see a hot guy who escorted Jean. They thought that Jan was an actor who were invited by the school for a small concert. The girls tried to get notebooks from their bags to ask for an autograph but they realized that it was Jan. Still, the girls didn't stop showing their crush on him. Now that Kaye is dead, no one can own Jan Reynolds and no can stop them from fangirling. ^_^
Jan was overwhelmed by the attention he's receiving. He bowed down his head and tried to put his hood on but then he remembered that his jacket is without a hood. So he tried to hide behind Jean Mary.
"Don't do that." Jean warned him. She looked around to see that the fans of Jan Reynolds was glaring at her.
Because of Jan's action, the whole campus knew that Jan and Jean have a relationship. They felt envious of Jean for being so lucky. She has Jan and Grand. The two most handsome guys in the campus. Jean didn't realize that she would still attract haters of her because Kaye is dead. She didn't know that Kaye wasn't the only bully in school.
Shane saw the two of them being close to each other and immediately got jealous. Shane Princeton was one of the close friends of Kaye. Since Kaye died, Shane became the leader of the school's bully. Unlike Kaye who was vocal and always resort to ruckus and mess. Shane is a scheming bitch who likes to befriend her enemy and attack them behind their back.
Jean Mary sensed that the tiger looks given to her by Jan's admirers will attract tension. So, she made a mental note to stay away from Jan in school to avoid trouble.
Grand also saw the two of them, and he felt sad and jealous. Anne who's with Grand saw his reaction and felt sad for him too. She thought how lucky Jean Mary was to catch the attention of all male specie in school. =_= Jealousy formed in her heart.
Jean and Jan separated since their rooms are in different directions. When Jean reached the room she saw that her seat was already occupied by Grand. Jean didn't bother Grand and looked for other seat instead.
Jean Mary felt weird that Grand and Anne is indifferent towards her. During the recess time she approached Anne.
"Anne what's wrong?" Jean Mary asked.
Anne ignored her completely.
"Anne, you are my only friend here and Grand. Please, I do not want our friendship to be over." Jean pleaded.
Anne thought deeply about it. Jean was right, their friendship should not be ruined by a guy. Her heart softened quickly. So Anne immediately asked for an apology. " Sorry Jean, I got jealous of you." She honestly confessed.
"Why would you get jealous of me?" Jean was puzzled.
"I know that Grand likes you for real and I already accepted that fact. But now, with Jan's appearance, it made Grand feel so down, and I feel pity for him. I am hurt." She explained.
"You know that I do not like Grand. And I know for a fact that you like him." Jean said.
"You knew?" Anne was surprised.
"Yes, that's why I never accepted Grand's advances towards me. And besides, I consider him as my friend. Also, I honestly thought that Grand was only making fun of me." Jean Mary truthfully said.
Anne felt guilty for treating Jean Mary as an outcast earlier teaming up with Grand. She totally misunderstood her.
"I'm sorry Jean. I am totally being a bitch because I treated you wrong." Anne apologized.
"Anne, I treasure our friendship more than anyone else. It's just happened that Jan came into my world unannounced, and I was unprepared, but it does not mean that he is more important than you. I only knew Jan for a few weeks but you, you are my friend since Grade school. I can't bear to lose you." Jean Mary with all heart told Anne.
Grand was also listening to the girls. He even more felt depressed because he realized that even Jan did not appear in her life, he wouldn't still stand a chance.
Jan was searching for Jean Mary when he overheard again their conversation. Jan felt down because he thought that Jean already gave him a space in her heart. So Jan decided not to approach her. The words Jean said gave him a deplorable feeling. He thought that his efforts would make Jean Mary fall for him.
"Maybe my efforts are not enough." He said to himself. He knew that he could not force someone to love him, even Jean Mary. So, he made a vow to make Jean Mary fall for him. He wanted that when they get married, Jean Mary will love him completely.