episode three

(In Sara room)

Zayn : Nono no why again ?

Who is that?

Then Sara enter in her room. Zayn hided himself in her cupboard.

Sara : (talking herself) why I always failed in exams... I want to help my mom and dad why I always failing?

Zayn listening her voice silently in cupboard. Then Sara went to open cupboard... But suddenly her mother voice.

Sara mom : Sara come and help me in kitchen.

Sara : I'm coming.

Then Sara left her room.

Zayn : wake up Zayn wake up. Open your eyes.

(In car)

Manager : Zayn Zayn wake up... Where you want to go.

Mansion or club?

(In Sara room)

Zayn : (himself) wake up wake up.

Suddenly someone opened the cupboard door...

Sara : who are you?

       Thief Thief thief

Zayn : no I'm not no I'm not. Please shhhhh shhhh.

Sara : who are you? What are you doing in my cupboard?

Zayn : ahhh that's Ill tell you everything . Please be silent. Okay?

Sara : who are you ? ( Panicking)

Zayn : I'm Zayn.

Sara : what you doing here? Zayn

Zayn : I don't know too...what I know is whenever I fall in sleep , I visiting your room in my dream.

Sara : what?

Zayn : I know you don't believe but this is true.

Sara : if you don't tell me truth then I'll call the police.

Zayn : Nono don't call . I'm not thief or pervert okay? Trust me

Please don't call the police.

Sara : then tell me the truth...

Then someone in outside room..

Sara dad : Sara are you okay? What's that sound? Why you shouted?

Zayn begging to her : please please don't tell don't tell.

Sara : nothing dad, I'm okay. I just talking to my friends in phone.

Sara dad : okay .

Then he left her room.

Zayn : thanks.

Sara : I'm not helped you. I just helped myself... Look at you ...

You are boy and I don't know what you doing in my room.

Zayn : I know I understand I'm sorry okay? I can't explain why I am here because I don't know too.

(In Zayn car)

Manager : Zayn Zayn

His manager wakes him then Zayn opened his eyes little by little.

(In Sara room)

Sara : what's happening to you? You disappearing...

Sara shocking because Zayn disappeared suddenly Infront of her.

Sara : what's going on?

Sara mother came to her room and asked her.

Sara mom : why you shouting? What's happening?

Sara : mom that's that's ....did you see here anything?

Sara mom : no what's here? Don't talk yourself and come and eat dinner.

(In car)

Manager : Are you okay?

Zayn : yeah I'm okay.

Manager : why you suddenly went deep sleep... I calling your name so long. You didn't response.

Zayn : I'm okay ...let's go.

Some relationship are fated despite the challenges of time and places. If fate is not ready to create a way then love will make it. Zayn meet Sara because they destined by each other. nomatter where they are, how much distance. They already connected by the heart very close. Now nothing can stop them.

After rescuing Sara in that car accident, Zayn disappeared again. They talking themselves after and confusing.

Sara &Zayn : Am I dreaming? Is he/she real or my imagination?

Zayn : my mind is blowing

Sara : what happened to me?why I blushing?

Zayn : don't think about her ... Yeah don't.

Suddenly his manager Knocked his room and informed Lisa is waiting for him. Then Zayn went to meet Lisa at hotel.

Lisa : thanks to arrange this dinner and invited me.

Zayn : I don't arranged this dinner meeting and don't act you don't know anything.

Lisa : Uncle Steven caring about his son so much but his son ...

Zayn : that's right he caring about me so much that's why I'm here. But you forgot, I don't care about anything.

Lisa : come on Zayn next month we gonna marry.

Zayn : Nono still I have 21 days. So just wait and watch. I'm not gonna marry you.

Then Zayn left hotel after conversation with Lisa.

Manager : is everything okay?

Zayn : I'm okay. Is that dream come true? Is that true?

Manager : ahhh I don't understand. Dream?

Zayn : forget just drive.

Manager : okay.

Sara at her office. She is working day long and tired herself.

Sara : I don't know how many pages balance.

Sara friend : it's late Sara let's go. Let's continue tomorrow.

Sara : okay wait just 10 minutes.

Zayn thinking about Sara and he missed her, want to meet her. But he also afraid, how long this dream journey is with him.

Zayn talking himself : I have to stop this. I have to find answer why this happening.

Both laying in bed and thinking about eachother last night hug.

Zayn : what she doing?

Sara also thinking about Zayn and missed him.

Sara : who he is? Why I missed him?