episode four

Zayn : check this address I just want to know it's really exist or not. I want full details about this address and peoples.

Manager : okay.

Then after two days manager return to Zayn house with information.

Manager : this address is from India and family living there. They are middle class.

Zayn : anyone girl named Sara ?

Manager : Ahhh I forgot. Yes she one of daughter from that family. Last night I got this information. She is in hospital right now.

Zayn : what ? What happened to her!

Manager : she is unconscious it's because of accident with car.

Zayn : okay thank you for the information. You may leave now.

Zayn shocked and missed her. He want to meet her. Because two days he busy with his work without taking rest so he didn't meet Sara.

After he slept he meet again her in hospital. He went close to her and he realised he is in love with Sara.

Zayn : Sara open your eyes. I'm here look at me. I finally realised without you I can't live. Open your eyes please. I realised why I meeting you everytime because you are mine. We destined by eachother.

Doctors came her room with her parents suddenly so Zayn hided himself in curtains and listening what they talking.

Doctor : she is okay but her brain system is little damaged. If she wake up we'll test her again.

Her parents : thank you doctor.

Zayn back to his real life and worried about Sara in his room. So he called doctor himself too know the truth. After that Zayn visited her sometime and talking to her. One day she opened her eyes looking Zayn but she don't remember anything.

Sara : who are you?

Zayn shocked and asking her.

Zayn : I'm your friend . You don't remember?

Sara : my head is paining. I'm sorry I don't remember anything.

Suddenly her parents came to check and call the doctor.

Doctor : she is okay but she don't remember her current movements only. Don't worry she is okay. She'll back to her real life.

Zayn sad about this news because she don't remember him. So after that he didn't meet Sara even he slept. He continued his life and busy with his works. Days moved so fast but nothing changed in his heart. He still loving her and missing her.

Six months later oneday he suddenly slept in office and back to his dream journey to Sara house.

Zayn : it's Sara room....

He looking for Sara curiously where is she ? What she doing?!!!

God always tested it's true love or not. So he also decided to test Zayn and Sara. Both are realized they love eachother. It's time to proof their love... How much they love eachother.

After Zayn meet Sara again . He so happy about he can again meet Sara in his dream. But he also afraid how long this time. So he decided to meet her in real life. Zayn called manager and asked him to book ticket for India. Because He doesn't want to miss this chance. So he arranged trip for India.

Zayn in phone with his dad..

Mr. Steven : why you suddenly going to India.

Zayn : dad don't worry. We have company business there too. I'll take care there.

Mr. Steven : then I'll arrange everything. You go  and take care our India business. But remember if you can't handle or any problem. I can't forgive.

Zayn : okay dad. Deal. I have to go now.

After arriving at airport. He is happy because he gonna meet Sara in real life.

After reaching hotel...

Zayn : I'm going out. You'll take care other process.

Manager : okay.

Then Zayn went to meet Sara. Sara walking in the road. She holding package but that's heavy. So she slipped and fell down. Zayn saw that and helped her.

Sara : thank you

Zayn : no problem.

Sara : I feel like I meet you somewhere. (They meet eachother in hospital)

Zayn : yes once in hospital. We are friends before. But you don't remember.

sara : oh sorry. It's because of accident. I don't remember anything.

Zayn : it's okay. I'm Zayn. Okay I have to go now. See you next time. Take care. Bye.

Sara is confusing like is he really her friend. But Zayn is happy. Zayn left after meet Sara in car.