episode six

(In zayn's company at project meeting)

Employee : did you know today our CEO is looking like too handsome.

Other employee : really. I just want to see him. Seeing him is full of boost.

Another one : he is too handsome.

They laughed and talking about Zayn. Sara just sit and watch them in her place.

Manager : stop talking and work . Our CEO is coming.

Then Sara looking around curiously who he is CEO...

Sara : Zayn???????.....what he doing here.

But she still don't know Zayn is that CEO. She thought Zayn came to visit her. So she went to meet him and asked him.

Sara : Zayn what are you doing here?

Zayn : me...me...

Sara : How you know I worked here?

Zayn : me... No...

Sara : Are you seducing me? Following me ?

Me : no no

Sara : then what are you doing here?

Manager : Mr. CEO everyone is waiting for you.

Sara : CEO? You?

Zayn : I'll see you later.

Then Zayn went to attend meeting.

Employee : what you talking with our CEO?

Sara : no nothing.

Sara is shocked and confused like

Sara : "why he is CEO... Is he really CEO".... Over I'm over here. (Panicking).

(In cafeteria)

Zayn : Are you okay?

Sara : oh Zayn.... Ahhhh I'm sorry. Mr. CEO.....

Zayn : you shocked right? I'm just CEO. Don't panicking and we are still friends right.

Sara : hmmm yeah.

Employees : what they are talking. Why our company new employee talking to our CEO.

Other employee: I saw she talked with our CEO morning too.

Sara saw that and avoided him to talk there.

Sara : I have to work. Bye.

Zayn : okay.

Days moving fast Sara happily working in zayn's company and Zayn trying his best to take care Sara. One month two weeks later... Sara back to her life and remember little by little what happened before. Whenever she meet those places (the places of where she meet Zayn) she confused and shocking. But Zayn face is blurring to her mind. She didn't identify.

Sara : what I saw now ... Who he is?....

Then Zayn came there too and asked her like so much care. He put his jacket to her.

Zayn : Sara are you okay? Are you hurt? It's cold outside why you standing here? Come let's go.

I'll drop you in my car.

(In car)

Sara : is he is that one? Can I ask him? Zayn...

Zayn : yeah tell me...

Sara : did we meet eachother before there?

Zayn also shocked and thinking like how she remembered.

Zayn : yeah one time I saved you there from car. Car is trying to hit you there. Did you remember anything?

Sara : i don't remember full. But I feel like strange. I think I just saw your face in my old memories.

Then they looked eachother long...

Zayn : Sara your house

Sara : ahhhh okay. Thanks.

Then Zayn left there after dropped Sara.

The next day in office she working and thinking about Zayn.

Sara : why I thinking about him? No let's work.

15 minutes after she again thinking about him.

Sara : ahhh why I can't concentrate in my work. Why I see his face only in my mind.

Zayn watching her in CCTV camera and laughing about her actions.

Zayn : My Sara is cute.

Then he called his manager...

I want to see advertisement department current files.

Manager : Sara take advertisement department files and go to our CEO room.

Sara : CEO room?

Manager : yes.

One girl Employee : I smelling  something fishy.

Other girl employee : me too. We have to find it.

(In CEO room)

Sara knocked his room door and went inside. Sara keep looking at him. Zayn also slightly watched that but he don't show that. He just laughing inside.

Zayn : Sara file

Sara : what ?

Zayn : file file ... Are you okay?

Sara : yeah yeah I'm okay. Everything fine.

Zayn : okay I'll check files. You can go.

Sara : okay.

Then she left his room with blushing face.

Sara : why I blushing whenever I see his face. Embarrassing....