episode seven

Manager : Zayn your fiance is here. She is in Mumbai.

Zayn : what?

Manager : your father arranged her trip. Now she also your partner of this company. She waiting for you.

Zayn : let's go

(In company)

Employees : wow she is beautiful, who is she

Other employee : I heard she is our CEO fiance.

Employee : what? Seriously ? She is beautiful...

Lisa waited for Zayn, she meet sara there and called her.

Lisa : hey come here. I want coffee with one spoon sugar.

Sara : okay.

Then Sara prepared coffee for her, but after she drinks that, She scolded her and she act like she don't like it. Lisa treated Zayn's company employees like her slaves.

Lisa : you calling this is coffee? Tasteless. Idiot.

Sara : excuse me. What? Idiot?

Lisa : how dare you ? Do you know who I am ? I'm partner of this company and I'm fiance of this company CEO.

Then Zayn came back to his company and saw Lisa and Sara.

Zayn : what are you doing here?

Lisa : oh you are here. nothing I just missed you so I am here.

Zayn : I don't asked you. I asked Sara, Sara what are you doing here? You are working for marketing department not working in canteen or cafeteria. It's not your job. You working for me not for others. Understand?

Sara : yes boss.

Zayn : go and work. Everyone do your work. You come with me.

(Inside his room)

Zayn : what are you doing here?

Lisa : I know you don't like this. But I don't have choices, your father called me and signed the contract with my dad. So today onwards I'm one of partner in this company. Your father want me too help you here.

Zayn : oh really. Interesting. Manager bro please arranged for her everything in our company.

Manager : okay.

Lisa : Are you free tonight. Can we go dinner outside.

Zayn : me ,why should I? I don't eat dinner with my company partners. Let's go bro.

Then manager and zayn left company. Sara eating lunch at cafeteria alone. so Zayn went to visit her there.

Zayn : are you okay?

Sara : oh mr.ceo , yeah I'm okay. Anything you want?

Zayn : just sit and eat. I just came here to drink mango juice.

Sara : oh okay.

Then Zayn open his mango juice bottle and acting Infront of Sara like,

Zayn : oh it's taste different. Drink this.

Then Sara also taste that...

Sara : yeah it's taste different.

Zayn laughed and teased her ...

Zayn : you are cute. Whatever I say You believing everything. Okay take care. Bye.

After Zayn left Sara blushing because he touched her hair and cheeks.

Sara : why I blushing? Why my heart beat is beating fast... It's crazy...

But Lisa saw everything in cafeteria. So She hates Sara and trying to mess her life.

Lisa trying to mess with Sara at working place. She keep calling her name, giving so many works. Zayn didn't know about that. Because he have company works outside, he have to meet so many peoples outside. Sara tired and annoying about her.oneday...

Lisa : are you tired? You hate me? How dare you ? I'm zayn's fiance, you are not. If you talk with him again. Then..

Then suddenly Zayn came to her room and ask her ....

Zayn : then what? I know you going to do something like this.

Lisa : Nono I'm just talking with Sara. Nothing else, don't misunderstand.

Zayn : oh really... I want Sara now? Today onwards she going to work with me in my works. You choose others for your work.

Then Sara and Zayn left her room.

Zayn : I'm sorry , I'm late right?this is not going to happen again.

Don't worry.

Sara : its okay.

Zayn : you go and work.

Sara : ahhh can I ask one question?

Zayn : sure ask

Sara : is she really your fiance?

Zayn : yeah she is...

Sara : oh

Zayn : I'm just kidding, I don't accept her marriage proposal. I'm not going too. If you got answer, can I leave now?

Sara : sure (smiling)

Lisa watched everything what they are talking outside in her room. She getting angry more and more.

Lisa : (talking herself)Zayn do you think I give up you easily? Just wait and see. I'm not going to forgive her.

One day Lisa waiting for Sara, Zayn working in his office room. Then Sara takes her file and going to meet Zayn. So Lisa planned to visit him before Sara.

Zayn : what do you want?

Lisa : nothing I just came here to telling something...

Zayn : then tell me quickly or leave. I'm busy.

Sara knocked his room door. Then Lisa went close to him .

Lisa : something in your eyes...

Zayn : what?

Sara open the door and saw them. She misunderstanding about Zayn, because her face is so close to Zayn face. It's seems like they kissing eachother.

Zayn : go away without my permission ,don't come near.

Then Sara left his room without saying anything but Zayn noticed that and followed her back.