episode twenty four

Next day Viki saw Sara in the road side. She waiting for bus so he asked his driver to call her. Then the driver went to tell her.

Driver : Sara boss calling you.

Sara : how you know my name , who calling me?

Then Viki opened car window then dare realized that is pop star Viki. Sara went to meet him with his driver.

Viki : hi, you going for work right, let's go. I'll drop you.

Sara : no it's ok, I can take bus and now I working from different place not in our company.

Viki : then I'll drop you there.

Sara : no I can't take your offer. Because I don't want to involve from your rumour history. Peoples will misunderstand so you may go now. I can take bus.

Then Sara walked away from his car and went to stand again for bus. Viki don't have choices so he left alone from there. Sara takes bus and reached zayn's company and went to lift inside, she saw Zayn also came there. he saw Sara lift inside but Sara closed the door quickly.

Zayn : what is this? Why she closing the lift door after saw me. Why she kept avoiding me??

After Zayn reached his office room he called Sara and asked her about files. Then Sara went to have him but she avoiding eye conduct with him, Zayn also noticed that.

Sara : Mr. Zayn these all files. I'll leave.

Zayn : wait. Something suspicious from you...why you kept avoiding me. Look at me.

Then Sara looked his eyes, but when their eyes meet eachother they felt uncomfortable and moved away. But Zayn realised little whenever he stand close with her his feelings is different. Then Sara run away from him and went to her room and taking breath.

Sara : (talking herself)Sara you have to wake up. Why you look like so weak Infront of him. Wake up....

Zayn went to his favourite restaurant oneday with Lisa. He saw Sara also sitting there.

Zayn went to talk to her but Lisa stopped him but Zayn kept saw her in another table. They usually eat like different Zayn order Sara favourite foods and Sara order Zayn favourite foods whenever they went that restaurant they order like that, this time also they ordered like that but Lisa foods doesn't match with Zayn taste. So he surprised and shocked. In another table Sara ordered Zayn favourite foods, Zayn saw that also. He confused and shocked.

Lisa : what happened?

Zayn : we usually eat different, you forgot something?

Lisa : no I don't, these all my favourite dishes...you too eat well.

Zayn : ahhh okay.

Lisa : by the way you don't eat egg and chicken more, why you ordered these foods.

Zayn : yeah right...

Zayn step by step suspicious about fake Sara (Lisa) and real Sara. Zayn sharply watching Lisa and Sara that day onwards. So he take Lisa some places(those places where Sara and Zayn spended time together) but Lisa didn't realize anything. She just act like she went out with zayn and time spending together.

Lisa : what is this place? This place is beautiful.

Zayn : yeah ofcourse beautiful. Did you visit this place before?

Lisa : no it's first time.

Zayn slightly confirmed like after accident something happened in his life and suspicious from Lisa more. The investigator Zayn arranged for Sara, he return with some details.

Investigator : we got some information about Sara.

Zayn : tell me who is she

Investigator : she is your real girlfriend.

Zayn : what?

Investigator : She went to work Chennai after your accident because you are in coma stage, your father didn't allow her to meet you. But she called hospital everyday and asking about you from hospital staffs. We got this information from hospital staffs.

After heard that Zayn shocked and cried and getting angry himself.

Zayn : how I don't remember her face. I remember everything why I don't remember her face.

Investigator : Mr. Zayn we got other information too. The girl with you is... Her name is Lisa your company partner and ex fiance.

Zayn : what? Her name is Lisa???

Investigator : yes.

Zayn : thank you for your information.

Investigator : it's my duty. I'll leave now.

Then the investigator left room and Zayn shocked and hating himself so much. He went to meet Sara quickly.