episode twenty five

That was raining day Zayn searching Sara everywhere. She is not in company and not in her entertainment company also. So Zayn searching her outside. Then he called her and she pickup.

Zayn : Sara I'm Zayn Sara I'm Zayn talking you...

But Sara is outside in the market, that was crowded and rushed area so she can't understand what Zayn talking.

Sara : I'm sorry I don't know who are you but I can't talk to you now.

Then he cut the Zayn call, she didn't know Zayn called her. But he happy to hear her voice and return his home. He feel relief because his love is true and he meet Sara again in his life. But Lisa is staying in his house.

(In his home)

Lisa : Zayn you back... I waiting for you so long.

Zayn getting angry at her because she acted like Sara.

Zayn : enough Lisa, I know everything. So don't act Infront of me like Sara.

Lisa : Zayn what are you talking??? I'm Sara, listen to me.

Zayn : you Sara??? Don't call her name in your mouth. You are not worth for call her name. You can leave now.

Lisa : Zayn please listen to me ...what happened to you.

Diya came there and asked them.

Diya : what's happening here?

Zayn : why you also acted Infront of me??? You knows everything right? She is not Sara and her name is Lisa... Why you don't tell anything to me.

Diya : I'm sorry brother, I afraid because I don't want to loose you again.

Lisa : Zayn, I loving you. I love you so much.

Zayn : love? Do you know what's that mean? Get lost I don't want to see your face again.(shouting)

Then Lisa left zayn's house and went to her home.

Diya : you remember everything now?

Zayn : yeah Diya, I remember everything including Sara face too.

Diya : thank god. I missed you so much.

Then Diya hugged her brother Zayn and they are very happy because Zayn is back to his real life. Zayn eagerly waiting to sleep and dream about Sara. He went to sleep quickly and dreaming about Sara. So he went to her home in dream travel.

Zayn : nothing changed here, still her room is messy.

Zayn is really happy because he is in Sara room again. Sara suddenly opened her room and switch on the lights and saw Zayn is standing in her room. She is shocked after saw him.....

After saw Zayn in her room Sara really shocked, they kept looking eachother and Zayn pushed her close to him. Zayn kissed her in forehead and hugged her tightly.

Zayn : do you think, you can escape from me Sara...

Sara : you..you remember my face?

Zayn : how can I forgot this face. In this world whatever happened to me , i can Forgot myself but I can't erase your memories and my love towards you.

Then Sara happily hugged him and cried in his shoulder.

Sara : I afraid to loose you again. That's why I don't tell you anything.

Zayn : I just want to tell you... from all our hidden memories...we lived together like that blue sky, There is no end for love. So we definitely meet eachother there is no doubt.

Sara : I missed you (crying)

Then Zayn kissed Sara in her lips and the night flowers blooming outside. The next day even the sun is happily started his work. Zayn woke up in his bed and smiled. Sara also in her room she thinking about Zayn getting nervous to meet him in company. Sara went to zayn's company and waiting for lift outside, Zayn also came there. They smiled eachother and shy to see their eyes. When the lift is open both went inside getting nervous. Zayn hold her hand silently, Sara smiled at him. When the lift open Sara run away from him because she don't want to create rumours about them. Then started their own work but they still thinking about eachother.

When Sara went to get coffee Zayn also came there and they looking eachother and smiled.

Sara : this is working place

Zayn : so what?

Sara : we should work here not romance here.

Zayn : I don't care. I love office romance. Can we go date again?

Sara : okay (smiling)

Then Zayn checking around and there is no one notice them so Zayn kissing Sara in her cheek.

Sara : zayn...what if anyone saw this? (Hitting him little)

Zayn : who care you are my girlfriend.

Manager came there and they suddenly stopped their romance and continued their work.sara left them snd went to her room.

Manager : Lisa is here.

Zayn : let's go.

Then he meet Lisa in his room. Lisa looking very angry.

Zayn : what are you doing here?

Sara : you forgot? I'm your company partner.

Zayn : for couple of days.

Sara : what?

Zayn : I don't want anyone again standing between me and to my Sara. I already submitted papers in the court too and talked your dad. So within three days I'm going to takeover everything. You don't need to visit here.

Lisa : what? Fine so you are back with that ...

Zayn : Nono she is my girlfriend so mind your words.

Then he saw his engagement ring in her finger. So he asked her .

Zayn : give me that, you are not worth for that.

Then Lisa takeoff his engagement ring and gave him. Then he throw that ring to dust bin. Lisa is shocked.

Zayn :I don't want to talk to you again. Don't come to my office room without my permission again.

Then Lisa left his room then she saw the Sara happily working there and getting angry. Zayn called his manager.

Zayn : watch Lisa carefully, don't let her to talk Sara. She definitely plan something again.

Manager : okay. You don't worry.