episode twenty seven

After releasing in jail Rocky is still angry about Sara. He want to take. Revenge so Lisa trying to use him. Lisa went to meet Rocky.

Lisa : your life really seems like pity

Rocky : who are you?why you are here?

Lisa : I'm Lisa

Rocky : I don't know you, so get out.

Lisa : wait wait I don't say anything still... I know you hate Sara.

Rocky : Sara ... Who are you?? How you know her name.

Lisa : you don't need to know me, but if you help me, I'll help you too.

Rocky : why you need my help?

Lisa : because I want to marry Zayn

Rocky : Zayn??? Ahhhh that fellow because of him I spended two more years in jail.

Lisa : I don't want to see Sara again in my life, if you help me for that. I'll give $30000.

Rocky : what's your plan...

Then rocky and Lisa made a deal between them to take revenge and planning Something. Zayn again got nightmare from that strange voice and woke up in his dream suddenly.

Zayn : something going to happen, I need to save Sara.

Then he called Sara in phone...

Sara : Zayn are you okay?

Zayn : I'm okay. Don't go anywhere without telling me okay. Where are you.

Sara : I'm at entertainment company.

Zayn : why you are there still?

Sara : because shooting is not over.

Zayn : then wait for me, I'm coming there.

Then Zayn went to entertainment company. Sara working for Viki album final shooting .

Zayn : excuse me , I want to meet Sara where is she?

Employee : she is in shooting Spot

Zayn : okay thank you.

He went to see inside shooting Spot but Rocky also there. He trying to kidnap Sara. Sara went to makeup room alone for checking things,Zayn is searching her inside shooting Spot. But she is in Viki makeup room. Rocky is using this chance to kidnap Sara so he cuts set power station wires and went to meet Sara easily.

Employees : why suddenly here power off .

Director : anyone check what happened.

Zayn panicking what if something happened to Sara so he searching her everywhere, rocky also going to meet Sara and Sara also alone in makeup room. Suddenly someone open that room and Sara turned her head and shocked.

Suddenly someone open the door and Sara turned her head and shocking that person is wearing mask .

Sara : oh startled , who are you?

That person : I'm here to kidnap you.

Sara : what? What do you want?

That person : you...

Then Sara screaming and Zayn also heard her voice and searching where that sounds from.

Sara : anyone help me...(screaming)

That person : shhh it's me...

Then that person take off his mask and show his face.

Sara : Viki??

Viki : yeah it's me, don't shout

Sara : oh im shocked, don't do again like this.

Viki : haha lol

Then Zayn also came there and saw Viki with Sara.

Zayn : are you okay?

Sara : yeah I'm okay.

Zayn : come on let's go.

Viki : that's that's who are you in middle?

Then they went outside and Zayn hugged Sara.

Zayn : I almost dead. I thought I'm going to loose you.

Sara : I'm here, don't worry nothing going to happen to me.

Then someone switch on the power station.Viki went to ask his director because he really upset after saw them together.

Director : oh finally power is on. Everyone let's stop work today, let's do tomorrow balance.

Viki : who he is?

Director : oh he is Aurora enterprise future chairman. I heard he already engaged I never thought that is our employee Sara.

Viki : I don't think so ...she is not engaged with him.

Director : what you mean?

Viki : that means I still have chances.

Then he went to meet Zayn. Rocky also came there and saw Sara with zayn. Because when he trying to Kidnapping Sara Viki meet Sara before him.

Rocky : (talking himself) damn.... I have to plan something better. Zayn always standing in the middle.

After employees and Rocky left the shooting Spot.

Zayn : are you really okay?

Sara : I'm okay.

Viki went to stand in the middle of Sara and Zayn and introduce himself to Zayn.

Viki : hi, nice to meet you. I'm okay the super star.

Then Zayn dragged Sara to him again and handshake him.

Zayn : let's go Sara. (Jealous)

Sara : okay.

Viki : hey hey ...

wah he is really cold one.

Then Sara and Zayn also left shooting Spot, Zayn dropped her in home.

Sara : then .... Bye...

Zayn : bye.

Zayn watching her until she open her house door in his car but Sara turned her head and smiled.

Sara : come soon, I'll wait for you in my room.

Zayn : okay. (Smiled)