episode twenty eight

Lisa talking with Rocky in phone and asking about what happened in the shooting set.

Rocky : I planned everything perfectly but that Zayn ...he standing middle if he don't visit shooting set suddenly I'll definitely kidnapped Sara.

Lisa : so you don't succeed? Listen I don't want to hear any reasons to you. Do something to her soon.

Rocky : okay.

Rocky waiting for Sara Infront of her home and Sara also getting ready for work but suddenly Zayn car came to her house.

Rocky : why he is here again?

Zayn called Sara in his phone and informed her.

Sara : what? Why you standing Infront of my house? What if my dad saw you?

Zayn : I'm your boyfriend, I don't need to afraid.

Sara : don't come inside!!!

Zayn : too late I already in...

Sara : what?

Zayn went to Sara home inside and everyone there shocked after seeing him. Sara also shocked and she don't know how to handle her family now.

Zayn : hello everyone I'm Zayn and I'm Sara's....

Her dad : Sara's .... (Angry)

Sara : my boss my boss

Her dad : boss? Ohhhh okay okay. Nice to meet you Mr. Zayn

Zayn : haha yeah nice to meet you too sir.

Sara : he came to pickup me because currently I working for him.

Her dad : wow your boss is really kind one Sara. Mr. Zayn thank you for this.

Zayn : it'sokay sir.

Sara : dad I have to go now bye.

Her mom : no let your boss drink something.

Zayn : yeah I want coffee.

Her mom : see, Sara don't treat your boss like this. He visited our house first time. Please sir here Mr. Zayn.

Sara : please let's go (whispering to Zayn)

Zayn : Sara don't want me to stay here... (Shouting)

Her mom : did I teach you anything wrong , why you welcome guest this way? (Pinching Sara's hand)

Sara : ahh mom paining leave my hands.

Her mom : Mr. Zayn don't care about her, you come and sit here please.

Zayn laughed at Sara and went to sit in sofa in her home. Her dad opening his wide eyes and watching them. After drinking coffee.

Zayn : thank you for coffee it's really tasty like my mom's coffee.

Her mom : oh you are kind one. You can come anytime here and I'll prepare coffee for you.

Zayn : thank you so much.

Sara : can we go now. Let's go (silently)

Zayn : yeah thank you for coffee, we have to leave now. Take care Sara's mom and dad.

Her mom : you too Mr. Zayn.

Then they left her home in zayn's car, rocky watching everything outside.

Her dad : I feel something fishy...

Her mom : you always like this... But I like her boss , he is handsome, kind one and well mannered one too not like your daughter.

Her dad : my daughter is also beautiful, what's wrong with my daughter.

Her mom : whatever...

Rocky in outside... She called Lisa and informed her.

Rocky : they are on the way...

Lisa : what? They are?

Rocky : yes Zayn is with her...

Lisa : what he doing with her... Anyway I'll handle here , you come and wait for her outside in your car.

Rocky : okay.