twenty nine

(In entertainment company)

Sara called her sister in phone her name is Alia.

Sara : are you reached?

Alia : yeah Sara you don't worry.

Sara : then I'll meet you evening at home.

Alia : okay bye take care.

Sara sister joining university for her master degree in management.

(At college)

Senior : hey you are junior right?

Alia : yes.

Senior : do you want to join photography club.

Alia : yes I'm good at photography.

Senior : then you can join here. You are lucky because we only need two members.

Alia : okay.

One Guy : excuse me is this photograph club registration place?

Senior : yes yes do you want to join?

Guy : yes. I'm Roy.

Alia : wow...He so handsome...

(In class)

Mehna : hi so you are my classmate. I'm mehna.

Alia : I'm Alia. Hi.

Mehna : let's go eat something.

Alia : okay.

(In canteen)

Mehna : I got information about SRV.

Alia : what is SRV?

Mehna : you really don't know who they are? They are well-known and popular boys in India.

Alia : celebrities?

Mehna : they are more then that.

Let me tell you SRV means Sam , Roy and Viki. Sam is king wherever he go. he is very popular in girls blogs. Roy is bookworm but handsome and kind.

Viki is famous pop star but he is graduated last year. Sometimes he visit here because of Sam and Roy. They are friends since childhood and their family is rich and popular in India, and they going study with us in our college. It's unbelievable.

Alia : I'm here for study. I just want peaceful. I'm going to get Coke. Wait.

Alia talking with her mom, so she didn't notice Sam is in her way. She accidentally hit sam.

Sam : you don't have eyes?

Alia : I'm sorry. I didn't notice you are in my way.

Sam : what ? Your way? Is this your college?

Alia : no I don't mean that. I just hit you accidentally. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hit you.

Sam : then do you think I hit you because I want.?

Alia : no it's my fault . I'm the one hit you accidentally because I talking in phone.

Sam : do you know who I am?

Alia : no do I need to know you

Sam : then you'll know who I am soon.

Then he left that place. But other students shocked and looking at her. She don't know why...

Mehna : are you okay?

Alia : yeah I think so.

Mehna : SRV .... Sam do you know him already?

Alia : I don't know but he is arrogant. I don't like him.

Then they went to eat together in canteen. Zayn also visit Sara's entertainment company.

Sara : you came here because you want to pickup me or you afraid about anything?

Zayn : both, let's go

Sara : where :  you'll know.

Then they went to his home and Diya is waiting for them. They arranged dinner meeting.

Diya : I'm sorry Sara , I want to meet you officially that's why I asked my brother to bring you here.

Sara : no problem. Thank you.

Diya : brother you are very lucky, she is beautiful and kind hearted girl.

Zayn : I know my taste it's better then you.

Diya : whatever she is my friend now, so take care of her very well.

Zayn : I will.

Then they eat together dinner happily.