episode thirty five

After movie Zayn and Sara went to home. Rocky following back to zayn's car nonstop. Zayn also noticed that ...

Sara : what happened?

Zayn : he following us everywhere

Sara : who?

Zayn : I think it's Rocky but I'm not sure. Don't worry he can't do anything to you because I already planned something.

Sara : don't take risk toomuch, if anything happened to you... I can't live.

Zayn : okay promise.

Then Zayn dropped her in her house front side. Rocky also watching that in long distance. Zayn called police and informed them. But they don't understand so he planned to arrange securities for Sara.

(At night)

Zayn went to his dream and meet Sara in her room.

Sara : why you are here? Don't use your power like this anytime. You need rest too.

Zayn : I can take rest here with you.

Sara : if my dad saw he'll kill you.

Zayn : noone can saw me they only can hear my sounds except you.

Sara : really?

Zayn : wait I'll show you demo

Zayn shout in Sara room and her father heard his sound and came to her room.

Her dad : who is that who is that?

Sara : who?

Her dad : I heard that guy sound where is he?

Sara : dad you don't see really anything here?

Her dad : why? Is anything here?

Sara : nothing. I want to take rest, you go and sleep.

Sara dragged her dad out and surprised he didn't saw Zayn in her room.

Zayn : see I told you. I'm invisible to others ,you can only saw me.

Sara : how it's possible it's amazing.

Zayn : I got this power because of you Sara. Do you know we are husband and wife in previous life too.

Sara : what? Really?

Zayn : yes

Then Zayn explaining her about that nightmares and how he meet eachother first...everything except her death story. Sara is amazed after heard everything to Zayn. Zayn don't want to tell her about her previous life death. Zayn hugged Sara and kissed her in lips.

Zayn : wherever you are that is my home, my world ... without you I can't live. Nomatter what if anything happened to you, I'll kill myself too.

Sara : shhh nothing going to happen we gonna live happily.

Then they kissed and hug

eachother again.

(Next dad)

Alia trying to arrange money but she failed. So she is now Sam slave. So he meet her and informed her ...

Sam : so today onwards you have to do whatever I ask without question, because you are my slave. Are you free at evening?

Alia : no I have class.

Sam : liar, I already checked your class schedules. Come to this address at 4:30PM.

Alia : I can't

Sam : why you can't

Alia : because I'm a girl . I can't meet boys outside. Especially you.

Then he looking at her top to bottom.

Sam : you are just girl with none attractive things. I have some qualifications and you are not my type of girl.

Alia : what???

Sam : nothing...sharp 4:30 no more excuses. Got it .

Then he left and Alia is frustrating about him. She hates him so much.

(At Gupta hotel )

Alia : excuse me I invited by Mr. Sam Gupta. My name is Alia.

Employee : Mr Sam Gupta waiting for you in the swimming pool. I'll take you there.

Alia : swimming pool?

Employee : yes. Come with me.

(In swimming pool)

Sam : you are three minutes late. So I'll give punishment, massage me in shoulder.

Alia : what?..

Sam : come on don't be late.

Then she massaged his shoulder.

Sam : good good, keep do like this.

15 minutes later....

Sam : I want cocktail. Go

15 minutes later...

Sam : Room no. 453 . Go get my car key.

Then Alia went to his room and takes his car keys and saw some photos of Sam with his ex girlfriend.

Alia : your car key.

Sam : see you tomorrow my dear slave.

(In gym)

Roy heard about Alia news and went to ask Sam and scolded him.

Roy : Sam why you doing this. Don't you think you going too far . Why you Messing with her life?

Sam : I do whatever I want to do. Why you care about her.

Roy : Sam stop your childish things. Leave her.

Sam : listen this is her decision too. She don't paid my money. So she accepted to be my slave. Chill bro I'm not going to eat her.

Roy : how much money she owes you... I'll pay you tell me.

Sam : why you care about her this much. If you want to pay go and ask her first. Don't disturb me. I'm working out.

Then Roy left gym and thinking what Sam asked him...

Roy : he is right . Why I care about her? Why should I?