episode thirty six

(Sam house)

Sam : mom why you called me

His  Mom : Sam come and sit here first. I know Why you don't want to go London. But Sam, Niti is now changed. She is still loving you. If you guys back together then...

Sam : then what ...her father company joined with our company right?

His mom : no Sam try to understand. It's all for your future.

Sam : mom if we going to talk about this... I'll leave because I'm not interested and between Niti and me is nothing. Bye mom.

Then he left after conversation with his mom.

(At Roy house)

Roy went to his father house and taking his things in his room. 

His father : Roy when you came back? Are you going to stay here? how's your study going?

Roy : why you care about me suddenly dad?

His father : ofcourse I care you, because you are my son.

Roy : oh really. Are you really thinking I'm your only son. No right?

Because you have another son.

His father : no not like that. Please try to understand my situation. How long you gonna punish me for that.

His step younger brother also came to his room his name Rohan.

Rohan : brother you came back. I missed you. Please do go again.

But Roy left his house with his things without saying words to his step younger brother. So he cried.

Rohan : don't go brother. Don't go. (Crying)

His father : Rohan don't cry, he'll come soon. Okay? Don't cry.

(In hospital)

Alia : Mehna take this medicines after finished dinner okay. I'm going to meet doctor. I'll be back.

mehna : okay you go.

Then she went to meet doctor. Suddenly someone ran to her and hided back to her. She shocked and asked "who are you". That person is viki. Because of his fans he hided.

Alia : Viki what happened to you.

Viki : I came here for leg injuries treatment. I trying to escaping from my fans. Please help me.

Alia : okay take off your overcoat.

Viki : what? Why?

Alia : just take off. Look at your overcoat... It's too red and fashionable. Obviously everyone can think you are celebrity.

Viki : oh really. Then okay.

Alia : wear this scarf and closed your head. Look down and walk with me.

Viki : okay.

Alia : where you want to go?

Viki : my car is outside.

Alia : okay let's go.

Alia helped him to go outside. Then Viki says thanks to her and went to his house in his car but he forgot his overcoat.

Viki new album is successfully released and standing in the top No1 album of the year. so Viki invited everyone to album release party including Alia and his SRV members. As a company employer Sara also went to attend the party with Zayn because his company is the one sponsor.

Zayn : are you okay?

Sara : why?

Zayn : if you don't want to come here, we can go back.

Sara : no I'm okay let's go.

Zayn : by the way Sara when you going to introduce me to your parents.

Sara : why should I? they already know you too.

Zayn : Sara I'm your boyfriend, why you don't want to tell them then?

Sara : they already know.

Zayn : what? how?

Sara : my mom is okay but my dad ... he still afraid because of your family status but don't worry he'll like you too.

then Zayn went to viki's party dinner with Sara , Sara saw Alia too there.

Sara : Alia what are you doing?

Alia : I'm here because of him (Viki)

Sara : Viki?? do you know him.

Alia : ofcourse he is super star.

Sara : no I asked , Are you Viki's guest?

Alia : ahh....

suddenly Roy came there.

Roy : Alia let's go...

Sara : who is he?

Alia : I'll explain everything later , now I have to go.(run away from Sara)

Sara : Alia... Alia wait...what she hiding to me? and who is he?

then Zayn came there asked Sara.

Zayn : what happened?

Sara : no nothing.

Zayn : let's go.

Rocky also attended that party and watching Zayn and Sara everywhere silently, when he standing at the corner of the party place ,Sam noticed him and thinking something fishy at him because Rocky seems like searching everywhere and standing behind Alia always but the truth is Sara is following Alia that's why wherever she go rocky following her in another side but he didn't notice he always standing behind Alia. Sam went to ask him.

Sam : who are you? you seems like searching something? what's that?

Rocky : who are you too? leave me alone.why you care?

then he left Sam and Roy came to ask him.

Roy : what happened?

Sam : I feel like something going to happen here and he is strange.

Roy : don't worry I'll inform the securities to check him.

Then Roy informed to securities and they went to check Rocky and dragged him outside of the party house.

Rocky : leave me I said leave me.

Sam : then tell me who are you?

Rocky : I don't need to inform you.

Roy : Sam I checked everything he is not in party guest list.

Sam : now tell me who are you?

Rocky hit the bodyguards and securities and run away from them, Sam and Roy trying to get him back but he escaped from that place.

Roy : forget him let's go.

Sam : I don't know who he is but he searching something inside in the party house.

Roy : what?

then both went to attend party again and Viki greeting everyone and announcing....

Viki : this is for my album success thanks to everyone here because of your hard work... I reached Top1 ranking. so thank you to all.

then everyone applause for his success. After party Zayn takes Sara to her home and Viki and Roy also left the party place. Sam went to pickup Alia.

Sam : so my slave let's go.

Alia : no I can take taxi.

Sam : oh come on its midnight. let's go.

then he pushed her inside in his car and dropped her at home. Sara waiting for Alia to ask her in home.

Sara : Alia why you went to attend that party?

Alia : im so tired already, let me talk you tomorrow.

Sara : Nono listen, why don't tell me anything? and who is he? do you have boyfriend?

but Alia closed her room door and escaped from her questions.

Sara : I have to find it....what's going on...