episode Forty nine

Sam and Alia went to date first time

Alia went outside of that darkest room and walking with shocked face. Roy saw Alia and asked her.

Roy : Alia where you went?

Alia : I'm just looking around.

Roy : let's go

Alia : okay.

Then they went famous photographer meeting there. Niti saw Alia is standing beside Roy. So she went to stand with Sam but he avoided her and went to stand with Alia. Alia is getting nervous again because sam standing with her. She don't know how to react. After that photographer meeting...

Roy : wait here Alia im going to meet some peoples here.

Alia : okay.

Sam : why you always with him?

Alia : huh?

Sam : don't close with anyone and don't stand or sit with others except me.

Alia : I don't know what you are taking about?

Sam : oh really... Do you want to show demo again here like what happened in the darkest room between us.

Alia : Nono you are crazy.

Sam : are you free tomorrow?

Alia : no

Sam : then I'll meet you tomorrow morning.

Alia : huh?

Then Roy came to there suddenly.

Roy : let's go Alia, bye Sam.

Sam : yeah okay.

Sam secretly informed her again  "remember what I told you"Then Roy and Alia left the museum.

The next day in Alia house outside Sam waiting for Alia, sara saw him in window and shocked ,she went to ask Alia "who is that one and waiting for who???

Sara : alia wake up.

Alia : why? It's early.

Sara : no come down and see in the window outside who is standing outside.

Alia  : who?

Then Alia went to see in window and saw Sam. She really shocked and getting nervous more...

Alia : o my god o my god why he is here....what I'm going to do....

Sara : why you are nervous who is that? Tell me is he is your boyfriend?...

But Alia only focusing to getting ready quickly and went to ground floor.

Alia : what are you doing here?

Sam standing close at her and answered her.

Sam : don't you know really why I am here.

Alia : you can't kidnap me here

Sam : actually I can...get in the car.

Sam dragged her and pushed her in his car. Then they went park. Sara noticed them what they doing outside.

Sara : they look good eachother...(smiling)

After they left home and went to somewhere for date.

Alia : why are we here?

Sam : you asking so many questions... Just enjoy.

They played many games there, sam bought bear dolls for her then they went roller coaster and enjoyed there too. They really happy eachother because they spending time together. Alia is really happy about that but she don't show up anything and acting like she don't love him but Sam knows everything she too loves him so that's why he ready to take next step on relationship because of her he don't want to go England.