episode fifty

After enjoying date with Alia Sam dropped her in house.

Alia : thanks for today.

Sam pushed her close and kissed her in lips again. Alia shocked too.

Sam : don't think more, go inside.ill see you tomorrow.

Alia : then...bye.

Then Alia smiled and run away from him and went to her room. Sam also return his home and he saw Niti sat next to his mom with his cousin Lisa. Lisa is Sam's cousin after so long they meet eachother.

His mom : oh Sam you are here, come and talk with Lisa.

Lisa : hey brother, how are you?

Sam : I'm fine. I heard your engagement is cancelled.

Lisa : yeah but I'm not going to give up because I love him so much.

Sam : it's unbelievable you loving someone this much...

Lisa : yeah I engaged with him before because of business deal between the two companies but after I realized I love him so much.

Sam : anyway good to see you again.

His mom : see Niti also here...

Sam : I don't know who is her.

Then he left them and went to sleep in his room.

His mom : I'm sorry, you know he always like this...

Lisa : yeah he always like that, don't worry

Niti : no it's ok. I'm here to inform about one girl.

His mom : who is that?

Niti : she is stalker. She always disturbing Sam, that's why he recently depressed.

His mom : how dare she, is she from media ?

Niti : no she is... I heard she is from poor family.

Lisa : poor trashes...

His : these days poor girls really smart to seduce rich boys... This generation... anyway you should take care my son okay?

Niti : ofcourse I will, don't worry.

In other side Roy thinking about date with Alia in museum. He slightly fall in love. He checking his picture with her in phone and smiled.

Roy(talking himself) : what why I smiling? Am I falling in love???

But he didn't know already Sam and Alia loving eachother...

(Next day)

SRV boys entered in college canteen and students their watch them with wide eyes and shouting SRV SRV. Alia saw Sam is watching her so she getting nervous, she eating lunch with her friends. They went to sit Infront of the Alia table and they watching eachother silently. Niti also came there, she went to sit with SRV boys. Sam moved away from her.

Niti : Sam don't avoid me, everyone here knows about us.

Sam : oh really? Really everyone?? But I don't know who is she!!!

Niti : Sam don't insult me...

Sam : I'm not insulting you... Am I??? Nooo... I don't know really who are you. Don't mess with me. Just leave.

Then everyone their laughed , Niti left there. Alia is confusing because she don't know anything about Sam and Niti past life. Roy went to talk Alia.

Roy : don't you want to come??

Alia : where?

Roy : today we have meeting in our club, let's go.

Alia : oh yeah.

Then they went together , Sam really jealous whenever Roy talking with Alia.

Viki : don't you think Roy is so close to Alia?

Sam : go and check the eye doctor. (Angry)

Viki : I'm just asking because it's seems like ...

After meeting alia went to see him in the basketball court but Sam don't want to talk to her because he is still jealous.

Alia : why you love basketball this much??

Sam : why you always talking with ... Roy?

Alia : (smiled) are you jealous?

Sam : who? Me? No way!!!

Alia : you are jealous lol (laughing)

Sam : I telling you I'm not...

Alia : yes you are.

Alia kept laughing and teasing him. Then they played basketball together happily.