Chapter 017 - Sunshine

Zaldros woke up from his beauty sleep due to the strong tremors he felt.

"What's happening?!" Zaldros shouted as he was swallowed up by a great black abyss.

When he came to his senses there he was in front of a great and endless desert.

"Where am I?... HELLO?!" Zaldros tried calling out towards the empty, searing hot desert.

[I'm not in the Octagrad, that's for sure...] Zaldros analyzed.

"Who or what could've teleported me here?..."

Zaldros began to walk through the empty desert, his gravitational powers didn't work.

"I know I still have at least one last wish" Zaldros murmured to himself.

It looks like he's finally used up every wish he had.

[It looks like I've probably used my last remaining power to escape that Abyss that tried to eat me up...] Zaldros' face distorted as he realized the unmatchable power he had was now drained.

Although he still had great strength, it couldn't match Tynon, Geneva, and his other Generals anymore.

Zaldros felt sad and angry at the same time...

[When I return to the Octagrad, would I still be treated like Zaldros? Or will I be casted out now that I'm weak?]

Zaldros' greatest fear came true.

"I'm no one now..." *Sigh* "I wonder where Tina is right now..." Zaldros sulked as he drew on the sand with his fingers.

But it wasn't the end of Zaldros' misfortunes...

"Ughh... now that it's Night I feel even more tired... And my stomach hurts? Is this what they call hunger?" Zaldros gave up on life as all energy from his body emptied out.

...or so he thought.

*HUAA!* Zaldros breathed out loud, noticing his energy levels were operating at minimum requirements again. (He's wasn't hungry anymore)

"I... I'm still ALIVE! Hahaha... I'm alive..." Zaldros gasped.

Never has he felt the longing to live like this since his birth.

Then a crucial piece of information was realized by Zaldros...

[Sunlight!] Zaldros realized.

"I can re-energize through sunlight! I'm a plant!... Wait that doesn't sound right..." Zaldros energetically jumped up and down.

"I've never really realized before... But I can recharge my power through sunlight!"

Yes, because Zaldros had always been fully charged, or at least half-charged, he never noticed the small amounts of sunlight revitalizing him.

I mean, if the energy he got from sunlight was 10 per second, the energy he had before numbered in the billions!

How could Zaldros measure small tenths if he had billions stored within him? It was like feeling how much bacteria was inside him! You would only notice bacteria overrun your body if you got sick! But if it was only 10 or 20 bacteria inside you, you'd hardly even notice!

Zaldros felt hope as he tried to get in more sunlight through his skin by removing all his clothes!

"YES! ENTER ME O SUN!" Zaldros shouted like a crazy guy while he danced naked.

"Halt! Crazy Shawal! Public display of indecency without wearing a Shikal is forbidden under the laws of the Kharaf Shahidad! At least wear this if you're going to dance naked!" A group of small aliens with a culture similar to ancient Arabia handed Zaldros a piece of cloth they called a "Shikal" that oddly looked a lot like a pair of black thongs women wear.

"O-Oh, sorry about that" Even the mighty and proud Zaldros couldn't act fierce in front of these kind aliens giving him something to wear after embarrassingly throwing away his clothes.

Zaldros felt greatly embarrassed and thankful towards the small aliens as he put on the Shikal they handed to him.

"P-Putting a Shikal on your n-nether region!" (On his balls, like where you normally put underwear)

"Such a blasphemous insult!" One of the small Aliens fell down as he had a heart attack.

"Y-YOU!!! You can spit on my father! You can insult my mother! But what you have done is too much! TOO MUCH! ATTACK THE IGNORANT SHAWAL!!!" The small aliens began to wear the Shikal (The black thongs) on their heads as they attacked Zaldros.

[I-I don't want to insult your mother though!] Zaldros cried in his mind, realizing he accidentally insulted these aliens somehow...

Poor Zaldros and all he wanted was to dance naked!

Why must the world be so cruel towards the poor exhibitionist...

*Ting* An arrow flew towards a blue deer-like alien animal with four antlers on its head and 2 sets of eyes.

*Psshhhk!* The arrow hit one of the deer-like alien's eyes instantly killing it.

"Phew... I can at least eat tonight" Jade sighed as she quickly skinned the blue deer.

With meat and leather inside her cloth bag, Jade went back to her camp.

Her camp was a fascinating combination of modern and primitive stuff.

Her ship served as a single bedroom outfitted with airconditioning while the thrusters served as a fire started for Jade where she cooked and lit fires.

Next to the ship was a tent made from different leathers, it was mostly brown of black, but some cuts of blue and red could be seen here and there.

Jade manned a machinegun that was hastily made from the Automatic Turret attached to her ship.

The machinegun sat on a wooden watchtower Jade created from scratch to keep her camp safe.

"Any moment now..." Jade patiently waited for the alien beasts that kept attacking her camp every night.

"I WILL protect my camp" Jade fiercely murmured, completely forgetting her father's mission to try and find this "Thesarius" Zaldros, Overlord of the Octagrad ordered them, the Zitani to search...

Jade was now completely lost to her wild instincts, it was all to survive and protect this location.

It was the location where her ship crashlanded.

And it was also the future location where Bop's Colony would one day start...

"Kukuku, see? I told you guys right? All we needed to do was "secretly" fight against Zaldros and one day we'll win!" The Zitani Hierarch laughed as everyone in the meeting stared at him.

[[[You never told us that! And we didn't even do anything!]]] The other members who attended the meeting simultaneously thought.

"Ahhh, but who would've thought it would be the Abyssum-Cetacelor who'd eat up and defeat the Octagrad... I guess even we the Zitani should be careful of that floating disaster" The Zitani Hierarch sighed.

The Abyssum-Cetacelor (The Great Abyss-Whale), or colloquially known as the Great Space Whale (The HPG calls it the HyperWhale) is categorized by many Intergalactic Civilizations and Governments as a floating calamity due to the fact that no one can defend against it.

Its thick hide was immune to any form of Lazer, Nuclear, or any Energy-Based weapons really as stars were but a source of nutrients for the beast (It eats stars...), how could the puny amounts of energy the tiny Intergalactic Civilizations release harm such a beast...

Many hypothesize that the Cetacelor's fat-layer absorbed heat and converted it into energy.

While ballistic weapons were blocked by its indestructible outer skin-layer.

"Truly a marvel of evolution..." The Zitan Hierarch sighed... He was one of the lucky few to see the magnificent beast once through a telescope, but he still couldn't believe how one creature could reach such titanic size that even dwarfed stars.

No one could fully see the Great Space Whale up close, they had to use a telescope from faraway to fully see the creature's outline.

"H-Hierarch! The Queen of the Xerclodian has come to demand tribute!" A Zitani junior-scribe came inside the meeting room as he tried to warn the elders.

"O-Oh, the Graceful Queen of the Xerclodian?" The Zitani Heirarch stuttered, expecting to see the beautiful and elegant Queen.

A beautiful woman came inside the meeting room.

She was the very picture of elegance and grace as they had pictured her to be...

That is until she spoke...

"Hello, kind and wise gentlemen... I've come here to humbly ask... HOW THE FUCK DID SOME DIP SHIT WHALE EAT UP MY ZALDROSSS!!!"

"""...""" Everyone in the room didn't know how to react to an angry woman and so like how they reacted to their wives when they got angry, they just silently watched and listened to the Queen of the Xerclopian rant. (Zitani women are EXTREMELY scary, watch out for Jade!)

"MY POOR WONDERFUL ZALDROS! INSIDE THAT disgusting... DISGUSTING BEAST!" The woman crazily shouted.


It was Geneva who entered that meeting... Sadly, she was the Xerclopian's supposedly "graceful" Queen.