Chapter 019 - T.H.U.G.S.

*SHWIIINGGGG* An array of colorful lights shined throughout the room as Bop and his mishmash group of friends entered the Thesarius.

"W-WOAH, no wait! What in the?!" Meiyu stuttered as she entered the space.

"Not here again" Policeman Bob dejectedly grumbled in a robotic manner as he was teleported back to the traumatic place he was almost reset.

"WEEE~!" Beep, like always, just didn't care as she glided through the Thesarius' space.

"Bop! W-What is this???" Meiyu, like a young child, stuttered.

"Hmm? It's my Janitor's Manual" Bop answered normally, but then he made a slight smirk due to Meiyu's startled face.

[Kukuku, cute...] Bop found her vulnerable side cute. A refreshing sight from the serious and cool look she always had.

[Janitor??? What's that? Some kind of code? A secret organization???] Instead of answering Meiyu's question, she felt that Bop suddenly became even more enigmatic.

[First, he's the only person to survive my attacks head-on then suddenly heal an hour later! Then he knows every strong newcomer like Marcus and Mussolini and even frees his son! I thought he was an idiot at first, but now... I'm not so sure] Bop's oddly placed smirk made Meiyu think he was hiding something when in fact, he blatantly told her outright!

Meiyu's strong imagination made Bop look more mysterious by the second as she started to formulate hypotheses and theories regarding Bop.

[Janitor! Janitor! Must be an important codeword...] Meiyu repeated in her mind, thinking the word had important significance.


While Meiyu was lost deep in thought, Beep began to go faster and faster until she couldn't control her trajectory and was about to crash into Meiyu.

""Argh!"" The two girls shouted at the same time.

"Hey! Be careful where you float! Bla Bla Bla" Meiyu began to lecture Beep about the virtues of discipline and patience.

Bop stared at the weird people he invited and sighed as he murmured to himself, with his smug balloon looking face: "Why am I the only normal person around?"

"Okay, Bob, right now I'm gonna ask my Manual about this Justice thingy and we'll find out what Riley was trying to find, ok?" Bop held onto Policeman Bob's robotic shoulders.

"Ok..." Policeman Bob was still hesitant, but as long as Bop looked like he knew what he was doing, Policeman Bob thought it was probably alright.

[With his confidence, he is probably saying the truth] Policeman Bob mistook Bop's confidence for truth.

"Manual! Where can we find Justice!" Bop straightforwardly asked the computer.

*SHWING!!* Light entered everyone's mind as a vision quickly formed within everyone's minds.

In the vision, there was a gun, or was it a cannon? But it was too magnificent to be labeled as a simple gun. The thing was HUGE and it infinitesimally complicated.

The vision then zoomed out to show a titanically large Cosmic Turtle that drifted through space using four thrusters. Three of the thrusters looked like complex and intricate Hitech towers. They were so large that they were comparable to Metropolises. But the fourth one was even more special. While the other large three thrusters produced large outbursts of orange flames, the fourth thruster produced a cool and clean blue flame that seared hotter than the flames of the other three flames combined.

That fourth thruster was the Gun called "Justice"

"W-Wow..." Meiyu was speechless when she saw the Artifact. Something inherently within the Vision made it all so real despite it looking like a scene from fiction. But Meiyu didn't disregard the vision, as she knew; sometimes reality was even more absurd than fiction.

"I see... It all makes sense now!" Policeman Bob exclaimed.

"So Riley wanted to add to you a SUPERFAST thruster! Of course! I mean how can you catch every criminal if they're faster than you!" Bop had a... severely misguided epiphany.

"A-Are you sure that wasn't a weapon?" Meiyu, the only logical person in the group asked.

"Non-sense. Why would Riley want a weapon? She wouldn't want to kill people. That's bad" Policeman Bob refuted Meiyu's obviously correct claim and thought Bop's logic was more correct...

"Indeed. Riley did have a great fascination for thrusters" Policeman Bob misinterpreted that time when Riley connected the Gx floaters on him... She was shall we say "very enthusiastic"

"Welp, now that's done and out of the way. We have some goons to defeat!" Bop enthusiastically led the group out of the Thesarius.

"Yes, as a police officer, it is my duty to capture criminals" Policeman Bob enthusiastically agreed.

"No no, the Police are the bad guys you know! Were the criminals, those "guns"(goons) people are probably the Police in disguise!" Beep corrected Policeman Bob with her anti-police sentiment.

"Policemen disguising themselves as criminals?! This is a more serious matter than I thought..." Policeman Bob's imaginary robotic muscles tensed when he mistook Beep's absurd thoughts as truth.

"Don't worry, don't worry. The Legendary Fugitive Bop will take care of them all! Both police AND criminals! Gahahaha!"

""Ohhh"" Both Beep and Policeman Bob felt amazement from Bop's words as they both clapped.

"..." Meiyu, as the only logical person around, just felt how amazing and weird of a synergy the three's world views had.

[It's like they're making their own world!] Meiyu thought, worried for their safety as they were about to confront a group of goons from Marcus' rival political party.

But sadly, Meiyu's caution was unrepaid. For when they arrived at the site the goons were supposed to be making trouble, all that met them were a bunch of clowns.

"Yo-Yo YO~! You dare fight us D-daug? HMMMM?? You think a bunch of nobodies like YOU can hurt US? We The T.H.U.G.S? The Hyper Universal Galactic Ssssss" A weird fat walrus-like alien with three eyes confronted Bop's group speaking confidently with his Gangsta accent.

He, along with a very tall and thin fair-skinned alien and another hairy green alien confronted Bop's group wearing stereotypical Gangsta clothes with the baggy pants and the gold blingage scattered around their bodies.

"What? What does "S" stand for???" Bop asked seriously.

Bop and his group were also wearing stereotypical Gansta clothes they bought with Marcus' credit card... even though Marcus told Bop to only buy necessities using the card.

Bop planned to seriously confront these "Goons" and so he thought buying the necessary gear for a "gang fight" was needed.

Sadly, his conviction was thrown off by the enemy gang's weird name.

"Huh? What'd you mean, fool? S means SSsss. Oh yeah" The walrus alien said as if "SSsss" was a matter of fact, a real word.

"Smooth brotha!" The green hairy alien complimented showing his gold casted teeth.

"O-Oh, so S means Smooth huh?" Bop asked.

"Y-You're a genius! The Hyper Universal Galactic Smooth! Of course! Why didn't we think o dat?!" The walrus alien exclaimed.

Hence, the nonsensical group that would soon terrorize the streets was formed!

T.H.U.G.S - The Hyper Universal Galactic Smooth...