Lumidia RPG


Here I am, lying down on the canvas. I hear distorted cheers of the audience. I'm dizzy and I feel like going to sleep… did I drink warm milk?

A memory then came inside my mind. It was… unpleasant. I remember myself curling my body against a temple pillar, desperate for warmth… and food. Life here in Thailand is hard, even harder without parents. I didn't have a name, so I gave myself one. Chatri Pricha which meant "Brave Knight", and "Clever". I wasn't allowed to sleep inside the temple, because I lost in a small bout.

Parents usually send their children to Muay Thai temples so they can tend to their farms. I could have been a Farmer, but I have no choice.


I feel really sleepy right now as I remembered memories leading up to this bout. Should I stand up? I'll just get hurt more-

*thud* *thud* *thud*

I look over to the ropes in front of me. There was my coach slamming his hands down to the mat- I recognize this… our Revival Rhythm!

More *thuds* came and I had no choice but to stand up. With all of my might, I rolled to the side and stood on my knees and hands. I willed myself into standing up- pushing off of my hands and standing on one of my foot and then the other, before-


I hear a bell ring… and the referee waved his hands out, signaling that it was… over. I… lost, even before I can stand up.

My gym mates rushed over to my side and checked if I was okay. I told them that I was just suddenly down- and they told me that I was caught with a lead left hook to the chin as I changed angles… I see.

The referee then came to me and grabbed me by the wrist, along with the winner. The winner's hand was raised and I congratulated him on winning- but it hurts. All of that training, that hard work… taken by a single blow. I have a weak chin, huh?

My gym mates then assisted me to walk off the stage and into our team's changing room. The room is quiet as they assisted me in taking off the gloves and the hand wraps.

"Don't let it get to you, man. He's a strong puncher- and you just got caught in the wrong time.", my cut man stated in Thai.

"I'm sure you'll-"

"No.", the main coach stated as he interrupted my cut man.

The main coach then looked at me as I sat down. He then tapped both of my shoulders.

"Chatri… you're a good man. You did your best, honing the techniques I taught you. You have great defensive and offensive footwork, fast snapping jabs, good clinch game… but."

The main coach took several seconds to continue.

"You… can't take hits very well. I'm sorry… but I'm not letting you fight anymore. I won't let you… break yourself, Chatri."

So… that's it. All of my life leading up to now, I was trying my best to fight. I trained five days every week with two days of rest, just for… this? One thing that I can never change, taking away all of my hard work… shit!

"…I… understand.", I responded. The main coach then hugged me to comfort me, but the ache inside my chest was just too great. I got no prize money too since I lost. I could have… made money- made a name for myself, if I just had… a strong chin, you know?

"Here, Chatri."

The main coach then released me and he gave me a small bottle.

"If your shins hurt, fill this with hot water and slowly rub it down your shin. Consider this… a parting gift."

So it's… real. The gym won't train me anymore, and won't let me fight. This… sucks.

I accept the gift and I thanked everyone for staying with me- up until now. We then left the small stadium and parted ways. I walk back to my apartment and the first thing I notice inside was the calendar. Tomorrow's the billing date- and I've got no money on me right now.

"…Damn it!"

I was about to punch the wall- but I'm glad I'm too tired for the punch to even damage my fists. Back to square one, Chatri. Better pack your shit up.

I then wash my face before packing everything. From English to Thai Dictionaries to clothes, I packed everything in a big bag. I didn't have much stuff anyway- but… I can take this loss. 7 wins, 10 losses, huh? That sucks… but I was planning for retirement anyway.

During my rest days, I was studying English. Maybe I could take a small Call Center job… but we'll think about that later.

Before sleeping, I boiled some hot water into a big pail with a dipper inside for a hot bath and for the small bottle the coach gave me. After a hot bath and the shin massage, I slept.

I woke up the next morning before brushing my teeth and taking a morning bath, wearing a black tank top and some pants. Moments after that, loud banging came on my door.

"Pay up, son!", my landlord shouted from the outside. This is it, Chatri. Time for the hard part.

I wore my bag and I opened the door before explaining to the landlord that I have no money, and I lost the bout yesterday. I'm just… glad that the landlord actually let me go away. Maybe it was the black eye?

Moments later, I am now walking on the road beside grassy plains. I don't really have plans right now, but I'm headed for the City-

There was a Flyer being taken away by the strong wind- and it landed on my shoulder. Being a curious man, I picked it up, and it said: "HIRING NOW! We need Beta Testers for Lumidia RPG! Requirements; AT LEAST Elementary-Level English, NO JOB, Good Mental, and Physical Health, and NO HOME (Optional). Head over to…

The rest of the flyer then gave an address. It seems fishy though, "No Home" as one of the requirements? …Well, I don't have a home. This is a chance given to me- and I can't be picky about it.

I then marched from the grassy plains and into the industrial area, the city. It was quite a long walk- around an hour or so? My feet are aching now- but I don't have a choice.

The place didn't have a huge sign on top- just a flyer attached to the walls of what seemed to be a center from before. Now, that reminds me… how did the flyer get into the road where I walked at? Maybe they're looking for farmers as possible candidates.

The inside of the building was clean- quite big actually. Reminds me of a hospital though.

"Oh, welcome!", a woman greeted behind a counter.

There was a woman that had a lab coat on top of casual clothes.

"Oh, um. I came because of this flyer."

The woman then examined the flyer.

"Ah, yes. Project: Lumidia."

The woman then pulled some paper and she asked me to fill it up. All I had to do was fill up the name, previous jobs to which I put in: Nak Muay (Muay Thai Fighter), and check some boxes. The woman then reviewed the form on the spot and she told me to proceed into the basement through the elevator.

I then proceeded into the elevator, pressing the "B" button inside. That's… cool. All of this building, just for a game- and they have a basement!?

Inside the basement was filled with computers lined up with each other- and curtains similar to hospital curtains between hospital beds at the other end of the room. The room was air-conditioned too.

"Hello there- I know you!", a man said in English.

There was a white guy wearing a lab coat too. He wore a cap, shades, and similar-looking lab coats.

"Um. Hello, mister?", I said in English.

"I've bet on you on one of your fights. Thanks for the money, pal.", The man stated as he walked over to me to give me a tight handshake. He then led me to the line of computers and asked me to sit.

The white man gave me instructions to create a character on a booted computer- but I told him that I'd want an accurate representation of me… so he took over and tried to make me a character that looked the same as I am- without the black eye, haha. Black hair in a flat-top, small black Asian eyes, slanted nose due to it being broken before, and a round chin.

While creating my character, the white man explained what "Lumidia RPG" is. Good thing I studied in English. Lumidia RPG is a fully immersive RPG made for a "Virtual Reality Headgear" but… Lumidia RPG takes it further. They want it to be capable of registering muscle memory- that way athletes or acrobats can move the way they want in-game. …Seems like a great job!

After the character creation part, they then asked me to change into boxers so they can register my muscle memory inside the game. I placed my bag to the sides and changed into boxers… the one I wore during bouts. They did some tests with some science stuff attached to my body and they asked me to just shadowbox.

While shadow boxing, I always stayed true to my stance. It's an orthodox stance but I always stood in an angle, meaning that the upper half of my right foot is always in line with the lower half of my lead or left foot. That way, I can easily work in other angles just by stepping with the lead foot before pivoting with it and rotating my hips back into the same stance again. This stance focuses on jabs and staying out of the opponent's firing line while giving me more openings.

"That's enough.", the white man stated.

After the shadowboxing part, they then asked me to get on one of the beds. While walking through the initial beds- I saw people with the same science stuff attached to their bodies while wearing a headgear that covered the back of their heads and their eyes. I was asked to lay down as they attach the same headgear to my head. The headgear seemed dark at first- but it looked like a television up close. It stated: "No turning back now.". in a light-blue message. After that- I could feel cloth being pressed into my nose with a sweet scent- and I slowly lose consciousness.

Another message has arrived.

"Welcome to Lumidia RPG!"