
The blue message within the darkness then disappeared before lights came and bursting in from the middle. In an instant, I saw bright colors that seemed like a blur at first- and I feel a gentle breeze pass through my body.

The blurred colors turned into bright blue skies and clouds- Woah! Everything feels so real- what!?

I was standing on air- or what feels to be like air. Why am I floating?

Another message then appeared in front of me, written in light-blue colors.

"Would you like to start the tutorial? (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)."

After the message, there were the "Yes" and "No" options. I try to touch the "Yes" option, but my hand just phased through the message.

"Thank you for choosing "Yes".", the message stated.

Oh- wait… I suddenly feel air passing through the back of my head and my back- wait, am I falling!? Hey- I'm not okay with this-

I suddenly feel… I don't know. Is transparent the word for it? Empty, perhaps? Either way, I feel as if the air passed through me instead… as in, through my skin and bones… my vision was also filled with light blue colors too-

It happened again. The blurry colors turned into… grass, blue skies, and a… burning house seventeen feet away from me.

Another message popped up in front of me again. It said: "What you have just experienced now is teleportation. We have teleported you into the tutorial area so we could cover the basics of Lumidia RPG first. Most players tend to skip the tutorial… and die quickly."

After I read the message, another message replaced it.

"Let's start with the combat. Lumidia's RPG combat system has four main attack types. "Slash", "Piercing", "Blunt Force", and "Magic". The four main defense types are "Light", "Heavy", "Magic Resistance", and "Fortified".

The message then disappears and another replaces it.

"Look to your left- these are the common weapons for each attack type."

I then look to the left- with different kinds of weapons floating and basking in gray light. There was an ax, a sword, a hammer, a spear, and a staff with a blue crystal on top.

"Look to your right- these are the common monsters for each defense type."

I turned to my right, and there were different creatures. There were two green humanoids, a human-like figure made out of white rock, a larger human-like figure made out of dark-blue rock, and a gelatinous green cube with holes for eyes… creepy.

"Please, try to conduct an experiment with the given weapon types and monsters."

I'm not a fan of using weapons, and I'd rather use Boxing and Muay Thai- wait! What if I live in this world just using those two? Hell yeah!

I ignored the message and I then walk up to the green humanoid wearing what seemed to be fur. A message appeared on top of it.

"This is a goblin wearing fur. Fur Armor is an example of Light Armor.", the message stated. The "goblin" seemed to be stuck in place. It was just standing there. Well then…

I get into my orthodox stance before twisting my hips into a jab against its cheek. I hear a loud sound that seemed to be an alarm, and I look up as the message was replaced.

"WARNING, STRIKE NOT RECOGNIZED!", the message stated. The text was in red color. After I read it, it was then replaced by another message.

"Unknown strike detected. Can you repeat it again?", the message stated. I shrug and I throw another jab. Another message has appeared.

"Unknown strike registered. What weapons were used?", the message asked.

"Fists!", I answered. The message changed again.

"Fists registered as Blunt Force. Thank you for cooperating."

If I can register fists, then I can register the art of 8 limbs too!

I then went closer to the goblin into the desired range before twisting my torso into a left elbow strike- just barely grazing its chin. I was asked what weapon was used to which I respond "Elbows!". I inched closer again into a more desirable range and I did the same elbow strike and landed it clean. This time, however, I wasn't asked what weapon was used. The message just stated: "Elbows registered as a slash/blunt force type of weapon." I did the same for the knee strikes and kicks, and the both of them were "registered as blunt force". Now that they're registered, I should know when to use them.

I tried to throw a jab to a goblin again, and a message appeared on top of its head. It said: "Light Armor is vulnerable to Piercing and Slashing attacks, but provide the wearer comfort and mildly restricts their movement." I then tried to elbow the next goblin, which was armored- and boy was I wrong. It hurt! Like trying to elbow a steel bar, god damn!

Another message has appeared on top. It said: "Heavy armor is vulnerable to Magical and Blunt Force attacks, given that they have enough power.". I then walk to the next creature, which was a rock humanoid. I tried to pull down its neck, but it didn't even budge. I think they're not supposed to move. I still kept my hands behind their neck to throw a mild knee to their body. A message appeared, and it said: "Fortified Armor boasts great resistances to all attack types but can be damaged given that all attack types have the power to overcome it. I then walked to the next one, which was another kind of the rock man. I tried to throw a mild low kick against it, and another message has appeared. It said: "Some monsters have combined armor type, and this is a golem who has "Fortified" and "Magic Resistant" Armor type.". I then walk to the last one, which was a gelatinous cube of green. I stepped to the left with my lead foot before pivoting with it as I rotated my hips into a roundhouse kick against it- but my kick was just deflected. A message has appeared on top, and it said: "WARNING! Some monsters have unique defenses and is not classified as one of the main defense types." Oh. I got to watch out for those, huh?

Another message to the right has appeared which said: "Please, proceed to the area with the goblin if finished." Well, I got what I wanted anyway, so I walk out of it and into the goblin. The goblin wasn't wearing any armor, just cloth to cover what's "down there". Another message then appeared on top of the goblin. "Real-Time Combat Simulation starting in 3…2…1."

The goblin started to move, and it seemed to speak to me in an incomprehensible language. I got into my stance and I weave my head from side to side slightly, establishing a rhythm. The goblin charged and as soon as I saw it moving, I stepped to the left before pivoting off of the left foot, rotating my hips and whipping my back foot back into the stance, changing my angle of approach so I am now facing the goblin's side, Once I am now out of his line of fire, I throw some jabs before stepping to the left and changing angles again so when he turns, I am still out of his attack range. If his feet kept moving, then he can't attack so need to keep his feet moving while I hit him.

The goblin was too confused to follow up, as I was out of his vision… and one of his legs are exposed. Since he stood with an upright stance and with his feet lined together, he's asking for it!

I step with my back foot to the right to gain stability before twisting my hips, whipping my left lead leg like a baseball bat and hitting the back of the goblin's right leg with my shin as I shout "Oi!" The goblin was hit and he turned to face me- but I was already winding up another low kick, slamming the inside of his right thigh with my right shin as I shouted "Oi!", yet again.

The goblin was brought down to his knee- a chance! Since his level was lowered I grab the back of its head with my hands- before bringing it down as I raise my right knee. I knee'd it in the face 5 more times with alternating knees before I let go of its head… and it fell. Damn, my knees are aching- wait. Did I… kill it? Its nose was broken with green blood pouring out of it.

A message then appeared on top of the goblin. "Excellent fight! You can skip the other combat portions and head straight to the white pillar area."

I look around to see three white pillars with complex carvings and had a book, a potion stand, an anvil on top of them. Another message has appeared on top again.

"These are the three main types of Crafting. Smithing, Enchanting, and Alchemy. Smithing is about using raw materials to produce equipment, more materials, and many more. Enchanting is about inscribing magic into your gear, allowing your equipment to have magical properties, and Alchemy is about concocting potions and deadly poisons. These three aren't the only professions inside Lumidia, so feel free to try what you want!", the message stated.

The messaged disappear and it was replaced by: "Tutorial Finished. Well done, Chatri. Teleporting you now to the Hub."

All of a sudden, I feel transparent again and my vision is blocked by bright blue lights.