Making a new friend

The waste lands had plenty of monsters, and was literally a paradise for those who caught danger. Deep down I knew I was one of those kinds of people. I had a thirst for adventure, and recently I could feel that the skills I had accumulated up until now had had a huge impact on how I perceived the world.

With the disappearance of the Necromancer skills my mind had become far less gloomy, and I could see the world in a brighter light. I was by no means an optimist, but I was not filled with the cold indifference that had filled me before. I could not help but feel that Lucifer had become a huge boon for me. I only felt bad that all of that darkness had been absorbed by him. Despite this he seemed to be a rather healthy and happy child. Perhaps his race had a natural resistance to it.

Even deeper inside I knew that there there was something wrong with me. My insanity was definitely a problem, but thankfully the voice in my head only laughed. If it began to whisper for me to do untold things I did not know if I would be able to resist. What I did not know is that Lucofer was both the buffer and cause of my insanity. The separation of my soul into two pieces in two different bodies had causes a rift in my mind, but this very rift is what prevented me from falling down the rabbit hole.

I also could feel that my skills had effected me in different ways, but I did not know to what extent these changes had happened, or how they would effect me in the future.

This was all a problem for later, the problem that I faced now was of a more materialistic nature. In the sky circling above I could see a flock of six vultures. I only knew they were vultures because they were the kings of the sky in this area, so no other flying creatures would dare to be so arrogant.

They had been following us for half a day, which was abnormal for these predators. By rights they should have attacked long ago if they saw us as prey. This only lead me to question their actions. I could only wonder if a group of adventurers had actually succeeded in taming them. I could only sigh and turn my attention back to the wastelands in front of me. I would not know an answer until they made a move after all.

The wastelands were much the same as they had been for the last three days. During this time I had encounted plenty of creatures that were native to these lands. Most of them had been reptiles, as they were best adapted to the harsh environment. There were giant Lizards, Snakes, and most recently a tortoise.

In front of me was one of such creatures. A large tortoise, the size of a small house, was busy eating one of the Needler plants. The shell of the tortoise easily reflected the needles the plant shot at it, so the tortoise simple ignored them. The plant even tried to wraps its roots around the tortoise, but its efforts were in vain, as the tortoise's legs were as well armored as the rest of its massive body. The creature was truly built like a tank.

Thankfully it was a herbivore, and paid no attention to our passing. I unconsciously smiled at the beast. At least in this world there were creatures who were at least slightly similar to earth. The turtle gave me a comforting feeling, one that I was reluctant to let go of so quickly. Perhaps this is what caused me to act, but before I knew it I had already turned around.

I had stored plenty of food in my inventory, and had even taken exotic plants from the Inverted tower. I took out one of these plants. It was a large florescent mushroom. Hunter had informed us at the time that the mushrooms were edible, and when we had tried them I found them to be especially delicious. Each color had a different flavor, and all of them had a sweet taste, almost like a fruit. Being the horder of fine foods that I am, I had saved a lot of these in my inventory, and was happy to see that they stacked.

The tortoise smelled the sweet smell of the mushroom as soon as it was taken out into the air. It turned its massive body with a speed that one would not expect from such a large creature. Its eyes darted between me and the giant red mushroom I held in my hands. The mushroom was twice as large as I was, but it seemed apprehensive about the idea of approaching me.

I gave it my sweetest smile as I set the mushroom down and backed away. I could swear that the tortoise had elan excited look on its face as it dashed towards the mushroom. It did not take any time at all too savor the delicious food in front of it, and quickly devoured the beast in a total of 3 quick bites.

It had a look of hunger on its face as it looked hopefully up at me. Unconsciously I let out a soft laugh at the humanlike expression of the beast before me. This did not stop me from taking out two more of the mushrooms. This time I took out a Blue and green one. The tortoise did not even wait for me to put them down. and directly took the mushrooms from my hands.

Before eating its meal the tortoise let out a loud whining sound that strangely resembled the sound of a cat purring. It then Dug into its meal, rather content with the delicious meal in front of it. I gave it a smile as I turned around and began to walk away. The tortoise was truly a creature that was similar to its counterpart on earth, even if it was a lot larger.

I had not even managed to walk a dozen paces when I felt a gust of warm air on my back. I turned around to see the Tortoise happily following behind us. It let out one of it's strange purring sounds as it saw my looking at it, a look of happiness appearing on its face. Next to me I heard Lucifer muttering. "Now that you fed it, it's never going to leave."

And that my friends is how I met my newest friend who I named Simon.