Creator 2 (Side story)

I looked at the man in front of me. He was not an impressive looking man, he was overweight and balding. He reaked of alchohol, and did not seem like he had properly taken care of himself in a long time. He was also extremely weak. The power he emitted was even less than that of a goblin. I immediately dismissed him as a threat.

Despite all of this what was most important is that he did not look at me with a lewd gaze, unlike most of the men which I had encountered up until now. Rather, he looked at me as if he was a mother gazing upon a willful child. This was perhaps even more uncomfortable than a lewd gaze.

What was worse was I could feel a connection with the man in front of me. It was similar to the connection I had with Hylia, but instead I seemed to be on the recieving end of it. I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the man in front of me. Just who was this man, and why had I been transported here?

Before I could voice my questions the man in front of me spoke. His voice was not overly deep, but was masculine none the less. "You are weak"

He only spoke those three words, but I could not help but tremble in anger. This man, who was not even a threat to a goblin had dared to call me weak? I opened my mouth to retaliate, but they man began to speak again before I could start.

"You have potential, You had the heritage of the god of Archery, The Necromancer king, as well as the training your mother was able to gift you. Ever since you reincarnated on the world of Kaos everything has been handed to you on a silver platter. But despite all of this you are still weak. Your choices have deviated from your intended path. You were to be a godly marksman. But look at you now. You are a depraved soul. You recklessly seek pain, but even you seem to not acknowledge your own depravity."

"You have trained in a total of four weapons, even if the system and your allies have given you weapons, there is no need for you to use them. You could always sell them, but instead you hold on to them like a person who had fallen off a cliff and grasped a tuft of weeds."

The man in front of me shook his head. A look of pity could be seen in his eyes. "You are like a ship lost at sea. You do not have a destination nor a plan, and are randomly sailing in every direction at once. I understand that you have been through a lot. I understand that you have repeatedly lost your abilities. You have lost your magic, and even had all of your abilities reset. All of this should show you that you cannot rely on the abilities you recieve from other sources. Only the abilities that are ingrained into your soul are truly yours."

The man continued to speak before I could even get an word in, I was honestly rather annoyed with his condescending tone.

"These abilities are Depravity(formerly insanity, but Jean pointed put that Insanity would be more like a status effect and I agree.), Masochism, Insatiable, Mana affinity, and Dragon scales. 3 of these are racial abilities and the other two are mental abilities that have been branded into your soul. Everything else is optional. These 5 abilities are your core. They will always follow you, no matter what happens."

The man in front of me sighed, as he set down on the rolling black computer chair behind him. "I truly give up on trying to make you stay in line. You have by far proven that you are going to do whatever you want. But hopefully my words will have an effect on you. You need to get stronger, and you need to do it fast. Focus on your abilities and not your level. You need to get use to your current strength before you do anything."

A bleak look appeared in his eye as he gazed at me. "The current situation of Hylia is not good. You need to get stronger and need to do it fast."

The man waved his hand and I could feel the world around me beginning to slip. The feeling was similar to when I entered a dungeon, but it was also vastly different. My vision began to blur, and I could only vaguely think that I did not even know who this man was.




Steven sighed as he looked at the fading image of Yuri. The pressure she had given off definitely made him shake. He had worked his hardest to keep the fact that he was terrified hidden from the girl. This is why he had spoken so much. He had felt as if he had diarrhea of the mouth as his thoughts had unwillingly flowed from his mouth.

It had taken all he had to keep his thoughts on her two strongest abilities to himself. These abilities were linked to her soul as well, but this is not something she needed to know, or she would grow far to reliant on them. The skills [Overload] and [Defiance] were far too powerful. If she became to reliant on them it would only end badly for her if she ever came into a situation where she was unable to use them.

His hand subconsciously moved to the bottle of whiskey next to him. A system prompts appeared before him as he read the notification and reluctantly put the bottle down. Thankfully the system had not restricted him from smoking. He lit a cigarette as he stared off into space.

Would he be able to survive in such a world? His cheat like abilities were not combat related. Materialization would allow him to materialize anything he could imagine, but took mana. On the flip side was the second half of the building, which was Destruction. which allowed him to reduce non living matter to material components. His future in that world was not going to be easy.