
Darkness had enveloped the world. She could not even hope for salvation at this point. The only thing that was keeping her same was a faint connection she felt in her mind. A connection she had not felt in 5 long years. A connection she thought she would never feel again. The connection she felt was bitter sweet. She longed for the presence of her wife, but a lot had happened in her absence.

Hylia looked at her children before her. There were many. Hundreds of juvenile Homoarachnis scurried in front of her. They did not walk on two feet like her, rather they walked on their extended spider legs. Their arms and legs joined these legs, making them truly seem like spiders. This could not be helped, as their other parent was in fact a spider.

Hylia could not help but shiver at the thought. The demi goddess of spiders Peur, had taken a liking to her, and had silently stocked her for who knows how long. One night, while she had been the night watch Peur had taken advantage of the situation and made her move.

The fight that ensued was rather intense. The other members of the party had been woken by the rucus, and quickly joined in on the fight. Ultimately they had not been enough to fight off a demigod. Peur had taken advantage of this to latch onto Hylia.

The moment Peur had latched onto Hylia with her fangs she could feel an overwhelming force taking control of her body. The Demi god Peur, the godess of spiders was a parasitic type of spider. She soon buried herself into her prey, and made the body into her new habitat.

Hylia had been watching her body move under Peur's command for the last 3 years. She had watched as her body performed one horrible act after another. She had seen cities fall at the hands of Peur who was controlling her body. She had witnessed the demigoddess having secret meetings with the despicable bug god, and had heard rumors of her companions deeds through this.

From what she understood the remains of the party had joined a group that were resisting the forced of the bug god. The insect men had not all been defeated back in Slagstone, rather a small portion of them had managed to escape at the end.

These forces bread like their namesake, and soon their numbers had far exceeded that of what they had once been. What made it even worse was that they could use the body snatcher insect to add more numbers to their group from the town's and cities that they had attacked.

Because of this their numbers had grown endlessly. Humans were no longer the most populous members of the world, that honor had been taken over by the insect men.

Hylia shuddered at the thought. Ishra and Peur had plotted for a long time to make this happen, and when Peur had found out about Hylia she had decided that she would make the perfect host for her. It was a bonus that they would be able to make endless amounts of children from the unique talents of the race.

Hylia let out a sigh in her mind. Everything seemed to have worked out perfectly for the two of them. Their plans had come to fruition, and they both had incredibly strong armies. The Homo Archnis took around 2 years to develop. After this time they would reach mid teenage equivalent. Under the orders of Peur, they would then recieve the blood of one of the female insect men.

They would lay eggs, but leave them here for a special group of Peur's spiders to care for. The homo Arachnis would then undergo a basic training provided the the bugmen. Her children would become q horrifying force to be used against the forces of light.

Hylia had screamed in her head multiple times during the process, and had nearly lost her sanity. Up her her holy Domain the goddess of war was equally at her wits end. She was unable to take action, as all of her nearby shrines had been ransacked and destroyed by the bugmen. She was unable to descend, and unable to issue any orders to her followers.

This had gone on for years, until finally a visitor had arrived at one of her shrines. The visitor was the person she had not even dared to hope for, as she had believed she was dead. To her horror she was unable to respond to her, and could only look on in dismay as she eventually left the shrine, leaving it behind her.

This did not stop her from following Yuri. She watched as the woman made her way through the wastelands. She had changed, and she could feel that the powers she possessed no longer resembled either the god of archery, nor the Necromancer king. She could actually not feel a single trace of the Necromancer king on the girl, rather she could feel his overwhelming presence coming from the dragon that flew next to her.

The goddess narrowed her eyes as she examined the dragon. But her eyes soon opened in shock as they witnessed the incredible scene. The dragon seemed to be a fusion of an ancient and dark power, and the tainted part of Yuri's very soul. The strong sense of necromantic powers that flowed through its veins caused her to subconsciously gasp.

The dragon before her had once been a calamity for the gods. A dragon that had been imbued with the god slaying poison. The dragon that had been the mount of the Necromancer king. The reappearance of this creature was terrible news for all of the gods.

She observed as the dragon followed Yuri. She was shocked as she realized te relationship between the two. The dragon seemed to be a subordinate of the girl, and seemed rather content to be such. The two seemed to work flawlessly together, but after some thought the goddess realized that the answer was rather simple.

Because her soul had been split in two, she could be considered to be in two different spots. Her main body was the half dragon girl, while her subsoul had fused with the ancient dragon. Both were her, and the subsoul would instinctively follow the main soul. .

This development was actually rather interesting. As long as they could avoid the corruption of the Necromancer king, then perhaps the dragon would become their strongest weapon in defeating the Necromancer.

The goddess let out a sigh. As she observed Yuru longer she noticed that she had changed a lot since she was last seen. Her temperament had undergone a huge adjustment, and she seemed to have a primal urge that was barely contained. The god of war could truly not be seen at all in this young woman, and she feared that the pistols hanging from her waist would soon become nothing more than decorations for her.

Despite this she knew that the young woman was her only hope in saving her champion. With this she made a choice. It was not an easy choice to make, and her champion would suffer dearly for it.

She gathered her resolve as she once again focused on her champion in the depths of the traitor Peur's caverns. She gathered her divinity into a single point. A strong surge of power could be felt, as the single point rushed down into the cavern.

The Goddess's strength was not used as a weapon. The strength she possessed would be more than enough to destroy the insignificant demigod who had captured her champion. Unfortunately, the covenant between the light and dark prevented the gods from taking direct actions with their true bodies. This is why they were limited to using avatars, or relying on the demigods below them.

The collection of power was not used to attack Peur, rather it was used to snatch back what was rightfully hers.

The body that Peur had invaded seemed to shudder for a moment, and the demigod let out a scream of rage. The host had been snatched from her, and she was left with an empty shell. She screamed in rage as she could feel a vacuum sucking in her soul into the empty vessel she inhabited.

This was the worst case scenario of her ability. If she infected a host without a soul, or if her host died, her soul would sucked in and fill the void. She would be stuck in that form until she was eventually released through a dark ritual.

An unknown amount of time later Peur could be seen clenching the fist of her knew body. In her chest her true body was still buried deep into her, acting as her own heart. This was the true cruelty of her power. If someone ever tried to free themselves of her control they would die.

She let out an evil smile. While she disliked being forced into a body, this particular one would be rather useful for her. It's strength was much higher than the weaklings she was used to. And if she was lucky than perhaps she could even use it to her advantage.