The day after

It was a day after he woke up and that day had been accompanied by a lot of emotional drama, and he also got to know that he had been unconscious for 2 days which was astonishing as he did not think that the asura drug accompanied with the fight with the zombie would harm his body that much.

Jason was sitting on the top of the truck inside the gun turret, he was shooting down any zombie that came across his eyes.

'But it isn't enough' Jason thought in his mind as he knew that with such efficiency it would be near impossible to complete the quest.

'How am I gonna complete the third level of evolution?" Jason asked himself. They had gained four mana beads before on their hunt and if they include the mana bead from the zombie that almost killed him then there would be 5 mana beads. Because of the unnatural process of evolving through the mana beads which caused them to fain they had not consumed them when they were hunting as it would drastically decrease their hunting abilities.

After Kim brought him back she gave one mana bead to Arya and one for herself they consumed them turn wise so that there was at least one evolved from their group available in case of an emergency.

This had been discussed beforehand as both of them required one mana bead each to evolve the second time.

And now there were three left for him, he had consumed one this morning and now he was waiting for the energy to be assimilated in his body before eating another.

Surprisingly Arya had gained an ability from the mana bead she consumed and she got the ability to control the wind. She became the most powerful powerhouse in the group because she could fly and control the flow of air as per her wish.

Jason had been pretty surprised when she took his hand and brought him up in the air. That had been his most exciting yet terrifying experience so far and when they were up high Arya had given him quite the scare when she told him that she would throw him form such hight next time he gets hurt like that again.

And then she kissed him senseless.

'You can never guess what a woman will do next' Jason muttered under his breath.

'Coming back to matter at hand' Jason mentally steered his thought process into solving the problem at hand. He had a quest looming over his head and he did not know how to kill so many zombies in a 7-day time frame.

"Well it's not as if I have no way, it's just that those ways are a bit over the top, I could just bomb the city with bombs from the store but it would be akin to wasting away all the hard-earned coins in a single go and it would totally destroy the city with killing many survivors so this plan is out" Jason muttered under his breath as he brainstormed ideas to complete the quest.

Jason stopped midway and then facepalmed hard causing his forehead to redden after the impact.

But he did deserve it as even after the zombie taking his life he forgot about the thing that could have let him survive the fight with far less injuries.

He opened the system skill store which he should have opened when he got to level five as new skills would be unlocked that time but due to all his and being on hunting zombies and his overgrown confidence he almost forgot about it.

"It's time I start using this thing inside," Jason said as he knocked his head with his finger.

A new screen popped up which consisted of various blocks containing various skills.

This time there were four more skills in the store.


The users' body goes into overdrive mode fueled with rage and madness. It makes the user use his skills to their max potential and bring out pure destruction on both friend and foe.


The user gets the intuitiveness of a world-class mechanic with which the user can modify vehicles and other automotive to fulfil his imagination.

Mana Construct:

Gives the user the ability to make weapons out of pure mana. As the weapons are made of pure mana a continuous input of mana is required to sustain them. Mana constructs ability can also be used to cover material weapons to make them stronger.

Rune Literacy:

The user gets the basic knowledge of usage of runes to interact with the mana surrounding us. This is a basic skill which dwarves are born with which they can create constructs which can even take down Gods.

"Was there even a need to choose?"









"Yes, there is," Jason said with a grimace. After calculating out how the cost increased exponentially he really thinks there is a strong need to only chose the important ones.

"I can only choose three skills from a total of 6 skills," Jason said after deciding that number to be optimal as if he chooses more he might cut himself from buying more powerful skills he gets in the future,