Return To The Origins(1)....


Lia's words didn't sit well with young Kaya, resulting in an explosive outburst from her. Tears rolled down from youthful face, resurfacing some of the most painful memories of her life as she spat out her words.

Lia said nothing only gave Kaya a pained smile. She was well aware of her mental and emotional state at that moment along with those of the others. Therefore, none of their current words mattered to her.

"Kaya is right, Lia!!! Even after knowing that they are the ones who killed our parents and that they were also responsible for your mom's death, you want to give in to them rather than fight back and avenge their death. Today, they've come after your necklace and didn't gave a second thought before trying to kill these innocent children. You know everything Lia still, you would give in. I'm sorry to say this but, you have disappointed us to no end. For all these years, we believed in you as our last hope and you came in only to shatter everything away just like that. "

Soham's cold, dead tone made his words harsher and even more bitter then he intended, as if he was spitting some long aged venom that reflected his suppressed anger and despair. In his eyes, there was undisguised hatred and scepticism.

Facing Soham's biting accusations, Lia still remained mute.

The children on the other hand, were utterly confused by the suddenly change of mood amongst the adults and cursed Kaya to no end while being helpless. They hugged Lia tightly in order to comfort her when facing Soham's harash accusations.

Nakash : " Nitiya what's going on??? "

Saaransh : " Yeah, when did Lia Auntie said anything about giving up??? I thought she meant that there are other ways around with which we can get back in control. "

Nitiya : " She meant exactly that but, what can we do when people can't follow the basic rules and etiquettes of a polite conversation. "

Saaransh : " Meaning!!!! "

Nitiya : " That's beyond your scope of understanding. "

Nakash : " She means one should not butt in when the other is speaking. By the way Nitiya, I remember you saying that you can't read mom's mind, then can you read it now?? "

Nitiya : " No, I still can't for some reason. I said what I said as per my own understanding of the situation. Also Father Abraham and Brother Fernandez have full confidence in mom. "

Saaransh : " Don't you think we should at least correct them??? "

Nitiya : " Don't!!! Father Abraham will set things straight. "

With that they pleadingly turned to the elder in question, who beside them was equally disappointed at the unexpected turn of events and helplessly kept shaking his head in disagreement.

Nitiya : " Father, please do something!!! "

Nakash : " Father you have to stop this before things get totally out of hands. "

Saaransh : " Father, please stop dad!! You know he is wrong. Please!! Stop him.. "

Saaransh's heart breaking plea crushed the elder. Unfounately, his hands were tied down. Therefore, all he could do at the moment was to try and console the little one and turn this experience into a lesson for them to learn.

Father : " I will Saaransh, only when the time is right!! Don't worry. "

Saaransh : " Why can't you do it now, Father. See how he is hurting Auntie Lia for no reason. "

Father : " I can't dear. Because in order to rectify one needs to first fully complete their mistake. Always remember that a medicine can only work after the venom is completely removed from the wound. That's why your dad and aunt first needs to spill out their inner venom only after which words of wisdom will make sense to them. Their words today are the results of their years of pain, despair, hatred and helplessness. They must get rid of them all only then their true potential will resurface once again, which is why Aunt Lia had specifically chose her words to trigger this situation. "

Saaransh : " What!!! Auntie purposely created this situation??? But why??? "

Father : " That I don't know...But, I can ensure you that each and every one of her actions have a greater inner meaning then it seems on the surface. "

Nitiya : " Father if you already know all the facts then, why are you so disappointed in them??? "

Father : " It's not them that I am disappointed in them, my dear. I am disappointed with myself. For all these years I have tried to light a flame of justice but they, instead chose to indulge themselves in revenge. I have failed as a teacher. "

Silence settled amongst them as Soham and Kaya's harash accusations continued in the background. Though the words were directed towards Lia, they sliced the children's pure, innocent heart. Their pain was unbearable. They didn't know what to say anymore nor did they have words to console their wise, old teacher.

Unable to stand the suffocating silence Nakask possed a question that's been on his mind thus, breaking the silence.

Nakash : " Father, Auntie Kaya butted in without thinking, that's understandable. But then, why is Uncle Soham not thinking straight??? "

Father : " Do you remember what Brother Fernandez taught you about keeping your cool in a critical situation, Nakash?? "

Nakash : " Yep!! I do. Brother told us that we should always try and stay calm in difficult situation and work things out as a team without panicking. Because if we will panic, it will also effect those around us, leading everyone further into the problem rather than solving any. "

Father : " Very good Nakash!!! You are absolutely right and I will have you all know that what's happening before you at the moment is a live example of what happens when you don't follow that rule. "

All three kids : "... "

Nitiya : " That totally makes sense!!! Auntie Kaya interrupted mommy, then allowed her wild assumption to take control over her thought process and began spouting emotional which then effected Uncle Soham and he in turn ended up reacting emotionally as well.

Nakash : " Hmm, that pretty much sums up the situation. "

However, Saaransh was still not convinced and was now even more worried about his father.

Saaransh : " So then are we to just watch mommy getting scolded for no reason??? "

He was well aware that later on his dad will be heartbroken for his words.

Words he could never take back....

The elder didn't reply any further only gestured them to keep watching.

The harash and hurtful accusations continued until both Kaya and Soham ran out of breath as well as words.

It was then that Father Abraham finally to reins in his hands to rebuke his students. His stern, harash words with a deep note of defeat and disappointment rang out in the hall.

" Don't be so haste to conclude, Soham!!!! Even the sun has to set knowing well that with it gone the darkness will take over. Still, it sets only to rise only again with all its might. "

The elder was literally burning with fury. His intense aura and ragging gaze was totally unlike him and something no one had ever seen before ; not even Saaransh on his skateboarding accident.

The elder's sudden roar startled everyone including Lia.

Enough was enough!!

Everyone turned to the old teacher but, none other than Lia and the kids had the courage to look him in the eye.