Talents and Magical Elements

Coming out of the dimension, he immediately went looking for his sister, eventually, he found she was in her room. Knocking on the door, he asked if he could come in, and eventually there was a response. The door was opened, Saiya was dressed in a pair of black pajamas, with a white t-shirt, her hair wrapped in a towel, obviously just coming out of the shower.

She looked at him and asked, "What's up? I am just about to start cultivating." Jacob then hands her the bottle filled with the pond water, "Drink this and try cultivating." Saiya skeptically took the bottle filled with a clear liquid, she could sense that it was filled with a very pure energy, so she sat cross-legged on her bed.

She then drank the pond water, and her eyes bulged, she then quickly entered cultivation. Jacob, realizing that she entered cultivation with no issue, looked around the room while waiting. The room was sparse, but had its uniqueness. Like Jacob, she had a bookshelf and a desk, the difference was that hers was packed full of various fiction books.

She also had a few paintings around the room, he vaguely remembers she had that hobby, Past Jacob never paid too much attention. She had a variety of clothes thrown about, her room a bit messy. As he was still watching, he noticed that Saiya's eyelids were trembling, and sweat was seeping from her pores.

He moved to her, ready to help if anything went wrong. As time went on, her body tensed more and more, and just as he was about to interfere she woke up, a bit of black grime came seeping out of her body. Before he could ask her what is wrong, she made a sprint for the bathroom. Jacob then realized, that in some cases, when refining the body internally, not all the impurities can seep out through the skin, so the body has another way of dealing with it.

He then waits about twenty minutes for her, realizing she was probably showering, and didn't bring anything with her, he glances at a bathrobe and grabs a towel. He then made his way to the bathroom and waited patiently. His lips curled up into a smile. In his heart he scolded Past Jacob for never taking care of his cute younger sister.

Jacob didn't have siblings in his last life, and the closest equivalent was a male cousin a few years older. When he received Past Jacob's memories, thoughts, and emotions, he knew how much he loved his family. His wish was to become strong and protect his family, but he couldn't do that, because he was the weakest of the four. His sister broke through to dantian refinement long before him, and his parents were already four star level experts.

It was this anxiousness that led to him attempting a premature breakthrough, and suffering from cultivation deviation. But, even now, Past Jacob's emotions subtly influenced New Jacob, so his love for his family is still there, even more so as he always wanted a sibling. As he was thinking about the past, a soft swear was heard from the bathroom.

Jacob lightly knocked on the door, "Saiya, you ran too quick, you forgot these, I'm hanging them on the doorknob." There was silence from the bathroom, as the door opened a crack and a pale arm, slightly reddened from a hot shower stretched out, and snatched the tower and bathrobe. A light sound was heard from the bathroom, "Thank you.." then the door was quickly closed.

Jacob went to the living room and sat on the couch, searching for various seeds of spirit plants. He bought plentiful seeds of most low end plants on the market, yet the seeds got rarer for middle tier seeds, and almost non-existent for high end seeds. He is currently in a bidding war for a seed of a "Four Elements Tree" that ends in 4 days.

Four Element trees are rare, but extremely sought after. Eating their fruit allows the chance to awaken or enhance one of the four magical elements of Fire, Wind, Water, or Earth. Besides cultivation, there are two other types of powers, Talents and Magical Elements.

Talents are a unique singular power, rarely are there ever two exact same talents. They do one specific thing, and are very hard to grow and evolve, and can sometimes have requirements to use. They can be strong or weak. Magical Element on the other hand are much more malleable. They can be increased with training, and can be used in many ways.

For example, One person has the ability to summon a flame phoenix to attack his foes, it has a really high heat, and is semi autonomous. Using this talent he can level skip with ease when he was just starting cultivation, but as he grows stronger and stronger, his talent lags behind in use.

On the other side, we have a person with a fire magical Element. At the start, he can barely create more that a spark to light a fire, but as time goes on, and he cultivates his magical element alongside normal cultivation, it gets stronger and stronger with him, to the point where he can shoot fireballs, then set forest on fires with a way of his hand, then even creating a fireball comparable to a sun.

Talents are much more common though, among humans, there is a chance of awakening a talent of one in a million, with genetics increasing those odds. If a parent has a talent, a child has a high chance to awaken a similar talent. Magical elements on the other hand, are more in the range of one in a billion. Though, like Talents, Magical elements have a high genetic relationship. Where if your parent has one, there is a higher chance for kids to have it too.

Now, there is a type of person to really look out for, it is those who have synergistic talents and magical elements. It is no longer a matter of 1+1=2, but 1+1=3, or even 4, or 5 or even more. Say the person who had the fire phoenix Talent, also had a fire magical ability, they would be able to continually reinforce and enhance their Talent with his Element.

Where before their limit was a fire phoenix the size of an elephant, they can now make it bigger and hotter, the more they train. Not including if the Talent evolves and becomes stronger. This allows for the talent which already allowed a person to skip levels in fights, to continue to do so even as they get stronger.

Jacob has decided that his dimension may be a Talent, but he also does not seem to believe it is that simple. His observation time with it is much too short to determine anything for the time being. Though, he has already concocted a simple lie, it being a cultivation talent that produces a mysterious energy liquid that aids in cultivation. First though, he has to hear his sister's experience on what it does.

While he is ruminating, his sister comes into the living room wearing panda pajamas. She seems to have forgotten her embarrassment that happened not too long ago, rather she is jumping around like a bunny that has had too much sugar. She excitedly asked, "What was it that you gave me! It actually changed my energy cycle! I didn't even know that was possible! It changed from just an energy cycle on my bones, to even including my organs!"

It was different than he thought, It seems that the energy makes up for the 'Flaws' it sees in peoples foundation, and because he already had a 'Perfect' foundation, it increased his cultivation instead. He wonders what it perceives as flaws. According to currently known knowledge, you could theoretically make as large and condensed energy cycled as you could imagine, but with the help of the energy liquid, this does not seem to be the case.

He hasn't seen what happens if Saiya drinks anymore though. He then spoke to her answering her questions, "I seem to have awakened a cultivation related talent, it produced this liquid that when I drank it, allowed me to quickly break through to dantian refinement." His words stunned her, this is a talent! With a population of almost 200 billion humans, there has been less than 500,000 recorded talents.

Before she continued speaking, Jacob spoke again, "I haven't tested it's exact effects yet, but I know for a fact I want to keep it a secret for now until I know more about it. I will tell mom and dad about it once I understand it more. For now I want to prepare my breakthrough to the second stage of dantian refinement. I will give you more when I get the chance to make some."

She eventually nodded while adding, "As long as it does not affect your own cultivation." Jacob nodded, then went to his room to cultivate, he has a whole day tomorrow to explore his dimension, and he is curious if any change will happen when he breaks through to the second stage. He then enters his dimension.